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Everything posted by Columnar

  1. Yay:yay: I knew I had psychic abilities:heh: Would be great if you could play it online. This will defo draw me back to the PS3 as I've been spending a lot of time on the 360 recently so, yeah, really looking forward to it. EDIT: Maybe not - turns out it'll be the crappy PS1 port and not the Arcade version (obviously. Why did this not click to me straight away). The Arcade version is on 'Alpha Anthology' on PS2 so why not just port that. The Saturn version is the next best one after that. Oh well.
  2. Capcom have said that there is to be a big surprise for Street Fighter fans in this Thursday's PSN update! Apparently it won;t be a SSF2THDR beta but will be something exciting. They're also working on some themes as well. I personally think it might be 'Street Fighter Alpha' - it was rated by the ESRB in America over a year ago as a DL for PSN and has never appeared. Only three days to go.
  3. I wondered whether the fan was still on if the PS3 was on stand by - there's been a few times in the past where the unit felt a little warm when I had it on stand by and I thought that it was warm cos it was a hot day ( ). Now that some of you have mentioned that you've never heard the 'other fan' I'm a bit scared that mine might have a problem. I thought the 40GB units were supposed to run cooler and not heat up like the old 60GB. Oh well, I'll see what happens.
  4. I'm amazed that no-one has mentioned the PS3 Fan. I've had my PS3 since January and all has been well, but since I moved house back in March, my PS3 seems to be getting hot really quickly and the fan comes on after about 10 minutes and the noise it makes - seriously, it sounds like a Space Shuttle with ten jets strapped to it, ready for launch. Its unbearable and what I don't get is that it is in a really cool place with lots of ventilation. I've done the old Fan Test twice to try and clear away some of the dust that might have built up in the vents and its helped slightly as has laying it horizontally - the fan still comes on but then shuts off after about 20 minutes. As for the 360. I had a launch Core unit that lasted 21 months before it bit the dust. Got a shiny new Arcade unit for my birthday in June. It does seem quieter than my old one although after about a month I was playing Tomb Raider Legend and it crashed. Tried to turn my console off and it wouldn't go off so pressed the eject button and the drive got stuck for about 2 seconds, made a horrible grinding noise and then opened WITHOUT THE DISC IN THE TRAY. Its as if it had fallen out and the disc kind of just rolled out once the tray was fully exposed. But apart from that, nope, no problems:indeed:
  5. I was at good ol' Meadowhall in Sheffield today where I bought: SoulCalibur IV (360 with USELESS Tin Case) from GAME £40 3 month Xbox LIVE Gold card from Zavvi £15 Batman T-shirt from FCUK £25 Heroes T-shirt (that says HIRO: Master of the Sword) from Zavvi £10 Parents 25th Wedding Anniversary Card from Birthdays £3 And I changed £50 into $100 So all in all, a pretty productive day me thinks.
  6. Just got it today on 360 and played a few matches online. Never played a fighting game online before so getting used to the lag has been a bit hard but I'm loving it so far. Anyone want a match just add me.
  7. I used to get teased a lot at school because I wasn't into sports and didn't really get on with a lot of the boys and like some people here have said, I was in a smaller social group and didn't really interact with anyone else outside my little circle. However, the difference with me is I was in denial and used to be really hurt if people used to say that I was gay - it was almost as if the 'act' I was desperately trying to keep up (and miserably failing at) was totally transparent. It also didn't help that I am a huge bitch and gossip merchant and also a HUGE Kylie Minogue fan but hey:heh: So I agree with what has been said. You know yourself that you aren't gay and so what if people think you are. Believe me, its even harder when you are because you have to live with your 'secret' until your ready to accept it - something I've only been able to do for about a year now. Chin up: peace:
  8. Wii is fast becoming the new Dreamcast I tell you. Really, really don't want to get my hopes up but a new JSR would be amazing. As would the rumoured Shenmue pack, Skies of Arcadia 2 and Space Channel 5. Maybe if Samba de Amigo does well we'll hear more about these games? Oh and I'm the same - REZ is one of the best games ever. Still not got round to downloading REZ HD and I wouldn't mind a new version on Wii either. Aah Dreamcast:bowdown:
  9. Add me people (on 360)! Getting my copy on Sunday and need people to play against!
  10. My Mum is Scottish and my Dad is English. I was born in England but moved to Scotland when I was two so I have a Scottish accent and consider myself Scottish through and through. I've recently moved back to England after 21 years and miss Scotland like you wouldn't believe - they're just completely different places with equally different people but I won't get started on all of that. And as for a 'United' Kingdom:indeed: Anyway, yeah I'm Scottish goddamnit.: peace:
  11. 19" Samsung HDTV that I got for Xmas last year. I use RGB for Wii and only have the one HDMI socket that I use to play 360 and PS3.
  12. Jumping on the band wagon slightly but add me too: Columnar23. Hardly play my PS3 anymore and just got a new 360 for my Bday last month so add especially with Soul Calibur IV out on Friday - need some asses to kick:heh:
  13. Got my Unconditional offer to do my Post Grad MA in Social Research @ Leeds Uni today! Can't wait to go back to Uni and only two months to go!
  14. Yay Cammy won the vote for which character people want to see in the console versions of SFIV!!!
  15. I was just over 4 weeks without mine last October. Got a new 360 for my birthday last month and all was going well until I was playing Tomb Raider Legend the other night and it froze on me. Hasn't happened since but I am slightly nervous. Thank God I also have a PS3.
  16. I must be 'one of those people that's really into the series' because I was shocked when she blew up the mansion!!! Underworld is my most anticipated game of this year - roll on Nov 21st.
  17. Has to be the Dreamcast for me - I can't believe it'll be 10 YEARS since its Japanese launch this November. Too many amazing games and there's still loads I need to catch up on. So yeah, DC as my favourite with the GameCube and Saturn joint second.
  18. Might finally be able to have a game with some of you guys now! PSN id: Columnar Game I play online: Sega Rally Sega Superstars Tennis Games that I have but have never got around to playing online: GTA IV MGS 4 Team Fortress 2 Feel free to add me especially for SST - I've STILL not managed to have a single game of that online yet and I've had it since March:indeed:
  19. Does anyone know anything about Capcom releasing a controller for the 360 to coincide with the release of SSF2THDR? My brother was on Capcom's official forums the other night and apparently a Capcom employee told everyone not to invest in Arcade Sticks or 3rd party controllers because they have something planned to help with people complaining about the 360s D-pad (no mention of anything happening on PS3) so I assume there will be some sort of 6-Button pad being released with a better D-pad?
  20. Yeah I heard Eternal Sonata might not be getting a Western release - I could get it on 360, but as you guys have said the PS3 has loads of extras so I was waiting for that. If the worst comes to the worst, will the game not get an Asian release with an English language option in it???
  21. Ah yes... finding a job. I haven't actually worked for over two years now:o I left my job when I got to the end of my 3rd year @ Uni cos I was really struggling with work and finding the time to study so I quit and my honours year went by without a hitch. I graduated last year and like most people on here, having a degree didn't seem to mean shit - especially as I'd only had the one job and that was in retail. So many, many rejections later I decided to take the rest of the year off and go do a Post-Grad this year which I applied for today and have decided that I should probably get a P/T job just to help with general Uni-ness and also paying my parents back for the fees that they are paying for me to do my PG. Applied for a couple of jobs today so fingers crossed everything goes well. Good luck to everyone else - finding employment is one of the most soul-destroying tasks there is:shakehead
  22. Well apart from playing games and researching all I can about them my other really big passion is for Australia's finest export - KYLIE!!! (hence the picture of Cammy - I love Street Fighter & Ms. Minogue). I've always liked her and I'm going to see her in Manchester on July 14th. Everyone who knows me knows I love Kylie so when I'm not talking about games I'm usually talking about her. I'm also fascinated with Space and the Universe - if I was smart enough I would have loved to have been able to work @ NASA.
  23. Ah OK that's made me feel a bit better! Sorry that its happened to you again though:shakehead Its going to happen to the 360 that I got repaired. My brother has it sitting in the corner of his bedroom on the carpet absolutely covered in dust. Mind you, its been like that for 6 months and it hasn't broken yet.
  24. @Noodleman - how old is your Xbox? I had a launch Xbox 360 that RROD'd last October. Got it fixed and sold it to my brother and it's still going strong. I recently got a new 360 for my birthday at the beginning of June (Arcade HDMI model) that was manufactured in March this year and was told that new models don't RROD (yeah right) so I'm just wondering whether you have a newer model 'cos I'm scared it will happen to me again.
  25. Resident Evil 2 and Dino Crisis for me.
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