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Everything posted by Columnar

  1. Why is everyone talking about the 360 version? I'm importing the GAMECUBE version from the US. It looks like its going to be the last ever GC game so that's another plus point for me - a great game to end a great console.
  2. Just clicked on the link to kotaku and if any of these rumoured games are true I think I'm going to die - I've been waiting for Shenmue III since Jan 4th '02 (when I finished Shenmue II). New updates of any DC games on 360 & Wii would be a dream come true for me!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I've never played Pikmin 2 even though I loved Pikmin 1. Also Baten Kaitos Origins, Paper Mario 2 and Mario Power Tennis. One game I always wanted to play but never got round to buying was Tales of Symphonia. That changed in May when I got a cheap Yank version off eBay but I'm really disappointed with it - I've only played it about 4 times. I just can't get into it.
  4. Goddamn it lol . Oh well at least you've emmigrated to a beautiful part of the world. I'll just call you a pseudo-Scot then.
  5. find-games.co.uk is a good site to find games and consoles - I use it all the time. Here in Aberdeen the Wii is always out of stock, its very rare that you see them sitting on the shelf and whenever I'm in Game or GameStation there always seems to be someone either at the till or phoning up about Wii (and DS) availability. (seanraaron - nice to see another Scot m8:) )
  6. Goron_3: I've got all the Splinter Cell's on Cube and Xbox mainly because I wanted to see just how much better the graphics were on Xbox over Cube (which they were - I couldn't believe how good Chaos Theory & Double Agent looked on the Xbox) and because the levels are a lot more expansive with different routes and enemies stuff like that. I got Double Agent on 360 because it's a totally different game from Cube and Xbox. Like I said I'm a games hoarder I just can't help it. I'm really tempted to try Double Agent on Wii although the reviews have been less than positive. If I do buy it I'll have FOUR versions of that game ( I really do love SC though - can't wait for Conviction on 360 but not til '08 )
  7. While I agree that some of the ports to GameCube of Splinter Cell were not great, I have and completed all four of them and I loved every minute of them. If you've never seen Splinter Cell on Xbox then there's nothing really to compare them to. I think you should start with Choas Theory or Double Agent (if you can find it) as they are easily the better two of the series in my opinion. But if you can get a cheap Xbox its probably better that you buy them for that.
  8. 152 & 162 Hours!!! I've never played a game for THAT long, mainly because I get bored really easily. However, there are four games that I've spent over 30 hours playing and they are: Shenmue & Shenmue II on Dreamcast Baten Kaitos on Cube (still not finished) Zelda: TP on Cube (not finished that either)
  9. I've had my Wii since June 23rd but have already got 6 games for it: Wii Sports Sonic and the Secret Rings Mortal Kombat Armageddon WarioWare: Smooth Moves Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition Excite Truck Not really sure what to get next so if anyone can recommend any that would be great. Torn between Call of Duty 3 or waiting until 10/08 and getting Trauma Centre (never played the DS one). I can only afford one just now - only recently graduated and finding a job with an English degree is proving more difficult than I thought.
  10. [quote name=pedrocasilva;514063 Street Fighter 3 was what the creator of this thread asked for so it would be a port of a existing game nonetheless. Not much diference' date=' and even if they did a waggle control scheme it would be utter stupid to remove the classic aswell, it's easy to do and doing otherwise would not please a lot of hardcores.[/quote] I suppose Street Fighter III may have been an odd choice for an update on Wii but I do agree with pedrocasilva, a port could easily be made with classic and WiiMote controls to keep everyone happy - I'd rather see these games on Wii than 360 or PS3 because I don't have a PS3 and have found the 360 a bit underwhelming so far.
  11. As a Dreamcast and GameCube owner the answer is really a no-brainer: CAPCOM!!! They gave us a ton of amazing 2D fighters on DC as well as Resident Evil CODE: Veronica and PowerStone. On GC we had all the core Resident Evil series, Viewtiful Joe, P.N.03 (which I happen to think is seriously underrated) and killer7. Konami have never really made games for the consoles I've owned (especially on DC) but I do like Silent Hill and Metal Gear: Twin Snakes.
  12. A lot of people seem to find the Splinter Cell games quite hard/frustrating but I have found all four of them relatively easy - they aren't walk overs as such but they never had me tearing my hair out in frustration.
  13. I am a bit of a games hoarder and have got loads of games across multiple platforms - I try not to do it but curiosity about how a particular game will look on a different console (especially if a game is ported to a more powerful console) always gets the better of me! I have: Resident Evil (PSOne/Saturn/Cube - although in some ways its practically an entirely new game) Resident Evil 2 (PSOne/Dreamcast/Cube) Resident Evil 3 (PSOne/Dreamcast/Cube) Resident Evil CODE: Veronica (Dreamcast/GameCube) Resident Evil 4 (Cube/Wii) Tomb Raider (Saturn/PSOne/PC) Tomb Raider II (PC/PSOne) Tomb Raider III (PC/PSOne) Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation (PSOne/Dreamcast) Tomb Raider Legend (360/Cube) Splinter Cell (Xbox/Cube) Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (Xbox/Cube) Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (Xbox/Cube) Splinter Cell: Double Agent (Xbox/Cube/360) Prince of Perdia: The Sands of Time (Xbox/Cube) Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (Xbox/Cube) Shenmue II (Dreamcast/Xbox) Street Fighter III: Double Impact/W Impact (PAL & NTSC-J) Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Dreamcast/PSOne) -I think that's it LOL. I think I have a problem....
  14. You know what you are right - it probably should have been! I feel a bit stupid now lol.
  15. Hi Everyone! Just wanted to know what, if any, Dreamcast games people would like to see sequels of on Wii? I would love to see new versions of: Skies of Arcadia Jet Set Radio Space Channel 5 Rez Street Fighter III (although Street Fighter IV would be unbelieveably amazing - come on Capcom!!!) & of course I would love to see Shenmue III on Wii (or 360). So over to you - which games would be great on Wii?
  16. Dexter - have you tried the site: find-games.co.uk? They give you a list of places where a game is in stock - granted many of the sites they feature I have never heard of or used but it still might be worth a try. I just looked and the only place where you can get RE4 Wii quickly would be tesco.com where they say you should have it within a week. Hope this helps!!!
  17. I've only had my Wii since June 23rd and I'd read too many horror stroies about Wii's overheating on stand by mode. I left on stand by when I first got it but it was becoming VERY hot so I stopped doing it after about a week and have had no problems - I'd be devestated if my Wii broke!!! One other thing - has anyone noticed that sometimes when you are finished playing a game and try to go 'Home' you get a picture of the Home logo blue-house thing with a line going through it not letting you go back to the Wii menu? Its happened to me a lot especially playing 'MK Armageddon'. Is this a normal thing to happen or is it just me?
  18. Best three GameCube games for me are: 3. Soul Calibur II 2. Zelda: Twilight Princess 1. Resident Evil 4 (although "Wii Edition" is better).
  19. I think I've got quite a few rare PAL ( & NTSC) GameCube games. I count them as rare because these are the games that either go for loads of money on eBay or ones that you never/rarely see (obviously). I've got: Lego Star Wars II Splinter Cell: Double Agent Tomb Raider Legend Zelda: Twilight Princess Zelda: Collector's Edition Beyond Good & Evil Lego Star Wars I Hitman 2 killer7 Freedom Fighters Mortal Kombat Deception (NTSC) Chibi-Robo! TMNT (NTSC) Tales of Symphonia Baten Kaitos I TimeSplitters: Future Perfect The Holy Grail of RARE GC games is the PAL version of Naruto which is called 'Naruto: Clash of Ninja - European Version' which was released 24.11.06. I only knew it existed because of Nintendo Europe's Website. I've seen it a few times on eBay - last one I saw went for £75! Anyone got/played it?
  20. There are tons of games I've got on Cube that I still haven't finished let alone want but I would still like to play: Pikmin 2 Baten Kaitos Origins Chaos Field Ikaruga Naruto: Clash of Ninja - European Version (which is surely THE RAREST PAL Cube Game) Sphynx and the Cursed Mummy Viewtiful Joe 2 Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
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