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Everything posted by jammy2211

  1. My intial response was a reponse to him question these figures. Not the overall figures. Hence why I refered to them as "These figures". The figures origianally posted in the thread at the start (Fancy that ), and the ones the entire discussion was to based around (hence the thread being made with those figures). I can't be held responcible if you misinterpreted what I wrote, but I think I made it clear in every post I was discussing the figures this thread was started about. I really tried to make it obvious what I was talking about (namely by continuously highlighting the word MAY), but alas people still misinterpreted. It was just a misunderstanding anyway, I hope we've finally got things in a way people can understand. These figures are accurate, the overall ones on the front page are not.
  2. These figures are for MAY. NOT THE OVERALL FIGURES ON THE FRONT PAGE YOUR QUOTE IS TALKING ABOUT. These figures are made by Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo. Their big databse which manages shipping to all retailers in America counts up all the times they send new stocks of Wii's to shops in America, and makes a total which is then made for the monthly sales record. This record is then sent to a press office. The press office puts all the sales figures into a press release, and posts it on their site. The press site is read by many sites, including the likes of IGN, Gamespot and nexgenwars. In this instance, nexgenwars have posted the monthly sales which come from this press release which come from official sales from the console maker. I honestly think you must be debating something completely different to me, cause I don't get how you can't comprehend what I'm saying. I'm simply saying, these figures for the month of May in the first post are 100% accurate from the official console retail department. I've been saying that all along, and whatever the hell you're trying to tell me I don't know but really it's nothing to do with what I've said in every post so far.
  3. I give up. If anyone else can dumb down what they're saying so this guy can understand the simple logic I'm saying, then please do. I'm done with this thread, as well, people don't see to understand the most simple of processes. I really wish you could understand but well, I'll give up.
  4. *Smacks forehead on table* These specific figures (The one posted in the 1st post) are for the month of May. The figures which every post I've made are about are the figures for the month of May. They can't update, as Month is over. There is no more May, May was last month, May is no longer selling consoles, as May is finished, kapiche? The overall figures are changing, yes, but the figures for May? Nope, they're not changing, cause May was last month. If any site still has them increasing, they're wrong. These are the figures used by EVERY MAJOR VIDEO GAME WEBSITE, because they're the official ones. I'm really not sure what you're saying any more :S.
  5. These are the sales in May, the month is June now. Jesus Christ is hard to understand that now we're in June, the May sales can't keep increasing? I honestly think you're purposfully ignoring what I'm trying to say. These are the official figures that have been sent from Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony. They send them to whoever deals with them, and then the figures are put into a press release which sites like nextgenconsoles copy and paste to make articles like this. Seriously, if you don't get what I've just had to bold to help you understand, I give up. To put things simple, THESE ARE THE OFFICIAL FIGURES SENT MY THE CONSOLE MAKER COMPANIES FOR A MONTH WHICH IS OVER. These are the figures for May. They can't increasre any more, because we're not in May!
  6. You don't understand what I'm saying. nextgenconsoles did not make these figures, these were made independently by whoever does these things and put up as a press release. On the press site nextgenconsoles then took it, and made an article on it, just like IGN, Gamespot, and everyone else. They didn't make these figures, these are universal figures that Sony, Micrsoft and Nintendo send to whoever compiles these press release. nextgenconsoles simply copy and paste the press release which is compiled by a completely different company. For all intents and purposes these are 100% accurate. They're direct figures from Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo, and will have stopped updating every second as they're the figures for May. I'll stress again, nextgenconsoles did not play any part in making these figures. They copied them from a press website.
  7. These figures are directly taken from a press release. They're 100% accurate and nextgenconsoles have not made them themselves, hence why they're being reported by IGN, Gamespot and every other site. nextgenconsoles makes up alot of figures but these are from an official press release by the NPD.
  8. The part about Project H.A.M.M.E.R's cancellation was worrying. I'm going to start asking some third parties to see if Nintendo are trying to 'interfere' with their projects, it sounds pretty legit to me. Great to see the hype about Zack and Wiki though. It really is shaping up a great game. The pod cast didn't really tell us alot else though.
  9. This is no doubt one of the most innovative games in the past 5 years. The whole basis of the game is completely unique, and it has a great art styles and undertones of humour to match. To me this game represents what the Wii should be about, completely unique games which are nothing like we've played before. On the surface it looks like a point and click adventure but there really is so much more too it. It'll be interesting to see how this game sells, Capcom have put a target figure of 740 000 sales, and with how well this game could appeal to Japan I think they might just have under-estimated. It's great new Capcom have a further 3 untitled Wii games in developement .
  10. The figures are fine, they're from an official press release and hence accurate.
  11. People don't play games for the most part because of their reputation. in the 90's they were very much seen as a kids toy, and something which people 'grew out of' when they're older. Nintendo have made software which is changing this though, all the touch generation games and Wii Sports / Wii Play is appealing to people outside the teenager demographic. Couple this with Nintendo using a marketing campaign which targets the older audience (sponsering shows like Friday Night Project, Peep Show) it means Nintendo can get their name out. Alot of it just spreads by word of mouth even, but it's certainly having an effect. As for what companies should do, well, they should do what they're best at. I would hate to see a company like Epic Games try and make a casual Wii game, I'd hate to see Capcom make a minigame compilation. We're already seeing plenty of third parties make great games for this expanded audience, and the real challenge for them is going to be marketing them. MySims and Boogie are two great examples, and they could easily replicate the success of something like Animal Crossing if they're marketing to the right audience. I know for a fact Capcom aim with every game to make something has a cross-over appeal to everyone. I think with RE:UC is a great example, they have the simple control method for the less hardcore gamer, but for anyone more into gaming there will be a harder difficulty and probably alot of depth into what you can unlock etc. It's a bold tactic but if companies can make games which appeal to everyone then the Wii is going to be absolutely huge. I don't think Nintendo are worried about the graphics / online. They're slowly introducing people into the online gaming world, and it won't be long before it's common for a Wii game to be online. Companies need to take a leaf out of Mario Galaxy's book and focus games around unique art styles, as well, no game can look dated if it's graphics are something like Mario Galaxy's, or Windwakers, or Okami's etc.
  12. Perhaps they should employ the Crazy Frog for their advertising campaign?
  13. It did, just not by people like you. Within the industry alot of people took note of the positive reception it's style received from gamers and non-gamers alike. To put what I mean in the easiest to understand terms, Wii sports has a very user-friendly inviting look. It received alot of praise for the way it created an art style which anyone from hardcore games to female gamers to non gamers could look at and feel warmed too. The art style has made companies rethink how to appeal to the Wii audience, just look at games like Boogie and MySims.
  14. It's over a year since these hands on impressions. Games can easily be changed and reworked and the criticism the game received originally can be used constructively to make a better product. I'm saying the gameplay, concept and style looked like God of War. When Nintendo make a game you expect a certain level of quality, and when you combine this with a concept that mimics one of last generations best games you can't help but draw comparisons. I saw a video on a press site of one of the bosses for the game, and it presented alot more tactics and thought to me then the E3 video showed. I don't actually get where that video went, but it looked alot more deep then you all seem to think. I can't find any links to it now, it feels like I dreamt it lol. Perhaps someone can help me out, does anyone remember a video for this game with a boss which was like in this force-field semi sphere of fire?
  15. It looked like a Wii equivalant of God of War, in my opinion. It's a great loss if the line up loses this game. Criticise it all you want but the First Party line up was lacking anything like this, and to see it cancelled in order for the 'expanded' audience would be a right kick in the balls. I don't believe this rumour for one second but am worried that if it turns out to be true Nintendo might be forgetting about people like me. They can cancel it if they feel it wasn't good enough or whatever, but for the love of God don't then put these resources in charge of making something for the 'expanded audience'.
  16. So what? They didn't sell that well but that doesn't mean the be all and end all of games with artistic styles. Just look at Wii Sports, it has gained praise for it's unique art style, and now gone on to become the best selling game in Japan for God knows how long. There are companies and artists with the creative flair to design games like this, and it's only a matter of time until the Wii becomes a stronghold for companies to experiment with these sorts of unique concepts. I think Capcom admitted these poor sales were for reasons other then their art style, mainly due to poor marketing and whatever. There is a huge market for unique art styles like the earlier mentioned games, and I hope that No More Heroes, Zack and Wiki, Dewy's Adventure and NiGHTS 2 demonstrates that video games are much more an art then a simulation.
  17. I think the point here is that Nintendo didn't want to rip developers off. In short, PS3 / 360 games cost about $25 million to develope, whereas wii games cost about $5 million. No company can afford to be putting $25 million in one project, so Nintendo were clever and innovated in a different aspect to allow developers to not have such risks when making games. We will see tons of killer apps, I don't see how we won't. We might not see the realistic graphics the other consoles possess, but that didn't stop games like Okami and Killer 7 making jaws drop now did it? Wii needs more artistic games, along with the rest of the industry, and if companies can do that then we won't even notice the Wii's lacking hardware . And this is just a SEGA rep trying to make a name for himself. Most of what he says doesn't even make sense. I'll care what they have to say once they finally make a good game, cause it's been a long time since that happend.
  18. Could be good, nice to see some support from Capcom (There's plenty more to come ). As long as the difficulty isn't lost on the change into a rails shooter I'm all for it. Basically I'll base my decision on how hard people suggest the game is.
  19. That press release was horrific, the guys at Nintendo must be pretty dam stoned wherever the hell they are.
  20. Guys, it's not been cancelled. Can I ask, when was the last time IGN posted an artical entirely based on rumour? This is a media hype gathering stunt in order to give this game some attention before it's release date is annouced. You can thank me once these rumours are well and truely quashed.
  21. To me it looks more like a great way for Nintendo to create some hype around the game. It truly positions it in that 'hardcore' market and makes it out to be the next great game for the Wii. It could be true but if you know what I'm saying it more looks like a media stunt pre-E3 to get some hype around what was shaping up a forgotten game. I just think the sources and the article are written in a way to make it simply give the game more hype. 1 month ago Nintendo put this on a 2007 release date list, so I'm taking this as a "Lets build hype for this games 2007 release" more then a preperation to cancel the game. Kudos to Nintendo, we'll all be talking about this for quite some time before they annouce the final release date :P.
  22. For a port it did okay, around 40 000 in America. I'm sure it surpassed it's estimates anyway.
  23. Tales of Symphonia and Skies of Arcadia.
  24. I don't think the industry knows how to view the Wii yet. On one hand stuff like Wii Play and Rayman Raving Rabids are selling at a great rate, while on the other hand stuff like Red Steel and Zelda is also selling in great numbers. The GameCube undoubtedly became a console which was best for games aimed at the 5-10 age bracket, and that adult games were simply a no go for it. Thing is, the Wii has no doubt completely reinvented it's userbase, and I think it's low price point and lack of HD gaming is a great appeal to most adults, who don't really have the money spare for a new consoles, not to mention a HD TV. Stuff like this is always a Catch 22. You need more adult games to get more adult gamers, but you need more adult gamers to get more adult games. Thankfully it seems that the Wii is already building up a small following on adult games (Scarface, Godfather, Far Cry, Resident Evil etc) and has some of the best looking ones in the future. Manhunt 2 will be the first step but I think No More Heroes will be the true game to prove the Wii's adult userbase. I can see the Wii version getting tons of hype about it's controls though. The motion controls will attract alot of attention I can see people buying the Wii just cause of the reputation Manhunt 2 gives it. It's going to be the definitive adult game on the Wii and I predict it will sell well enough to warrant more support for the genre.
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