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Everything posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. That's ridiculous. You deserve to know why she threw you out.
  2. Love 'em! I'd say you've nailed the feel of 8-bit games to go along with the sound.
  3. Goafer and I are exclusive. Also I did see you at the last meet and ... well ...
  4. First time training done; it was nice. I think I may have probably underdone it, but then I figure I have to start slow, me being ... well, me. Slow and steady and all that. I have no illusions of becoming a fitness master, I'd just like to shape up my appearance and health somewhat.
  5. I haven't been able to get myself together to vote this year. I don't really feel strongly about any of the categories. Well, except Member Of The Year, which @Goafer has safely secured for himself in my mind for the rest of eternity.
  6. Lately I've been feeling more self-conscious than usual about my physical appearance, especially my concave chest. The only thing that can actually be done about a concave chest itself is surgery (which I'm in no mind to go for since it's purely cosmetic in my case and I'm not that self-conscious about it), but a friend mentioned that going to the gym and building muscle can help make it less obvious (as well as improve overall appearance and health, obviously), so ... yeah - he managed to talk me into going to the gym with him. We're starting tomorrow. This about sums up my thoughts right now: But I'm opting to be positive, hence the posting of it in this thread.
  7. Haven't heard back from the girl I was supposed to have coffee with. Kind of a bummer, but eh.
  8. I haven't watched any of it and don't really know anything about it, but I stumbled upon an article not long ago that really piqued my interest.
  9. My condolences, @gaggle64.
  10. Oh, fuck. I don't know if the first comic softened me up or if I'm still slightly inebriated, but the second one hit me right in the chest.
  11. I believe the reference is to the case of Oscar Pistorius.
  12. It's funny, I actually found I enjoyed it much more when I rediscovered it as an adult. I think perhaps I was a bit too young to properly understand and appreciate everything that was going on when I watched it back in the day.
  13. Don't be so sure; from what we've seen of her, she loves her long, winding stories as much as Ted does.
  14. Oh, I'm not saying they can't, just that I'm surprised to see it in a publication such as The Independent.
  15. It is. Travolta simply botched her name, a fact which has now become a meme of its own.
  16. And this: "The ex-husband was taken to hospital following the altercation, but not before he, in true Zelda fashion, smashed a pot (a flower pot, over the head of Thompson)." Yeah, that struck me as quite odd as well. I checked to see if it was posted by a gaming news site or something.
  17. She sounded like she was nervous. Then again, she did very well for her first time performing it; I mean, imagine being called out at the last second ... well done, Adele Dazeem, well done. It's too bad Idina couldn't make it.
  18. Apart from a lot of the ones already mentioned, one of the series I remember most fondly was the first ever computer-animated TV series: ReBoot
  19. I'm sorry to hear that, Josh.
  20. A month-long trip to the US in July might prove problematic for my attendance, but so far I appear to be available on the most popular date!
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