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Everything posted by Columnar

  1. I'm up for some matches of SSF2THDR and SF IV (from Friday) on Xbox. Gamertag: Columnar23
  2. Me too, got my pre-order for the game and controller at Amazon since Jan 21st all for the princely sum of £55.31 which includes P & P. Never pre-ordered with Amazon before so I hope I get it on Friday - I don't know what I'll do if it doesn't show up on the 20th:shakehead But yes, as others have said I couldn't be more hyped for Friday. It really will be amazing I'm sure of it.
  3. Oh I really CANNOT wait for SF IV - its probably my most anticipated game in years. I just hope the fight pad is good and that Amazon get it and the game (obviously) to me on launch day as I really don't think I could cope if Feb 21st came around and I hadn't played it yet! Its great to be a fighting game fan just now with this, 'Battle Fantasia' and 'King of Fighters XII' all to come and with the fight pad its going to be amazing.
  4. Really looking forward to this. Used to have it on PC but never got finished so definitely a day one purchase for me. Has there been an official release date announced?
  5. I'm a former Dundee Uni student, was there from '03-'07 and got an MA Honours degree in English. Not heard the term 'fun-dee' in ages - it brings back all sorts of memories:heh:
  6. Don't usually post in here much but thought I would share what a great day I've had with you all... I lost my job today - another victim of the Credit Crunch. The company I work for went into Administration in November, and my boss got a phone call this afternoon to say we're closing TOMORROW. We've only been open since September! Sucks to be me employment wise just now:( HOWEVER, started back @ uni yesterday doing my Post Grad MA in Social Research and met three very interesting people today - a White Scottish girl, a Black English guy and a Blind Egyptian - one of the weirdest days ever.
  7. Hmm, well I have been playing a lot of Lost Planet lately so maybe that's it - I never knew that about multiplayer games.
  8. OK something weird is happening to my 360 just now so I hope one of you guys can help me! Over the last couple of days whenever I try to download something off of Live, it starts the download fine but whenever I play a game it stops downloading and I get a message that pops up to tell me that downloading has stopped. As soon as I quit the game it resumes downloading. This never used to happen but now all of a sudden it is no matter what I try to download. When it does download, its gotten really slow as well so what I need to know is, do you guys think its something wrong with my network or my 360? Everything else is working fine its just this and its starting to annoy me slightly. Any help would be great!
  9. Not played the other two but I got Eternal Sonata about a month or so ago and love it. The fighting system took a little while to get used to, but yeah really enjoying it - which reminds me I haven't played it in a while. Not too difficult, no random battles and no level grinding.
  10. Nothing would warm my heart more than to see a new SEGA console but it just will not happen - there's more chance of a Mario game being a launch title for the Xbox 720 or whatever it will be called. And even if SEGA did ever release another console I don't think I could take seeing it butchered and abandoned like my precious little Dreamcast was:(
  11. Yeah I agree - I found Assassin's Creed got quite boring after a while but even though its as repetitive, somehow PoP still has me actually wanting to play it. Does anyone know what the Download Content for the game is going to be if anything?
  12. I cannot wait for this game - even more so now that Cammy is defo in it. Been plating SSF2THDR quite a lot online and not come across many Cammy players - getting a bit annoyed with all the Ken/Ryu/Akuma spammers though. If I don't use Cammy then I think I'm quite good with Chun Li and Fei Long so will be interesting to see how my skills carry over with these three in SF IV.
  13. Defo try Valkyria Chronicles. I got it for xmas and then my damn PS3 broke on Boxing Day but the few hours I've spent with it were amazing - get my replacement PS3 next Monday and its the first game I'll be playing. Also, if you liked Dead Space try, SIREN: Blood Curse which you can download off PSN or buy on BD.
  14. Thanks for the heads-up Cube. I'm quite surprised how much I'm enjoying it so far I just hope that it stays that way!
  15. I got this yesterday - took a long time for me to go for it as I still can't believe how shockingly bad Sonic06 was and the fact that most of you on here seem to like it, and so far, really enjoying it. Not played that many levels yet and there has been a couple of annoying bits but fingers crossed the rest of the game doesn't nose dive.
  16. OK hopefully crisis averted. Phoned up Sony and got a very friendly chap to send me a replacement console on Jan 5th. Their service is far better than Microsoft's in my opinion - I just hope it doesn't happen again.
  17. So much for PS3s being more reliable than 360s... My 11-month old 40GB PS3 has decided to stop reading Blu-Ray games and movies. I was merrily watching Indy IV for the first time tonight and the bloody thing crashed about halfway through the film and was making these weird noises, as if the laser was moving backwards and forwards a lot. I then had to force the system to shut down to even get the disc out and now it just will not load up any BD discs. Is the Sony repair service easy to use? Think I'm going to wait till after the New Year to send it in but so pissed off just now.
  18. I have a question: Did Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty come out here on Blu-Ray? I was under the impression that it was all set to go and then was cancelled at the last minute and released in pretty much every European country bar the UK? I ask because my brother seems to have bought me a copy from GAME today for xmas and I was quite shocked to see it. Also got SIREN on BD today and it seems I'm pretty shit at it. I find it very disorientating with the sight-jacking thing on.
  19. Not really Christmas games but Shenmue I & II always remind me of the festive period since they both came out near xmas and I got them as presents in 2000 & 01 respectively. Come to think of it, Shenmue I started at the end of November and as you got nearer to Christmas, Dobuita was adorned with decorations!
  20. Yay yay yay 4 Cammy. I'm gonna be kicking some asses with her just like I have been on HD Remix (well, sometimes:heh: ). Got the new promo art for her on my desktop right now. Roll on Feb 20th.
  21. Totally agree with Jordan. Finished on Sunday night and loved every minute of it. Going to start a new game to get some of the Achievements I missed and also complete it on hard. Also, the first DLC should be out next month on 360 so its not over yet.
  22. I got it for 360 today and I'm loving it - kind of like the build up to SF IV. If anyone wants a match add me - I'm only Silver just now but should be Gold by the end of the week. Got a few of you on PSN but not on LIVE: Columnar23
  23. Thanks to all of you who helped me with my problem with Hitman! I did indeed have to plug my 360 into my TV with an RGB SCART lead and change the bloody setting to PAL60 and then plug my HDMI back in to play it. All is well now.
  24. OK I have a question. If you have an HDTV and you're playing your Xbox 360 through any HD resolution (720p, 1080i etc) your TV is in PAL 60Hz mode right? I've just tried to play 'Hitman: Blood Money' on my 360 and it keeps telling me that the game does not run in PAL 50Hz and that I have to change my Console Settings to 60Hz mode. There is no option to change Hz (as far as I can see) and I just tried DOA 4 (which also says on the box '60 Hz only') and it runs perfectly so does anyone know what could be wrong? Got a new 360 in June and this is the first time I've even put the Hitman disc in the machine and it just won't run. I'm using an HDMI cable if that helps? :confused:
  25. Well I got my copy of ME on the 360 with my Fenchurch T-shirt from GAME in the post this morning and I can pretty much sum up the game so far in one word... FRUSTRATING I have never got so flustered with one game in all the years I've had consoles. Maybe its just me but seriously, it is so annoying. I have been waiting for this game since I saw the first trailers back in May, loved the Demo and now the game is just so... AARGHHHHH!!! You need absolute pinpoint accuracy and timing of your button presses or you just end up dead. The runner-vision hardly helps you at all - I've lost count the amount of times that I just don't have a clue where to go and Faith gets killed from about three gunshots. The biggest annoyance so far is what the 'B' button does. When you press and hold B, your pointer moves in the direction that your goal/destination is in. For the love of God DON'T press it while you're running. The camera spins to the direction of the goal and Splat! you're dead. I'm slightly gutted and as you can probably tell really pissed. As I said it might be just me and that I'm shit at it but I'm fizzing right now. Achievements come thick and fast though and when its not being a bitch its still a great game. OK rant over.
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