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Everything posted by Ash

  1. Ash


    Can someone give me an understandable, but slighty technical explaintion for 10BaseT, its for a college project, but google does not help to much only giving me a small paragraph about it, so i was wondering if any of you can help me?
  2. Ash


    You can search for it, in every draw you own, i had that problem with the sims, but when i registered the game online, it stored the serial, so i could easily find it again.
  3. This is a recent picture of me about a week ago i would say, i am with my girlfriend too!
  4. How random is this topic, its quite funny, in a 'haha' way, not a 'lol' way :P
  5. yeah i do, i did have the defalut sound at first then it changed, all the other sounds are good, its just the one i get when I send a message to another person, does my tits.
  6. Now this may seem dumb, but what do you mean admin account? i got trillian pro i think. btw i forgot to mention in my last post that it is not the firewall that stops it as i have turned it off. does anyone have a link to download MSN 7.0??
  7. I have got a problem, and im hoping you can help me, my MSN runs perfectly on my PC but on my laptop it wont let me log in, i get this message "signing in to MSN messenger failed because the service is temporarily unavailable. Plese try again later." I have been gettin that message for over a week now, it just suddenly stopped one day, didnt change any settings that i know off, i always have downloaded and reinstalled MSN about 10 times, still have the same problem, i have run the connection helper and says everything is fine. any ideas?? I have also got trillian, but i dont like it that much, whenever i type a message i get this really rubbish sound, its not the beep, its more of a harsh bang and i cant change it, how do i?
  8. Yeah same here, need to know abit about the site you would like, if you want to see my other work, vist my website, the link is in my sig!
  9. It is not that out dated, its still a nice card! you might need more RAM though.
  10. Ok, well, i done that test a few months ago, and it was in the top 3%, it is a nice machine, just not to healthy at the moment. Thanks for the advicem downloading now!
  11. Desktop PC, im quite dissapointed Processor AMD Athlon 64 2211MHz Display Card ATI RADEON 9800 PRO Memory 1024MB Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Free Disk Space 151.32GB Display Card Memory 128MB Display Driver Version DirectX Version 9.0c Optical Drive CD/DVD Sound Card Realtek AC97 Audio Your system is among the top 5% of all systems scanned by the Game Advisor
  12. WOW, my new laptop got an impressive score Your system is among the top 21% of all systems scanned by the Game Advisor. Processor AMD Athlon 64 1808MHz Display Card ATI MOBILITY RADEON X700 Memory 1024MB Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Free Disk Space 45.25GB Display Card Memory 128MB Display Driver Version DirectX Version 9.0c Optical Drive CD/DVD Sound Card Realtek AC97 Audio
  13. Has any got, or know where to get the "Official Vista Bliss" in 1280 x 800 resolution?
  14. I got a Laptop :P
  15. What is BST, What is it in GMT?
  16. Welcome back Spieluhr, good too see you!
  17. So would i, thats wickid
  18. What about this one, looks very good, for a very good price, http://www.dixons.co.uk/martprd/store/dix_page.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@0217193039.1127408235@@@@&BV_EngineID=cccgaddfkgmiehfcflgceggdhhmdfhn.0&page=Product&sku=540193&category_oid=-21720&fm=1&sm=1&tm=0
  19. So you would not recommend AMD Processers?
  20. I dont really get on with Mac, i would perfer to stick with Windows, i thought AMD was very good in a laptop?
  21. Yeah that does look nice, is it small? and what is the battery life like? i do like that one one, is that the model you got?
  22. I dont have any signatures to rate, guess it will have to be twiligtlink's nice 7/10 missing a border and abit of detail
  23. I wanted to see the recommendtions that was over at Cube Europe, but its been deleted so i cant, and im sorry to post this another time, basiccally i have a budget off £950/£1000 and i want the best laptop for that price, i CAN NOT go over the £1000 mark, it will be used at home, and will be used like most desktop PC's, has to be wireless, so i can connect to the internet, Graphics are not a major problem, but would like a large screen and a good battery life, not like the one i got now (about an hour tops), would like it small (thin) and light. thanks Edit: i like the look of this one: http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatalog/Samsung_Notebooks.html Samsung X20 HVM 750 Laptop - XP Pro (LT-006-SA) The £995 one, any good?
  24. Its a lot better then the last fourm, i must addmit that!
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