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Everything posted by jammy2211

  1. 4 Rpg's? Yuuuuuuuuuuuum. I'm sure some will be on DS though, not that I'd object to that :P. I think it'll be interesting to see what the third parties have, the Wii's 'proven' itself for a good 9 month by then so I'm sure alot of the games that started developement due to the success will be ready to show. I'm really hoping Konami have a Mystical Ninja game, and Square-Enix some more RPG's. God knows really, there are too many possibilities. Of course I feel like creating some hype, so lest we not forget the president of Square-Enix said Wii Owners should be looking forward to their TGS presentation. Funnily enough they also plan to annouce Kingdom Hearts III platform at the same event...hmph.
  2. Actually I see it the other way around, the Wii Remote opens up the potential for unique and far more in-depth control schemes for many genres. Just look at what the keyboard and mouse has done for FPS's, RTS's, MMORPG's etc, there are alot of genres where the convential controller simply holds it back, and for the true hardcore it simply isn't enough. That's what I find so remarkable about the Wii Remote, as much as it can open up new appeal to casual players, once developers start implementing the controls properly there is a huge potential for hardcore players.
  3. Erm, it aint that bad really. Can still hope for some big annoucements from Capcom / Square / Konami / Koei / SEGA / Namco-Bandai and various others. Nintendo will hold their own event, whether it be Space World or some other press conference. They need to do something to get everyone talking about Smash Bro's, which will happen after Metroid is out. Leipzig might have some news also, they revealed Mario Strikers and Battalion Wars 2 last year there so who knows. There's an article on IGN about Miyamoto and Nintendo creating a new franchise in the same vein Pikmin was made, penciled for a 2008 release, so I would hope we hear about this along with the resurrected franchise we're expecting!
  4. The argument about Nintendo abandoning their core with the Wii is complete moot now anyway. If you look at all the First-Party GameCube games which sold over 1 million copies, only 3 games don't have sequel annouces: Luigi's Mansion - I can live without this one. Pikmin 1 and 2 - a Sequel is not confirmed but it's going to happen, IGN have practically confirmed it. Star Fox - Again it's going to happen sooner or later. And when you consider we're comparing 5 years of GameCube library to a Wii line up which is going to last to first 1.5 years of it's life I think it's clear where Nintendo loyalties lie. It's not like we're getting all the Wii Fit / Brain training etc instead of core games, we're getting all our favourites along with the more casual stuff, who can complain with that? :/.
  5. Okay then.... God knows how you came to that conclusion but hey it's your opinion. I would imagine it'll change once again when we hit September and the end of the game drought, who knows.
  6. I'm really not sure what people want anymore. Most people are complaining Nintendo arn't making the games that they used too, whereas you're complaining they are 0_o. Yet you still threw in some casual argument into whatever you're saying *shrug*. If you want change, you could argue games like Super Mario Galaxy, Super Paper Mario and DK Jets have a big enough change in their gameplay mechanics, in the same way Metroid Prime did on the GameCube. I would like to see new IP's and franchises on the Wii, but I really would prefer Nintendo stick to doing what they do best and the third parties fill this role. No More Heroes and Zack and Wiki are among the best doing this, but obviously you want things a different way. Although I do think if Nitendo are going to make a line up as strong as this years (Metoird - Mario - Smash Bros - Mario Kart) ; They'll need some new franchises as Star Fox and F-Zero just don't cut it.
  7. Surely the point still stands, they both share the exact same view and my post could simply be copied and pasted to when Peter Moore said it and it's be all relevent and lovely. David Perry has plenty of links with EA anyway, I know he's got some sort of a role in the developement on The Simpsons game. It's nothing like Peter Moore has but I think the point is still valid either way 0_o.
  8. I don't honestly think there are many more then those you listed, and surely saying they're sequels sort of shows Nintendo are still very much making the same games they made in the GameCube days, and thus not forgetting the core? Even then the Wii still has Excite Truck, Disaster: Day of Crisis and Endless ocean as new IP's (Along with all the Wii Fit / Wii Sports etc). Lest we not forget there are plenty of new IP's from third parties that simply didn't exsist on the GameCube, I'd like to see Nintendo make some more but as I said, I don't think we're going to be able to tell until 2008.
  9. I got confused, Peter Moore is normally saying the exact same thing in other news reports so it was really a dig at him. This is just some loser who's games failed cause Mario kicked their arse in the 90's, shame for him. What does this guy actually do now anyway? I don't see him having done anything relevent for video games in the past 10 years 0_o.
  10. Personally I'm yet to be convinced that Nintendo 'new' philosophy is forgetting about core gamers. I'm not denying there's been a drought of games since launch, but even then it's nowhere near as bad as the droughts we suffered during the GameCube and N64 days. 16 of the top 20 best selling franchises on GameCube have a sequel annouced for it on the Wii. Now excuse me, but with this sort of fact in mind how exactly is Nintendo forgetting everyone who enjoyed the GameCube in it's day? All I can say is look at the line up for the rest of the year, we still have all the great Nintendo games (Smash Bros, Metroid, Mario, Mario Kart, Battalion Wars, Fire Emblem etc), but on top of these we're starting to see an influx of third party games the GameCube simply never had. To be honest, I dare someone to convince me the GameCube had more 'hardcore' games lined up for it at this point in it's life. Of course, I think 2008 will be the telling year of where the Wii goes. By then we'll know of the best third party projects looking to have a piece of the Wii pie, and we'll know how much Nintendo 'shift' their focus after having success in the casual market (I do appreciate games like Mario / Metroid etc started developement long before Nintendo knew they would have so much luck with the casuals). The way I see it is though, provided games like Mario / Smash Bros / Metroid etc continue to sell millions upon millions, Nintendo arn't going to stop making them. So my final thought? Don't worry about it. Enjoy 2007 / Early 2008 as it's one hell of a killer line up, and then we'll see what sort of games are lined up from then onwards, provided we see a DS scenario, I aint complaining.
  11. Will having HD graphics wear off? Will having 1 million first person shooter Half-Life clones on your console wear off? The answer is yes, but no one cares, cause it'll still be awesome for different reasons. By the way, it's great to see the head of EA commenting on something wearing off, yanno, like releasing the exact same game every year or something.
  12. Personally I don't see PS3 sales picking up for a long time yet. I mean, if the console isn't selling now, why is it going to sell at Christmas? Games like Heavenly Sword, Lair etc are going to sell great to whoever already has one, but most people arn't going to part with £400+ to play games no one has really heard of. However come 2008 I can really see the PS3 picking up, the line up for 2008 is alot more promising and there's no doubt stuff like MGS4 and DMC4 will sell alot of PS3's, but even then I don't think that's going to be anything compared to the number of Wii's, and with FFXIII being touted for a 2009 release the PS3 still has much less firepower then the Wii in terms of system selling games. I just think the PS3's lost before it should have really begun, Wii is taking the entire mainstream market for itself which made up over 80 million of the PS2 sales, and although I'm sure Sony will sell a good 30 million PS3's with all the games like FF, DMC, GTA etc I don't personally see it ever being able to reach out further then that. So yeah, if PS3 doesn't get off the mark come this Christmas I think it's going to be destined to second place, and with the third parties shifting all their focus to the Wii I can't see Sony turning it around. PS3 is shaping up to be a GameCube to me.
  13. Not seen it posted but I'm sure you'll all be glad to know RRR2 has online leaderboards confirmed now. I'm actually impressed, this is like the only game Ubisoft appear to have gotten right for the Wii thus far. For some reason I'm getting an urge to buy it despite never really caring about the original.
  14. I think this isn't a project of the same size as the original, but I still think when all is done this is going to be a kick arse RPG for the wii probably at a time when the Wii still hasn't got many. I think taking out a world map isn't too much of a loss, it shows a sort of laziness and rushedness over the game though which worries me. Saying that, the monster catching things sort of shows the opposite, so I'll keep optimistic .
  15. jammy2211


    Mmmmmmmmm I want.
  16. Wii is outselling PS3 in Australia, just PS3 broke some sales record which Sony boaasted about for a week.
  17. They're all okay games, just ok though. NOthing breath takingly outstanding, I'm talking about third party projects that are built ground-up for the Wii, have a proper budget and can be put along side a first party game and make you struggle to think what is better. Zack and Wiki and No More Heroes are great examples, but from there it gets a bit hard to find anything up to that standard. Nights 2, Soul Calibur Legends and RE:UC although looking to be good games are very much getting tainted with a "Make it for as little money as possible" brush which really spoils them for me. What I mean is I want a third party to really take a risk developing something incredible for the console, something made on the same scale as Assassins Creed, Army of Two, Soul Calibur 4, Lair etc. I don't yet think the Wii has that on it's line up yet (minus two or three games).
  18. Animal Crossing is an absolute huge seller as well, probably bigger then all the other games listed ^_^. Zelda wasn't exclusive either :P. Infact it's incredible how the Wii is doing so well with such a lack-lustre line up. Just needs some better third party projects and I would say the Wii is pretty unstopable.
  19. I dunno, at first it was okay but it's really starting to cheese me off. I guess the part whcih annoys me is the fact that no one has bothered to do it with any of the games which suit it most, why arn't we getting games like Okami and Virtua Tennis when they suit a port so much more then games like Mortal Kombat? (The controls for that were woeful). At the same time, it still feels like companies will dump all their crap on the Wii while putting the stellar stuff on the HD consoles. Just look at the low-budget crap Ubisoft put on the Wii while developing Assassin's Creed on the 360 / Ps3, I'm sorry but I just can't support that. I think that's really why people hate ports, simply cause it feels like no one is putting the effort in with great games other then Nintendo and EA. It's luckily starting to change now, at least I'm see more and more original content on the Wii every day. Zack and Wiki is my most anticipated game of the year and there are a couple of other great games lined up from third parties, but to put it simply the quantity and quality of original content at the moment is lacking. I'm sure it'll have changed by 2008 though, you can't convince me that people are going to still be buying ports once games like Metroid Prime 3 and Super Mario Galaxy are out.
  20. Those pre-orders are absolutely incredible, seriously if a spin-off sub-par Mario can sell half a million in Japan then I'm going to feel sorry for Sony when they try and keep up with the sales of the Wii around the release of Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros Brawls, Wii Fit, Sonic Mario Olympics and Animal Crossing :/.
  21. No, the 360 line up is overflow. 3 games in a 4 month period is pretty clustered, yes, but at the same time there are many games aimed at other markets, anyway I thought Nintendo weren't focused enough on the hardcore, now it's too much? :S. Either way the 360 line up is far worse for too many games with similiar appeal in a short release span. It was set up originally to extend video games more into the mainstream, it then turned into this big Games show where companies would spend millions of dollars on just one presentation, and thus it got downsized. If it hadn't been downsized, I think we can guarentee Nintendo's show would have been very different. It's just how Nintendo can market and aim their line up. These are the 3 biggest games in their history, and if Nintendo need all 100% media focus to be on them. If Nintendo reveal the big game of 2008, then people might stop talking about Metroid, and thus sales will fall. Once Metroid is out and selling then Nintendo might reveal a new game, or might just get everyone talking about Smash Bros. Sony are very much the opposite, the only reason they can't focus on 2007 is cause their 2007 is very weak, so instead they show off games like Killzone 2, MGS 4, FFXIII etc. If Sony had a killer 2007 line up, they wouldn't be showing us their entire 2008 line up, but unfortunately that's not the case. Third parties will play an important role in the Wii's success no matter what I think, and perhaps if Nintendo don't have as many big-name games coming out post-2007 it'll only encourage third parties to make some bigger name games. I personally don't see NIntendo running out of games once we're into 2008 though, but I do agree at the moment in terms of confirmed games both the DS and Wii lack a 2008 line up.
  22. I think Nintendo just want to be far more aggresive, it is a very bold tactic placing so many big franchises close together. I think the basic premise was that the Wii was going to have next to no third party support (due to the GameCube's failure) and Nintendo needed to ensure they could keep their fans interested and people wanting the console. As for 2008, well I think that will be the third parties year. Third parties started developing games late for the Wii (as it was 'supposed' to be a failure), and the best of these games should be ready for 2008. What comes from Nintendo? Well Animal Crossing and Mario Kart are both as big as SSBB / MP3 / SMG, and there is still all their other second tier franchises. What's to say Nintendo don't reveal an incredible and awesome game like a pokemon console adventure or something? It's not worth worrying about 2008 while we've still got the best of the 2007 line up to come. It was E3 though, and more so a redesigned E3. E3 is not a gamers day, it's an event which was set up to allow the video game industry to expand further from just being a nishe market for kids. It's the only place where all the major US TV networks, all the major U.S. newspapers, websites like Yahoo and AOL are present. It's pretty much Nintendo's only chance to present themselves to the mainstream press, and that's what they did. I don't see anyone outside the gaming press reporting about the latest MGS or Killzone 2 trailer, but everyone was talking about Wii Fit. You can't just compare gameplay and graphics, the whole premise of it makes no sense. Nintendo have something even more important then both of those put together - the price point. That's what sells consoles most, a cheap and affordable price point, and I think the Wii's (And DS's) sales speak for themselves in that regard. That's the problem I guess, you're thinking about it too much.
  23. Nintendo are still making alot of games aimed at us though... it doesn't seem like they've forgotten us, just that they're going after other markets at the same time.
  24. We don't know what happens in 2008, that's probably because we're still in 2007. Microsofts E3 conference was dedicated entirely to games coming out in 2007, what happens after Halo 3? We don't know, but we know it'll still have some kick arse games, as all consoles will. Nintendo will have plans ahead for 2008, we know of 5 games (Kirby, Pikmin 3, Disaster: Day of Crisis, Animal Crossing, Mario KArt) and really it's not worth speculating what comes next. We really can't predict what will happen with the control scheme. Metoird Prime 3 has received huge critical acclaim in hands-on previews, and if it's as perfect as it's suggested to be, then the Wii no doubt has a great future in the FPS genre. Companies keep saying the PS3 still has alot of potential etc, but so do the Wii Controls, companies arn't just going to run out of ideas. It's what you prefer, some people much prefer having two screens and just getting rid of the fact you have to push start to get to your menu interface is good. The second screen has been used very effectively to make games impossible on another console, some games don't need it but that's the beauty of both the Wii and DS, they're still allowing tradition games if that's what is going to be made. It is possible, no one said it isn't. All we're saying is, how can the Wii run out of potential or life when this innovation is present, and even more possible on the Wii. All the unique and innovative games will be developed on the Wii, simply due to it's much cheaper developement costs, who is going to risk developing a completely unproven-yet-innovative idea for $20 million on a ps3 or 360? Nintendo arn't aiming Wii Fit at you, it's purpose is to aim at a different market who alot of don't ever play games, or people who might buy a Wii for their son but then buy this to keep fit. Not every game Nintendo make is designed around your needs, welcome to the real world. The WIi Remote is still unproven in my eyes, but I don't think we've honestly had any of the best games yet. A few games were impressive controls (Godfather, Scarface) but lets wait until we get things like Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3 and Zack and Wiki before judging it completely. As I said, the DS features were not being utilized very well in the first year of it's life span.
  25. They're good for a launch game, but the Wii Controls still have along way to go and improve as time goes by. But yeah, good stuff for the first game NIntendo make using them.
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