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Everything posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I personally see a bit of Adrien Brody in the right picture.
  2. Thirded on that suit pic, @Animal! Though spoiler it just in case of exploding ovaries. --- Following this year's Movember (during which I got some generous donations from @Cube and @Eenuh! ), and after actually receiving compliments on my cleanshaven look, I have decided ... cue dramatic music ... to return to it. I must confess that I actually, in my own humble opinion, do find that I look quite good - quite possibly better than I ever have. I'm really not trying to sound arrogant, but I felt quite a boost of confidence looking at myself in the mirror. Or maybe I'm just vain. Anyway, this should at the very least please @Fierce_LiNk! :p
  3. tl;dr - All the ladies want Ganepark. It's really not nice of you to hog all that charm for yourself, you know.
  4. I found it only two years ago, but it instantly became my favourite Christmas song. Despite me not being religious at all, I found it so beautiful that it actually brought me to tears. I'm also particularly fond of these classics. In general, though, I just love Christmas music. Oh, yes, forgot this one!
  5. @Animal, I understand perfectly how it can feel, but I do think you're overthinking it as well. Since you were the one at the tills since the last count, your manager logically has to consider you a suspect, but seeing how quickly she let it go, I hardly think she genuinely suspects you of stealing. I say don't sweat it. Of course, if it comes up again, you should defend your case, but unless it does, I'd say just forget about it.
  6. I thought that would be more cringeworthy than funny, but the lyrics are too damn great!
  7. Well, she was smaller on the outside than expected. (Seriously, she's not very tall.)
  8. Brilliant. Absolutely loved it. The way they handled everything and reinvented the series.
  9. So far only a poor quality picture of a picture, but that's not the important part.
  10. Happy birthday!
  11. I approve of your avatar/sig combo! :D

  12. I might actually get some of your cards this year. (If I remember to order them in time ...)
  13. "Private Jensen, I specifically said NO WHEELIES IN THE TANK!"
  14. Great to hear, man.
  15. Definitely by the look/smell/taste. The expiration date is only guidance. In Denmark it literally says "at least good until [date]".
  16. I'm not sure if any of the examples you mention actually fall under this, but I do still think we as a society struggle with the taboo of sex.
  17. The worst part was the sound of the spoon clicking against his teeth.
  18. Man, I thought this would be a discussion about climate change. Yeah, that guy's a complete nutter.
  19. Holy shit, Martin, that's awful. So sorry to hear it. Also sorry to hear about your aunt, Raining.
  20. Ah, yeah, he's my friend's favourite author as well. I've considered getting into his works.
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