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Everything posted by jammy2211

  1. I do think the industry has lost site of what it is, well except Nintendo. I mean, 360 and PS3 are trying to sell themselves as media centres as much as games console, and the games are marketed on their visuals and not what actually makes them a game, the gameplay. It is all about balance at the end of the day, games arn't fun if you find them stupidly easy for the whole game. It does get boring playing through the whole game and not getting stuck, theres no sense of acheivement when you finally do it and no reward for actually playing the game. Find this balance is extremely difficult, and to be honest I think alot of series's are failing to do it. I think Metroid and Mario Galaxy are very much going to be the big indicator on what Nintendo is trying to do. Twilight Princess was far far far too easy, and we havn't really seen many other adventure type games from Nintendo yet to judge. I think the best method is making a game which can be enjoyed by all, but with extra challenges for the more dedicated players, much like Goldeneye 64.
  2. Lol, I'll care about this game when I see any evidence it exsists.
  3. Why are Konami only working on MGS as a huge title? Why do Capcom only have DMC4 and RE5? Why do Rockstar only have GTA4? It's cause making a 'huge' game requires the developement team to go with it, and I'm not just talking quantity, but they all need a huge amount of experience in the field. Companies can't just desecrate great games whenever they feel like it you know, and even if they try too, whos to say it ends up a Mario Sunshine instead of a Metroid Prime? Also I don't really get your point on Microsoft, you slate NIntendo for rehashing old ideas (Despite alot of new IP's they've set up along with an entirely new philosophy for the Wii), but fail to see every game Microsoft make it pretty much a rip-off of a very successful game. Microsoft make great games too, but they've nowhere as near as much innovation as Nintendo. I think with Pokemon it's because Nintendo want it to be there big handheld franchise. It pretty much commands the entire pre-teen market to their handheld without any competition, and when something like PSP comes along just completely outshines it in every way. Nintendo handhelds need a game like that, a Wii version would be great but I'm not really convinced it could do much a console version couldn't.
  4. The game is clearly not aimed at the typical gamer type thing that these reviewer sites base their scores around. Boogie is going for a Wii Sports type casual crowd, but sites like 1up try and review it based on the same format that they review games like Halo and GTA. Reviewer sites are really struggling to accept that there is a new type of gamer, the sort who don't care about stuff like Halo and GTA, and this game is probably going to be a great game for them. I was expecting the scores to be crap, I know I won't like the game at all, but the fact still remains there are alot of people who will love it and reviewers just don't seem ready to take into account this new type of gamer.
  5. There is an Art of Fighting Anthology coming from SNK, well at least there was. Aint heard anything about it, maybe it was cancelled due to the VC supporting Neo-Geo games? I doubt it'll happen, I mean, if Neo-Geo is on the VC they're hardly going to release an anthology of the biggest games for less then the download price? Oh wait, they already did, oh well.
  6. I agree Nintendo won't reveal anything until MArio / Smash / Metroid are out the way, that's just common business sense (which most people don't seem to grasp). HOwever, I don't think Nintendo have revealed any of their big games for next year apart from Animal Crossing and Mario Kart (Which is Q1, leaving 9 more months empty). Disaster looks good, but Nintendo are hardly going to be placing all their hopes on an unproven franchise from a newly accquired developer. 2008 line up has HUGE holes in it (Which I think is why alot of people are doubting the Wii), but I'm sure Nintendo will fill them once the big 3 are out the way.
  7. Whether this is true or not, It's not worth getting excited about. Seriously, have SEGA made a good (I mean, really good) game since the dream cast? Hell they're bringing NiGHTS back, but seem keen to make it look as much like a rushed cash-in as possible. Also, isn't "Sonic the RPG" on the DS, and not the PS3 / 360?
  8. Evil? It sounds to me like you're just growing up, and learing that the big wide world isn't all nice and cuddly. Video game have always been about making money, at least Nintendo still try to make money by selling great games (While Sony maximize their profits by releasing their console in order to win the format wars - something that won't benefit any PlayStation Fans). Way I see it, they're all evil, but Nintendo are the least. Nintendo have done this for years, Sony are doing very much what Nintendo did (and fiailed at) during the GameCube. You can criticize them all you like, but it's something which in a year people will look back on and say "oh well". Fair Enough, was just a suggestion :P Again, fair enough. Some points just left me very confused (mainly the Nintendo forgetting their core userbase stuff), so I felt I should reply. WE obviously have disagreements on certain issues, all I can say is we should wait until 2008 to see what happens. I do have doubts on what the Wii can offer, but I know 2007 is one hell of a crazy ass year for awesome games, and 2008 will reveal whether the Wii is going to be the console of the generation.
  9. I guess Nintendo don't want to take the hype away from Metroid, Mario, Smash Bros and Mario Kart. Who can blame them in all honesty, those games are the biggest Nintendo will launch for the Wii. There must be something for Smash Bros though, cause if Leipzig and TGS are both not going to be dedicated to it, nintendo must have something planned....
  10. The solo alone makes it the best Guitar Hero Track EVARRRR.
  11. It sold 1334 copies in 3 days according to the Japanese sales chart thingy people. I don't have a clue how it sold so poor, I mean theres poor and then there's abysmal. I can't even think of a logical explanation. I hope it fares better in the Us and Europe, cause I'd to have third parties scared off by this sort of thing. I guess it was just overshadowed by Dragon Quest Swords, Power Pro Baseball (A Konami game selling very well in Japan on the Wii!) and Mobile Suit Gundam, which are huge games in Japan. Look forward to seeing how this one fares in the US now, I'm still undecided on a purchase.
  12. Activision said that GHIII will have song specific to the European market, in order to try and gain a larger influence of the market this side of the Atlantic. Sounds interisting, although what songs appeal to the European market is beyond me. Some of Scandinavia's finest Melodic Death Metal Perhaps? God I hope so :P.
  13. I'm not saying I agree with how developers treat their feedback or whatever, but that's how the industry works.
  14. All I know is when people bought US PS2's they had to buy seperate signal converters and whatever. I'm honestly no expert, but there are alot of issues preventing it. As I said, the regoin-locking code will be broken sooner or later anyway (Nintendo always make it easy to break) so there shouldn't be a problem come 2008. But that's the point, the only reason Sony and Microsoft are charging the consumer more money for their consoles is so, in the long-term, they can make more money, just like Nintendo. They're all companies, all 3 of them want to maximize profits, stop thinking Sony and Microsoft are losing money in their video game's department to benefit the consumer, it's simply not true. I'm not sure what you're saying. As I said, HD-graphics are extremely time consuming and expensive. Nintendo couldn't compete with Sony and Microsoft in the HD department cause they had no-where near the financial backing to do it, so they opted for a different route. As for PS2 ports, they arn't going to keep coming forever, hell the 2007 line up already has some exclusive Wii-built games on it (Zack and Wiki, NiGHTS 2, RE:UC, MySims, Dragon Blade etc). The PS2 / Xbox Live online interface and coding will be very different to whatever Nintendo's is. As you say, they're ports, and as such the one feature which would require huge amounts of re-coding and change was sacrificed. (They can say what they want in interviews, but with EA, Activision and Atari all having online games lined up for 2007 I don't believe the 'tools' weren't there for those games to be online.) Actually the Mario Strikers Leading Director said that's how it was, hence how I came to the conclusion in the first place :/. I guess that's how it worked out, I really don't care what Nintendo said but if you feel they lied to you or whatever then go buy another console, cause Microsoft, Sony, and any other third party developer is going to spew the same lies in order to help their console or game. I suggest you play Fire Emblem, it's a very underated game. Also, can I just applaud you for missing out alot of my points and replies, I guess you just didn't have a response .
  15. The difference between handheld consoles and home consoles is that TV's have differences globally. Displays / volatages / inputs are different world wide and regoin free games have a huge potential to go wrong. It was annoying the Wii wasn't region free though, PS3 managed somewhat but even then some games arn't region free. There is alot of if's and but's that hold it back. I'm sure a Freeloader will come about sooner or later anyway.
  16. If they did that, wouldn't you much rather it happen in an exclusive Wii game? Something like Zack and Wiki, yanno. See this is where Wii fans get me, they complain about ports and whatever, but then cry for a dumbed down, lesser-quality port of Resident Evil 5. Wouldn't you much rather Wii gets some of it's own franchises from third parties, the sort that can be compared to the like of Resident Evil?
  17. Companies ultimately use one source of feedback - sales. It's very hard to take what consumers think about a game and adjust it to that, as different people like and dislike certain aspects of a game. By using sales, companies can just do what they know works. The way companies develope games now is basically make a formula, if it works improve it with sequels and pretty much squeeze it until it's dry. It's a sorry state for the industry, and if you look at the majority of the 360 / ps3 line up you can pretty much see it in full effect, seeing as developement costs are so high no one can risk not making a game based on a formula which has proven sales to it's name. Wii's line up is a bit different, the lower developement costs and motion controls are allowing companies to try differentiate the normal games we get, which I guess is why I like the console so much. I think the reason the DS is so great is cause games are normally rewarded on sales by innovation, not how much of a budget the company has, and I really hope the Wii turns out like that. I think there are ALOT of creative people in the industry with alot of unique and great ideas, but most of them will never get the funding, cause another FPS or RPG is guarenteed to sell more copies. I think WiiWare could be a great platform for new and innovative ideas, too.
  18. Raining Blood and Through the Fire and Flames = Win. So we've got about 21 songs now haven't we? That's like, under a third of the total track list :P. Rock Band looks good, and I might get it when it comes to Wii, but at the same time I like the simplicity that i can just buy Guitar Hero and play it without alot of messing about and spending stupid amounts of money.
  19. I dunno, I think NiGHTs could end up okay in the end. It's not going to be incredible but I'm not going to write it off. I'm not really saying SEGA will set a trend, just that there's a good example. I do beleive that if Nintendo can bring together everyone who owned a NES, SNES and / or N64 we will see huge potential for some resurrected franchise. Nintendo need to get Kid Icarus back in all it's glory, that'll start the trend.
  20. Sony and Microsoft are both trying to maximize profits, just their profits don't come in the video game industry. Whatever Sony lose from selling Blu-Ray players, they're going to make 10 times as much back when Blu-Ray wins the format wars. You're very nieve if you think Sony and Microsoft are taking these losses out of the goodness of their hearts, it's simply because it will make them more money in the long term. And I think the Wii's lacking graphics were more so that they could encourage people to develope on their console (as most games will require to be exclusive). It was impossible for Nintendo to convince people to develope for the GameCube, would people really spend $25 million+ developing HD games for the Wii? SEGA used Mii's in their pachinko game in Japan (random fact). Mii's integration will come, but most third parties don't seem to care more then to slap on some motion controls so perhaps it's better Nintendo limit them to who's going to use it properly. Online dev kits were sent out in April, and again third parties didn't care too much about developing for the Wii before it was launched so I don't think Nintendo have done alot wrong there. If they had them ready 6 months before launch, would anyone have developed an online game for the Wii? Also we don't know what Nintendo tell developers so I guess the last point is moot. FC's are Mii specific, you only need to enter them once and it'll be universal for all games when you use that Mii. There are only 2 first-party franchises which sold over a million on the GC which don't have a Wii sequel annouced - Pikmin and Star Fox. I'm sure a new Pikmin and Star Fox will come sooner or later anyway, I honestly don't understand how you came to that conclusion. Funnily enough every one of Capcom's games was a failure, Resi Evil 4 did sell well but it was still very below Capcom's estimates. I still can't believe people are shocked that games like Metroid and Smash were delayed, Nintendo always just said stuff like 'We hope it'll be a launch game', and this was from a head of marketing. Sure enough it's poor Nintendo do it, but so do Sony, Microsoft and tons of other companies in many different industries. Actually the audience of E3 was delighted that the Balance Board was unveiled, cause it was pretty much the only thing they could write about. The gaming press made up the minority at E3, and sure people like IGN and Gamespot can write home about a new MGS trailer or whatever, but the majority of the audience was the mainstream. All the US TV networks, all the US newspapers, all the mainstream internet news sites etc, that's who was at E3, and that's who Nintendo were talking to. Even then we still got release dates for the Wii's biggest 3 games, the unveiling of Mario Kart Wii, some new games were annouced online and tons of new footage / screenies of Mario and Metroid. It was a pretty good result, when you consider how minor E3 is nowadays. then why not play Metroid, Mario, Smash Bros, Battalion Wars, Fire Emblem, Mario Kart and all the other third party games instead of complaining 0_o. Indeed, 2007 is set to be one awesome year for games, and 2008 should really reveal where the Wii's going in terms of casual / hardcore-ness, and how third parties are going to treat the console. Again, there really isn't much more Nintendo could do to keep us more dedicated fans. They're hardly going to shun the 20 million people who sold hundreds of millions of GameCube games now are they?
  21. Although this is true, I do think resurrecting old franchise could become quite a common trend on the Wii. Nintendo at E3 06 said that one of their main target audience was people who used to play video games, but then stopped when they got older. Also with the way the VC is marketed I think it could well built up a good audience for this sort of thing. It's probably too soon for alot of companies to tell, but we all know Nintendo are resurrecting a 'dead' franchise, and SEGA are resurrecting NiGHTS and Alien Syndrome. Also there was a strong rumour that whoever makes Bonk's adventure are making a Wii sequel, because of good VC sales. It's probably wishful thinking on my part, but I do think there is the potential for games to be resurrected on the Wii. Especially the ones which built up a strong fanbase in the N64 days, like Mystical Ninja, Gex the Gekko, Chameleon Twist, Body Harvest etc.
  22. They will sort of listen, if demand for a game is high then sooner or later they'll make the game. As for your examples, I think the people who actually care about them games will be in a very low quantity, so I would expect nothing to be done.
  23. Lmao, there was someone on the Capcom forums who said that someone might find it offensive. That's just awesome, in a political-correctness-is-ruining-our-world-way. What's offensive about playing a prayer in a background?
  24. I think with the Kingdom Hearts being the property of Disney, and the Wii's 'family' image going hand-in-hand with who Disney want their game to be played by, it's much more likely for the Wii. Square-Enix only develope the game, Disney decide what console it's going to be put on, and if you ask me what Disney and Nintendo want to acheive in the video game industry are very, very, similiar.
  25. Nah, they're definitely annoucing KHIII's platform at TGS. I'd guess someone else is going to develope it. Dark Cloud 3 would be great on the Wii, going with the Level-5 thing.
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