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Everything posted by jammy2211

  1. Mario Galaxy will sell more in the long term I think, Halo is always the sort of game which has a huge launch for a few weeks and then disappears. On the other hand MArio Galaxy will have pretty much infinite legs, probably being in the Japanese / USA top 20 for a good couple of years and slowly creeping towards and eventually surpassing Halo 3. I mean, Halo is very limited by it's userbase and will struggle to get past 6 million with just 10 million console owners, I honestly don't see it outselling Halo 2. I think Mario Galaxy will get 4 million sales in just Japan in the long run, just look at how well Nintendo marketed their big DS games, some of them are still in the top 20 above newly released 360 and PS3 games.
  2. I don't get where they got the figure $170 million from, I mean, official it sold 1.2 million on day one, nowhere near that figure. I'm sure I'm forgetting some genius way they make money from it, but it doesn't add up for me yet. Still very successful, just sounds like a horrid exhaggeration.
  3. `Is he trying to victimize Nintendo for making good games, being a very competitive developer and publishers, while pushing the standards of quality on their system higher? :/ As for the sloppy controls, I've always been quick to criticize them or whatever, but for the most part I've found their fine, and those that arn't are third party games. What does Dave Perry even do nowadays?
  4. I think third parties have picked up ALOT in the past 8 months, I mean for starts we've already had annouced the sort of third party exclusives we never saw during the N64 or GameCube, and although there is a clear quality difference between the best first party and third party games, it is reducing in size rapidly. I think what we're more worrying is will any third party have the balls to come through and take a true risk on a game, perhaps putting a huge franchise on the Wii which isn't a spin off, or try give it a budget which is comparable to a 360 or PS3 game. We've not yet seen that happen, and we're just insecure that it won't. I'm satisfied with the progress third parties have made, you've got to consider both the N64 and GameCube were hell consoles for third parties, so they're going to be very careful with the Wii. So far so good though.
  5. It's hard a good two months of rumours and build up to which very little discussion is made. Hell, we've just found out it definitely exsists and it's struggle to reach second page.
  6. I swear this game is getting absolutely no hype. It's now 100% definite and to be honest should be awesome. There is still a long way to go but provided it has some legendary songs in it, and multiplayer it's a winning formula. Could end up a great game for me.
  7. Have you not seen the PS2 and DS libraries? Cheap and Nasty is the huge majority, but it still doesn't stop the fact there is are tons of quality games released very often.
  8. Yep. You gotta give it to Nintendo, they know how to make wide-appealing games.
  9. Lol, the irony is 'casual' games like Animal Crossing still sell to tons of the hardcore players, cause they have that crossover appeal. At least thats how it is down here.
  10. It's on IGN. These screenshots do absolutely no justice to how awesome they look in motion. IGN had alot of praise for the game in their hands-on.
  11. Is this post for real? :/ Anyway, Retro and Monolith could very much be important studio's for Nintendo this generation in creating these sorts of games. Look forward to what comes next from Retro.
  12. Just watched the trailer, and the graphics left my jaw dropping. I'm proper confused like, the screenshots in this thread are horrific but that trailer was just wow. Definitely gone onto my must buy list, that trailer just looked incredible. It feel almost like those screenshots are from the ps2 game, and the trailer was the Wii version :p.
  13. Ninjabread man is the best mascot ever. But the games suck.
  14. Surely Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 proves that statement wrong? And games like Medal of Honour: Heroes 2 never seem short of gaining praise.
  15. Well, Mashed was awesome, but I swear that actually had some sort of effort put into the graphics. I mean, what the hell can they say to excuse THAT? There comes a point where even if it's fun, I don't care, cause the developers obviously don't either. Just give us Mashed 2, my God that'd rule.
  16. I'd just like to see the third parties step up really, I think everything else is fine, Nintendo are still making great games and the console is great for me but the third parties just arn't cutting it. I can already seeing their emphasis changing though, and am getting much more impressed, but am still waiting for them to make games on the scale of a first party title, which feels like it could be a long wait >_>.
  17. Not a clue what our source is, but this is from the site I work on, and looks pretty legit :/. It's supposedly the final track list. http://www.consolegaming.eu/newspost.php?id=271 Also, I'm praying we can get BFMV - Tears Don't Fall for download or something. I don't even like them that much but that song would be awesome to play, hmm. Also, this whole thing about Wii's not being able to fit downloadable content. How exactly is the ps2 going too, that has even less space then the Wii. I know the US has a ps2 hard-drive, but that never made it to Europe... so er, help please? :/
  18. They're normally tailered towards the Press, so that the Press can then go off and write about whatever Nintendo tell them. Although I'd imagine both third parties and the press would be in attendance.
  19. I'm impressed, don't think I'll buy it due to the amount of games coming out around it. Think I've got a review copy lined up though, so it should be alright just for that .
  20. As I said, they seem to be putting in alot to add replay value. Over 500 items for you to collect is a good example, as I don't believe you need to collect them to complete the game. Sounds like there's plenty of unique items too, such as assembling the guy out of body pieces. I wouldn't worry so much anyway, Capcom are aiming at 20 hours gameplay which aint too shabby, and I would imagine a very steep difficulty curve. Sounds to me like a winner.
  21. They're adding lots of items and goodies for you to go back and collect if you miss them previously, so there should be a fair deal of replay value in there. It's apparently 20 hours to complete, but one puzzle can get you stuck for ages, hmmm.
  22. Surely todays update means Isaac might be a playable character? I hope .
  23. The second one. That was just ruled, so much. Hard mode took us about 4 years to complete, although there was some crazy glitch would screwed it up first time for us . They were all awesome though, in their own way.
  24. He was talking specifically about Japan with that statement, and to be honest, he has a point. All the 'long epic games' are declining in sales in Japan, in favour of other sorts of games. Not so much minigame packs, but equally not adventure games. He did say it was selling well in the Americas and Europe, and I don't see Nintendo's line up any different to the GameCube's in all honesty :S. Except, third parties seems to be more focused on making exclusive 'long epic games' as well as others porting their old games or making some cash-in minigame compilation. All he ever really does is speak his opinion, and I think he was spot on. The demand for these sorts of games in declining in Japan, but I don't think their solution is going to be turning their back on all their old fans.
  25. Well that's the confirmation I didn't want to see. Oh well, I guess I'll ignore it. To the max.
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