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Everything posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I utterly, utterly love this.
  2. A slightly belated happy birthday!
  3. Shit - lookin' good, @Animal!
  4. A much belated happy birthday!
  5. Thanks, guys. The "Terrified Dane" meme is the best present I could've got.
  6. Judging by the glimpses at the end, I think Nolan is purposefully withholding a lot of interesting stuff.
  7. Oh, no, not at all; it's definitely a great translation. It's probably just that I'm critical of translations in general.
  8. You make such a gorgeous couple! Huge congratulations! It all sounds amazing!
  9. Because that kind of thing fascinates me, I took a look at Netflix UK's translation; it's good, but it sometimes lacks some nuances.
  10. Jesus, you guys can get cheap haircuts ...
  11. I really enjoyed the show this year; a lot of good entries. My favourite was Switzerland; the whistling, the violin ... it was just a friggin' happy song! Regarding the winner, I'm a bit ambivalent. While it's hard not to admire the amount of support for Austria's entry and the message behind it, I feel it won for the wrong reason; it was a great song sung by a great singer, but it seems undeniable that it won for political reasons. Then again, I guess politics have been a problem with the Eurovision for a long time now. I was also quite shocked that people were booing the Russian performers, as if they could be held responsible for Russia's policies.
  12. They should stop wanking so much over one of the most boring X-Men. #controversy
  13. I found Switzerlan's entry very catchy, and I also liked ... I think it was Slovenia?
  14. Yeah, it sounds like you need more time to process this before getting back into the dating game.
  15. I liked Armenia and Sweden's entries. I also really liked the stage and the presentation of the show in general.
  16. Despite how bad the Super Mario Bros film is, I actually really love it. It's just so wonderfully tacky. R.I.P.
  17. This year I plan on staying in London from Friday until Sunday/Monday, so if anyone is doing the same, I was wondering if we could arrange something regarding accomodation.
  18. Damn, that's a tragedy.
  19. Looking at that profile, though, I'm not sure it's actually Miyamoto ...
  20. I don't do anything about my appearance in particular, really; I shower regularly, brush my teeth, get a haircut once in a while ... the common things. I am confident I could be eating and sleeping a lot better than I do currently, though. Regarding my beard, since I started shaving it again I've heard rather differing opinions. Apparently beards are quite the divise issue.
  21. No, that is precisely what he isn't doing; he's deeming an act right or wrong independently of culture. And even if that wasn't the case, the entire point of freedom of speech is that he doesn't need to keep his opinion to himself.
  22. Though I claim to be sobering up at the end of my review, after closer scrutiny I have concluded that I am still rather not-sober.
  23. As I said, when in doubt, I'd always rather overdress than underdress. But what's so embarrassing about having to ask? I think it's the polite thing to do; you want your clothing to, if you'll excuse the pun, suit their expectations for the occasion.
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