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Everything posted by jammy2211

  1. After the E3 press conference I'm sure this is false. I mean, it must be? :/ *may get PS2 version after all*.
  2. German then, there is no such thing as the "English Version" as much as there is a German, Spanish, Italian or French :/. Or just PAL, like he said :S.
  3. Well then, I think we've just got another great Wii game on our hands . I think I spent 2 years playing worms 2 in my childhood :/.
  4. The Netherlands get the same game as us, Italy, France, Spain and everywhere else in Europe :/. (the PAL version)
  5. Looks great, another third party game with plenty of TLC being put in . This sort of thing is right up my street.
  6. All the Golf Games thus far sucked, so this one might turn it around? Oh, and King of Clubs is ANOTHER Golf game coming to the Wii, rofls.
  7. I think the real challenge for Nintendo is to make software which both casuals and dedicated gamers can enjoy, with no loss to one or the anothers enjoyment. They've pulled it off on the Ds with some of the best selling games, and I think Super Mario Galaxy will show everyone how to do it in the home console world. MArio Galaxy just has it all, an appealing art style, multiplayer co-op, simple controls but a depth in gameplay, and just that Mario appeal, not to mention no doubt a huge market campaign to follow it. I think Metroid and Smash Bro's will be much more aimed at only the hardcore market, but they'll still rack up a huge amount of sales as there are alot of hardcore gamers who will buy a Wii to go with their 360/ps3 just cause they can afford it. I think there are some third party games which will be able to cross-over appeal too (RE:UC, Zack and Wiki, NiGHTS are a few) and if Nintendo can build up a library of these sorts of games then hardcores will have a hard time turning away the console.
  8. In Flames? Awesomeeeeee. Shame it's a bit of a medicre guitar track but can't complain at that. Gallows is good news too.
  9. It's their loss, once some other third parties swoop in and steal this market from Ubisoft they'll be left regretting it. Ubisoft are enjoying the whole casual thing at the moment, but I'm pretty sure the market is going to become saturated and Ubisofts casual cash-ins will be left in the bargain bins once some other companies come in with casual games which have more quality. Ubisoft are going for a short term profit strategy, and they're gonna be left regretting it once EA have stolen the casual market from straight under their noses.
  10. Putting more people into developing a game isn't going to make it go faster. You've got to consider the people who Nintendo put in charge of making games like Mario Galaxy, Zelda, Smash bros etc are their most long-term and experienced employees. You can't just make up a team of developers and make something like WindWaker, it's not that easy. If developing a game on that scale and quality was, then why do we only get about 4 or 5 amazing games every year on each platform (if that?). Making a great game isn't as simple as just throwing as much money as possible at it and hoping it works.
  11. Why do you have this image that all Nintendo fans are blinded by this fanboyism whenever they disagree with you. Do you not think it might just be, perhaps, we enjoyed these games Nintendo made and disagree with your criticisms? I'll happily talk about the faults of TP if you want, I don't really see the point though, as it's not going to change alot. On the point of Final Fantasy XII, to me that game is too long. It's at this stage where I've been running around killing monsters for about 60 hours, and theres not really been one challenge yet that has me determined to keep playing as it was partiucally hard. Theres tons of side quests and whatever, but for me they've stopped being fun, its just how it happend. I'll probably go back in a few months and finish them all though. I just feel I couldn't expect anymore from Nintendo, and if I did get more, I'd have to miss out on games I would otherwise enjoy as well I have a limited amount of time and money. You can criticise the Wii's game line up thus far, which has been pretty lack-lustre, but on the other hand you can at least praise Nintendo to seeming have that fixed post August. So yeah, this thread's going in circles now. I think the morale is different people have different needs and requirements from a video games console, and the Wii might not suit everyones.
  12. OoT got 9.5 from that mag, to give you an idea of scale. A good start, looking good. It's a must buy anyway, good reviews or not.
  13. Mario Party won't be on the VC, it got alot of law suits from the spinning the analogue stick minigames which blistered your hands. 2 and 3 will go on it though, I hope.
  14. Jesus Christ, why does it matter what sells best? For the record, Mario PArty 8 is like the 5th best seller. Also, whats so bad if they were GameCube games? They are good games, thats all that matters surely. You'd have alot more people if Nintendo had chosen to simply cancel them. You just seem to have a vendetta against Nintendo, when in truth, they're doing as much as they could possibly do.
  15. Most desperate for it? All 3 companies are about making money, I mean you can't argue Nintendo are more desperate for it in any way. Look at all the cash-ins on the Ps1 and Ps2, Sony and Microsoft would happily take cash ins on the 360 and PS3 if they had the option, just at the moment, they don't. Some of the stuff Nintendo have done with third parties was foolish, but equally they're the only reason this industry ever got resurrected. You can't say Nintendo arn't addressing that with the Wii now though - super cheap developement costs (about 1/5th the price of 360 / Ps3), much smaller developement cycles, much easier archtecture, hell just look at what they're doing for many third parties with the DS. That's sort of the point, people complain about the Wii for all these things but the truth is, if they had made a console anything alike to the PS3 or 360 they'd probably be in an even worse position then the GameCube left them. This tacitc has worked with the DS, and allowed it to be an extremely attractive console for gamers of all preferences, if you don't like it, then don't buy it. Although I'm sure the Wii Remote has a huge impact on sales, you only need to look at the sales and reception of games like Twilight Princess, Super Paper Mario, and Mario strikers Charged. The 2007 line up is extremely strong either way for the rest of the year, and will no doubt continue to sell alot of consoles.
  16. Yeah, we all want more games, but at the same time you've got to consider Nintendo's position. Third parties had completely abandoned the Wii, it had been written off, a failure, and hence no one developed for it. Now, Nintendo are a huge company and develope alot of games, but there's no way they can output enough games at such a high quality to fill the void. It's not Nintendo being lazy, it's the fact they were in an almost impossible situation. I mean, look at the PS3, all the third parties were 100% dedicated towards that, but it still doesn't have any real killer apps, and it's 2007 line up is even more weak then the Wii's. I think Nintendo are doing great at turning the situation around, people say all this stuff on how they should do it differently, but really I don't think anything would have put them in as good of a position as they are now.
  17. Looks better in those screens, still a bit passable. GamePlay will make or break this game. Along with the Music.
  18. So much wrong with this. Firslty, it's absolutely absurd to criticize Nintendo for wanting to make a profit, why do you think Microsoft and Sony are in the industry? Yep, to make a profit, just through different ways that arn't avaliable to Nintendo. Whether you class the Wii as next gen or not doesn't matter, it's a new console which demands completely new and different software. Sure, at the moment it's got an influx of PS2 ports and cash-ins, but you can't blame Nintendo for the fact third parties completely ignored them. They've done great to turn their fortunes around, and have got a very very solid line up post September. For the record, My analgoue stick is fine, my Wi-fi works fine and plenty of Wii games graphics are up to my requirements. Funny how 360's are still reputable for completely bricking it, a good 20 months since launch. Here's the line that gets me, "Nintendo don't really care about being the top innovator anymore". I mean, are you serious? They make a completely different console, going against the entire trend of the industry for the past 20 years, with completely different and radical marketing, software, appeal, everything, and they're NOT innovating? What the hell are you on? I doubt people are getting bored, Wii's are still flying off of shelves, the games still keep selling and the third parties are queueing up to join the Wii train.
  19. Both things which Nintendo couldn't really do alot to fix. Fair enough, they could of made a few of their games online (MSFC, SSBB, BWii) but really Nintendo were in a very bad position. Fair play though, they're turning both your criticisms around very quickly, I see you buying a Wii in 2008 .
  20. Laziness? I can't really complain. Metroid, SSBB, Mario Kart AND Mario Galaxy all within the first 18 months is incredible, and with games like Battalion Wars 2, Fire Emblem and Super Paper Mario filling the gaps I can't complain. Hell, combine that with the huge risk factor they took with their console, 100% focus on gaming and the pure nostalgia the games give me, I have to say Nintendo are still very close to my heart. Yeah, I disagree with some things Nintendo do, but hell alot of these things have won me over sooner or later. Nintendo just make games I like, in a way Sony and Microsoft don't. I seriously don't know how it happens, but it does for me, yay.
  21. YAY. I've yet to see one of these list type things wrong yet. Happy days for me, perhaps SEGA might do something right for once?
  22. I've not played it, but I'd assume it's a short game? Easy game can be fun for so long I guess, but once you've been playing a game for 5 hours and the challenge is still mind-numbingly easy I stop caring. It's what happend to me with Final Fantasy XII I guess, some games can keep their charm and remain fun but nothing like that will be remembered as a legendary game.
  23. IT's some kid having a laugh, I swear there is nothing to believe about this anymore.
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