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Everything posted by jammy2211

  1. If you read the interview it says the only thing they've done it make the game more hard since developing it :/. God I hope this fad of Nintendo being too casual or whatever dies down soon. All this game has had is praise from all the media outlets, but still people whinge. Jebus Christ.
  2. Yes it is. Nintendo have 45 Wii games currently in developement, now, I'm sure you can appreciate how many of them we don't know about. Pikmin 3 is one of them, they just don't want to annouce it yet. If they started developement tommorow the game wouldn't be out before 2009, and I think that's far too far away on Nintendo's schedule. Saying Pikmin 3 isn't in developement is l;ike saying Red Steel 2 isn't we know it is just they haven't confirmed it yet.
  3. jammy2211


    The phsyics was really impressive, I mean it all seemed so smoove and realistic I was pretty wowed. The game itself looked meh, but I'm unsure. It could be fun, just it looks like a pretty lacking full length game for some reason.
  4. http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/766/766803p1.html http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/731/731580p1.html Obviously it's been delayed but it certainly seemed like it was ready a long time ago, unless some horrible accident happend during developement. The hints all point to a release close to follow Mario Kart, in my opinion anyway.
  5. It's obviously in developement, that's a no brainer. Should be a great game, I'm going to dare ask the question though, is Pikmin causal, hardcore, or both? :P
  6. The trailer impressed me, it looked like alot of fun and pretty dam exhilerating. I think I might consider a purchase if the online has plenty of functionality (rankings) and if the offline multiplayer is alot more enjoyable then Excite Trucks. But if it's releasing around Metroid, Mario, RE:UC it's going to be forgotten very quickly.
  7. This Smash not online *yet* thing is annoying, I've seen alot of hints from the media that it is indeed online so I'm going to hope they've revealed that behind closed doors. It has to be online, right? Surely? Raaaaaaaaaar.
  8. Looks great gameplay, it's on a very low budget so I will forgive the poor graphics. I think I'll get this over Super Paper Mario, not really sure though. Hopefully I will be able to get a review copy, hmmmmmm.
  9. It's a play on words from the advertising slogan for the N64 Mario Kart (I think?). The slogan was the same phrase, and was supposedly funny... yeah.
  10. Nice, still, I don't blame them for porting it tbh. The original sold poorly and making a full blown new game is just foolish. I think a sequel will be planned for the Wii, they've made the game engine now and certainly looks to be pumping out visuals above PS2's capabilities. If it sells well then it's a no brainer, I can see me buying this as well, it feels to me much more a new game then a port.
  11. Yaaar but Wii Fiit is fur knew gamorzzzzzzzzzzz inniitzz?
  12. Yeah, last year :P. But Nintendo weren't going to show it anyway, it's cited to be probably the next big release after Mario KArt and Smash Bros, so it's a long way off Nintendo revealing some new media.
  13. Do you honestly think when Nintendo have 3 absolutely huge hardcore games to release this year (SMG, SSBB and MP3) that they're going to take the entire media focus and hype away from these games with a game set for release in 2008? Look around, all the Nintendo focus post-E3 is on Metroid Prime 3 and Super Mario Galaxy - the two biggest games Nintendo are next set to release for the Wii. Once they've come then they'll start pushing Smash Bro's into the media spotlight. I think Mario Kart counts as hardcore surely too? It's shaping up to be about 8+ online and is well, a Mario Kart game. There was only room in the line up for something like Wii Fit at the moment, once the big 4 have come and gone then Nintendo arn't going to stop annoucing games are they? Then it'll be time for Pikmin 3 and D:DoC and whatever else is relevent.
  14. Gutted, if the new NST game is some mini-game piece of garbage I won't be happy. At least Disaster is still coming along fine, I think Project H.A.M.M.E.R will be released eventually but it just doesn't suit Nintendo at the moment. *Is very eager to see Nintendo's second wave of games*
  15. I don't get how this is a port, didn't it have concept art at one point? Why would you make concept art for a port? :S. I dunno, it still looks awesome, and having never played the PS2 version it looks fine. Maybe there are two Rygar games coming or something? :S
  16. Sort of disappointed, TP was a let down to me while still being an amazing game. I'm ready for Nintendo trying some different games and franchises, and really look forward to what is ahead of the 'Big 4'. Pikmin 3 is a given, but I can't see stuff like the Kirby Platformer being a big Christmas release so you have to wonder what aces Nintendo have up their sleeve. This could all be lies anyway, if Nintendo don't want us to know about it they're not going to tell us about it are they?
  17. jammy2211

    Wii Fit

    Exactly how I feel, the DS is flooded with casual games in the mass, but for a hardcore gamer to complain there is nothing on the system for them, they would deserve a huge slap in the face. The Wii line up is even stronger then what the DS had at this period in it's life (to both expanded and hardcore audiences) and the companies are starting to make games that can be enjoyed by both markets equally. Hell, the new Zelda is showing that sort of a trend in Japan, hardcores praise it while casuals enjoy it due to an excellent hybrid of appeal. This sort of gaming is far more appealing to me then 100% hardcore games, personally anyway.
  18. Expect more news soon I guess. Great to see another online Wii game, third parties are starting to catch up in that department it seems. Source - http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/804/804244p1.html
  19. jammy2211

    Wii Fit

    Really looking forward too it, I really enjoy Nintendo trying to make stuff like this and think it's going to be a huge console seller as well as simply, alot of fun. I do 30 minutes exercise every night and something like this would just be incredible to help. I think Nintendo are striking a great balance between the extended audience and more hardcore games. This one is definitely the highlight of the extended audience, but who knows what crazy and wacky ideas Nintendo will have next!
  20. Seen them now, and wow. This game is shaping up awesome, I always thought it would be good but now we're seeing some evidence. I'm really hoping third parties are going to keep up with exclusives like this, there are plenty already but to me it's not enough, yet. This one is shaping up very nicely though.
  21. I can't see them either .
  22. After people doubted the DS, Wii Remote, Brain Training Games and NIntendogs they probably took it on the chin ready to once again sell millions of copies and prove every critic wrong. Although perhaps they turned to alcoholism and plan to jump off a bridge by the end of the night?
  23. Nintendo definitely still have 'it'.
  24. I sort of thought about it, but at the same time, Nintendo are keen to completely remove focus from Smash Bro's. Aside from the release date they've not mentioned it once at E3 and haven't got a playable version in the Nintendo booth. Metroid and Mario both come out first, and I think Nintendo want people hyped on them games before getting people excited about Smash Bros. It does leave me wondering though, Nintendo really haven't said anything about Smash Bro's in a year so I wouldn't worry yet. I honestly think Nintendo just don't want the media to be hyping up and focusing on Smash Bros... yet.
  25. I don't think Nintendo want to take the focus off of Metroid, Mario and Smash Bro's. If they showed us a new Pikmin or new Kid ICarus or something, then the focus and hype would be taken away from these games which are their big hitters all set for releases this year (in US / Japan). I was pretty underwhelmed, was good to see the new Mario Kart and the zapper looked cool, but for the most part it seemed lacking. To be honest, nothing 'amazing' has come out of E3 so I think it's just the way people see the event now. Wii Fit looked cool though, I would certainly enjoy using it. Still doubtful over the 'balance board' but if they pull it off then I'm sold. Metroid look awesome too.
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