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Everything posted by Ash

  1. got one i think, please get it before xmas :D
  2. Codecs was an essential part of the game though, it filled in the gaps of the story which people could of missed! What i meant was that there was quailty right up to the finsh of the game. there was no part of the game that let me down.
  3. I Cant, I think it is one of the best games ive played with a top notch story line, the game is gleaming with quality until the end!
  4. Very Near me, i am in Maldon, last time i went there it took like 1 and half hours. I dont trust google directions it said that it would take over an hour from maldon to Colchester uni, i use local.live.
  5. What would you recommend then?
  6. What are the risk of buying a Headunit with a non reconisable (sp) Name?
  7. I have had about 20 lessons, and it cost £19 per hour, and the theory was thrown in for free, whoch i past 1st time (34 and 64 go me ) shes says ill take my test round end of march april, i still dont feel ready, my main fault is that i hesitate when pulling out of a junction or a roundabout, i think its more of a fear of crashing, so once i over come my fear, and feel comfortable with my manuvoures i will book my test.
  8. Has this http://www.pixmania.co.uk/uk/uk/92923/art/vdo-dayton/cd-2604-mp3x-car-radio-wi.html got good spec's for the price its being offered for. Could i set it up with any make of speakers or will they need to be the same brand as Headunit.
  9. Yes, i was looking at that one too, seen 3 of them, which all have different makes on it, would that make any difference to the unit itself, ive been looking at the reviews on amazon for that headunit, but everyone seems to hate it http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0009MZ7P2/ref=pd_rhf_p_2/203-1627977-8643101 read the reviews on that, if you lazy heres one "- CD often fails. The only cure for this is a complete hard reset, which loses all my radio stations. Mean time between failures at the moment is about 10 minutes. Not good. I have gone over to using a USB stick instead of CDs. - Occasionally switches to max volume. The cure for this is to turn it off, as the volume control does not respond when this happens. This is potentially dangerous if in busy traffic. - Does not remember its position in a long track. The unit seems to forget where it was if it is more than about 5 minutes into a track. Given that I like progressive rock and electronic music, where 20 minute tracks are common, this is a problem. I also like to listen to podcasts of radio programs, which can be anything up to an hour long. - Audio amp picks up noise from the CD drive. - The display is very bright. As an experiment, I was able to throw quite clear shadows onto my car's roof with my hands last night. - Radio reception is poor. - Cannot turn off TA (traffic announcements). These inevitably occur during the final punchline of Radio 4's 6:30 comedy programs, which is very annoying." Which has put me of that model, there is also this one too http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0009N8KEQ/ref=pd_rhf_p_2/203-1627977-8643101 Out of the 3 i have posted, which one seems the best in you opinion, ignoring the price factor. Would i need someone to install it aswell, or do you think i could be able to do it?
  10. I have just got my first car a Pugeot 106 (52 Reg) and im looking for a Memory Card/USB Head unit, there is only 3 that i can find, for under £160, the one i like the best is this http://www.vdodayton.com/default2_and_fz_menu=cd_2604_mp3x.aspx But i have no idea if it is any good, you people with a lot more expertise in this department, could you please give me some advice on this unit, or is there others which you would recommend? by the way, will this even fit in my car?
  11. Well in that price range you will not get any thing special, be lucky to get a camera, if you could, i would recommend Pay monthly, or the new Pay Monthly T Mobile Option, cant remember what it is called, its the one where you say how much your willing to pay a month, and if you go over that its like pay as you go, and as it is classed as pay monthly you get a free phone.
  12. It does not work for me, i just get "The page cannot be displayed"
  13. what font did you use for coointhezoo Sig?
  14. No this is a sneaky way to try and understand networking, got this network book with questions in, but is useless at explaining about what NIC's are
  15. Yep i think so i have a ATI Mobility Radeon x700 graphics card btw
  16. My Laptop will not play any videos, it plays the sound, but when i get the video screen up nothing is showing, its the same problem for each bit of software, WINAMP, Media Player, Quicktime, Acer Arcade, and the Creative media studio, it treats all the videos like MP3's as i do get the sound. Does any one know why this is happening
  17. I was wondering if you people are a little bit more wise on NIC's then i am, so i was wondering if you could help me out with a couple of questions. Why do you use a Modem for a Wide Area Network, and why do you use a NIC for a Local Area Network? How do you configure a NIC, what information is required, What are the issues that could be incountered when installing a NIC to a new computer, Sorry i have no idea about NIC's and was wondering if you could help. Cheers Ash
  18. I remeber them, the seller was a legend of thinkinh that up!
  19. i remember you mate, sorry to hear about whats happened to you, hope everything is ok now!
  20. Hey I have got to questions for you rev people to help me with, it’s for a college course, any help would be greatly appreciated What are the main factor of 802,11g is and what did 102.11g replace and what is the future for 802.11g, also if there are any alternatives? I also got to write about setting up a wireless network in a café with 10 computers, and I have to start from scratch, I know I need a wireless router and 10 PCI cards or USB Sticks, but not sure what one to go for, what are the disadvantages and advantages of both? Could you recommend me a router I could use? And have I missed anything, all I need is a small description to help me along the lines. Cheers for the help in advance! Ash N.B I have done all this in Google. But I am surprised there is not more information out there on this subject.
  21. Yeah thats a good idea, but this is meant to be a congrats thread, not shout at everyone because there has been a Shake Up (Misunderstanding).
  22. This is getting out of hand, however much i would loved to see this carry on, someone needs to put a stop to it. What has happened tonight though, a massive shake up!
  23. Could this be the start of the end of RE?
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