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Everything posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. A belated birthday to all!
  2. How exactly did that become a commercial for GoPro? Did they stage it? Or do all firefighters run around with GoPro cameras in their helmets?
  3. Screw you guys. I posted about it in here in case anyone who doesn't go into the Doctor Who thread knew something about it. I sometimes avoid it myself because of a fear of spoilers.
  4. So I'm going to London the weekend of the Doctor Who anniversary with a friend, and we want to go to the cinema to see it on Saturday (November 23rd), but we can't find any tickets online - yet, at least. Do any of you England/London people know anything about how they're planning to arrange it? (I posted it here since it's a question about good stuff. )
  5. Have a great birthday, Paj!
  6. Real Life? What game is that?
  7. Oh, yeah, no, I've got it; I was just surprised by how head-over-heels flustered I suddenly was. It's been a while since I've felt that way.
  8. I was quite nervous about moving away from home (and the process of moving was indeed stressful), but it turned out it suited me amazingly. Good luck with it all!
  9. She just liked a silly image I shared on Facebook, and it almost made me squee. Dear lord, I have it bad.
  10. I liked it.
  11. Fuck me, I thought I had improved. Met one of the new girls on my study programme yesterday and fell a bit head over feels for her. Now I'm terrified of how to act around her. WHY AM I STILL A TEENAGER.
  12. Oh, god, the reviews. I can't stop laughing.
  13. Incredible man. R.I.P.
  14. Rodents are hot. Voted for you, Paj.
  15. It's all in the delivery. I have no doubt ReZ would be able to pull it off as a good-natured prank, but this guy was being smug and self-righteous, which was just cringeworthy. EDIT: Beaten to it by Peeps.
  17. I don't really have any childhood photos on my laptop (I think few of them are even digital), but I did have this one: My sort-of surrogate big brother and his friend gaming (look at those sexy monitors) and wee li'l me watching, trying to stay awake.
  18. That is all kinds of adorable. I think in your situation I would've actually explained the situation to the old lady and asked if she could leave for five minutes or so. :p
  19. Can I have some of that? I really ought to take better care of my mouth.
  20. As I wrote on ReZ's Facebook thread, whether this guy was in fact screwed over or not, he's being an immature prick about it. If this is a protest, he's doing it wrong.
  21. Two months too late, bro; I suggested making the proposal a Scare Claire all the way back at the meet.
  22. Damn, that's rough. Sorry to hear it. It's crazy that they went after you when you weren't even involved; I guess they just remembered you being part of that group? But yeah, you definitely should go to the hospital and then take legal action.
  23. While this is true, I really don't think it justifies their treatment of him. Of course, we only have one perspective on it, but flameboy strikes me as a decent chap who doesn't mind doing his part in the household; the way he describes it, it sounds like they're treating him pretty unfairly. Not that it matters, though; it's their house, and so they're the ones calling the shots. You could try taking it up with them, but judging from the brother situation, it appears to be the way things work in that house.
  24. Red decks are aimed at direct damage, but as a result they generally don't have overly powerful creatures or spells; they rely on a quick-fire playing style that overwhelms the opponent.

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