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Everything posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. "And then I said to her: 'Who's your daddy longlegs?'"
  2. This would completely make the special for me. The rest can be horrible - if this happens, I'm satisifed.
  3. The only regeneration we haven't seen is from 8 to 9, making it the most probable timeframe for a previous incarnation of the Doctor we haven't seen yet. His clothes support this as he's wearing a Victorian era waistcoat (8th Doctor) with a leather jacket (9th Doctor) over it, suggesting he's midway between the two. The Time War also took place sometime between his 8th and 9th incarnation, making it very likely that the horrible deeds he did were the actions that ended the war.
  4. Blue decks are designed for manipulation; they're difficult to master, but when used properly, they're absolutely devastating.

  5. Sorry, bro, with uni having started up again and me writing my bachelor this semester, I'll hold off for now. But thanks.
  6. Reading up on it, it would appear the quiz thing is the second DLC content in its entirety!

  7. Heh, I know what you mean, though I do prefer the far more professional look of the modern cards.

  8. Fuckin' hell, that went terribly! :p It was so bad, it was funny. By far the most unlucky mafia I have ever been in.
  9. I have a Twitter, but I never actually use it. I still have a compulsion to follow people I like on it, though.
  10. Congrats!
  11. Oh, really? I'm confident I read somewhere that it was the entire case we'd be missing out on. Oh, well, that's much better! :) Though, as you say, it seems even weirder now.


    Ah, cool! As I said, I haven't really been in the loop lately, so I wasn't aware. Thanks for the heads-up, though, I'll go check it out. :) Vaguely apropos, my cousin just gave me a little stack of old Magic cards she had, which was pretty cool; they looked so different back in the day!

  12. They've been able to handle spelling puzzles before, though - one that particularly springs to mind is Ema's name in blood on the broken vase in Rise from the Ashes. However, it might be something that just won't translate to a Western audience; considering we're getting a whole new game and one of the two downloadable cases, it doesn't seem like laziness or a money issue. I think it's genuine concern, but it still bothers me greatly that we're constantly missing out on actual story content in such a plot-heavy series. It's bad style, Capcom. Despite my hopeless optimism I'm starting to consider resorting to fan translation playthroughs, though it doesn't sit right with me.


    (I've been a little out of the loop recently and haven't really taken a look at Theros, but our conversation is also resuscitating my Magic spirit. :D)

  13. On the topic of Ace Attorney and things not being localised, have you heard that one of the two downloadable cases in Dual Destinies won't be released over here as well? Apparently it requires too great a knowledge of Japanese culture, which, while an excuse, is not a very good one if you ask me. Why can't they just let us try it ourselves? It's not as if the Japanese elements in the previous games been off-putting.

  14. It shouldn't even be necessary to mention Skyrim, but I'm listening to it right now, so here's a select few of my favourites right now.
  15. My contribution should come as no surprise: the Ace Attorney series. Simply picking out a selection of the songs is incredibly hard, but here goes.
  16. I thought it was much worse when people started sending a young girl death threats for having made a bad music video. People like that make me sick.
  17. Anyone else thinking that video was staged? Then again, if you're stupid enough to twerk upside down against a door, you're stupid enough to upload it to the internet.
  18. Introducing others to the obscure bands you listen to? Isn't that counterproductive hipster behaviour?
  19. The toughest encounter I ever ... encountered ... only played Primordial Hydras, one each turn from the 3rd turn onwards. It took me forever to beat it, and then only by a hair's breadth using a deck with a spammable mechanic for dealing damage to the opposite player. In comparison I beat the final boss in my first go with the green deck I'd been using throughout the rest of the game - legions of huge creatures and exorbitant amounts of mana FTW. :heh:

  20. How can they test that without giving people a choice? If they take away special features, there's not much incentive left to get a Blu-ray since Netflix and similar services offer much more in terms of practicality.
  21. Are The Studios Trying To Kill Blu-Ray?
  22. You'd totally write the same thing today.
  23. Well, I wouldn't mind not having a concave chest, but I'm not fussed enough with it to have actual surgery. It'd be quite a procedure, and I'm a scaredy cat. While I wouldn't mind being a bit more muscular, either, I actually think I'd rather be a bit more meaty in my upper body area in general; even if I were to gain muscle up there (which I won't, 'cause I'm lazy), I suspect I'd still look pretty thin. Basically I'd like to look slighty less like a skeleton above the waist. But all in all, nothing major. I'm fairly happy with my body as it is. My issues are much more psychologically rooted.
  24. Bloody hell, that sucks. ReZourceman not being on YouTube genuinely feels weird. Not right.
  25. Stoopid? No way! You had the guts to ask him out, which is more than you can say about most people these days. He also declined politely, which I also find speaks volumes.
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