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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. I really think Abnormally...Sin is her worst album by far. It has some good bits, like Give, and Lady In Blue, but then it has the cringey Strong Black Vine (which is great live, but sounds like someone impersonating a metal band in a disney film or something on CD, and has some questionable lyrics). At least American Doll Posse (which most people consider worse) doesn't take itself as seriously as Sin, and overall just has much better songs. I suppose we have Midwinter Graces to look foward to next month. Contender for worst album art ever award. (There's better quality out there, but it truly is atrocious. Photoshopped by a child, and just shit) I'm just bitter. --- Anyone else heard Aqua's new song?
  2. It does seem like a lot of famous people are dying before their time this year. Shame etc. He seemed like a nice guy.
  3. I hate how expensive normal cinemas are. I get so much more out of a cinema trip to one of the many independant ones I frequent here, and they're cheaper. But I suppose most places will only have big chain cinemas. Although I'm going to a Pedro Almodovar double bill of Broken Embraces and All About My Mother tomorrow, and I fear my wallet will cry.
  4. I'm ruined! It's all over for me! Damn you all! *tears down curtains/is wearing a face pack and a dressing gown* *howls* -- Also DudeDazz, that song needs to be destroyed, as do that band.
  5. Well surely the fact I say it's a great fear indicates that I'm not intentionally worrying about it, but rather that it is something that scares me without there being anything I can do about it? If I could not be scared of it, do you not think I would? Anyone with a fear of stuff that might impede their enjoyment in life (flight, heights, dogs whatever) would want to not be scared of it. So it's not helpful telling anyone to not be scared of something they have no control over. I think about it every day in varying degrees of sadness or whatever, but as I said, it doesn't control my life or anything. But I do think that one of the reasons I try not to go to bed until early morning unless I'm really tired because I sometimes drift back to the idea of not existing and it scares the shit out of me. Again, it's a kind of subconcious, and just appears. I didn't realy intend for this to become "Let's diagnose Paj". But of course I WOULD be forever scared of the one thing that will happen and that which is completely unknown and the antithesis to all I've ever known (life).
  6. Black would be less cliched but dates the car about 30 years. But the checks are too much. Why just do something of your own design? Far more interesting.
  7. I'm totally addicted to base bass.
  8. How nice for you. It hasn't and will never go for me (I predict). Telling me it's pointless isn't helping. I'm not afraid of death itself, I fear not existing. Just cause you don't have a fear doesn't mean someone doesn't have it to a great, uncontrollable degree. It doesn't impair my day to day life (fear of death probably would, like panicing about germs or something, never going near cars etc.
  9. It's that. (effectively) I'm not scared of pain or whatever. I'm not scared of how I'll die, but what I'll think as I'm dying/know I'm going to die.
  10. Yes, but you gain a knowledge of the past, via photos, people older than you, movies, music, images, history in general. So we can perceive a time and places that technically never were. Which makes the comparison of post-death being like pre-birth a bit flimsy, as we won't be able to get the same understanding and awareness of what happens after we die.
  11. I (as many will know) am anti-trailers and blurbs as far as possible, and apart from it being about gay cowboys (as everyone does let's all concede), I thankfully knew nothing else. Films aren't meant to have story points revealed. Film-makers and writers craft their work to create suspense or suprise with the events...that work is undermined if the audience know the story already. I'm aware it's unavoidable to a degree, trailers and advertising needs to advertise what type of film it is, and why people should go see it etc. I don't have to like it. :p (This is specifically aimed at you btw)
  12. Not sure if it applies, but what I hate most is when people are offended by things that aren't actually offensive to them, but they've been told that it is offensive. A friend claimed that Madonna mouting herself on massive mirrored cross in a mock-crucifixion while singing a powerful ballad that actually tapped into many themes of redemption and forgiveness was offensive to christians. She didn't deface it or make any gestures that could be perceived as negative toward the cross and what it symbolised. I was at a loss as to how it was offensive, and not just using the image in homage/to emphasise themes in the music (which weren't vulgar or anything). -- I agree that I hate the whole "black/african american" thing...I just say black. Around here, that seems to be the norm, and it's not like it's derogatory...I'm a "white person", when my skin is more acurately a horrible hodge podge of pink, pale pink and yellow.
  13. It scares me. I don't think it's irrational either, it's a fear deeply-rooted in the basic human need to know why/what/when RE: our own existence. Sure matter can't not exist/energy can't be destroyed, but we only function as humans in a sort of (bio)mechanical way. The matter and energy that is used and works to make us, us, can stop doing so upon death, meaning that our entire perception of existence/realisty is null and void/nonexistent. So we can neither be bothered or not bothered after we die. I still get the impression that most with the "we won't know or care after we die" arguement sees it as if we sprout wings and fly off, leaving our corpse behind, while still being aware. In any case, it "bothers" me now. Telling me how irrational and unavoidabler the subject of the fear is doesn't help, I'm not a half-wit.
  14. I'm aware of that, thanks. It's not my fault that I actually want to scratch at my own skin whenever I think about it. Not existing is incomprehensible, the way you put it makes it comprehensible/easy to digest. But it's not. That's why I'm also jealous of religion/the religious whilst being annoyed by them. They get the "security" of believing in a place where you continue to exist. Anything incomprehensible is incredibly scary. Fear of the unknown blah blah. But yeah the way you put it makes it seem like we just live in a perpetual dream state after death, mildly aware of our situation, which isn't true. We just end and I can't believe that it will ever happen to me, because I am the be and end all of the universe in which I live. If it was known that I would exist on in some sort of third-person perspective, I'd be fine. But I won't, I'll just cease, and I don't get how it can be...okay. I kinda always thought "Oh when I'm old and on my deathbed I'll have come to terms with it" but I don't think I will. I dunno what I'll do when I am diagnosed with some disease (in the back of my mind, I have the feeling this will happen before I'm old) that means I'll definitely die. I definitely want to be kept alive on machines if it's the only way. I'm incredibly self-centered deep down, part and parcel with this fear.
  15. Every Thursday after arty school, we all (all referring to the group of young people and not the sexually indecent old people on the course) go to a stunning pub called the RoseLeaf. The cocktails are in teapots, the menu's are located within the pages of books, and the toilets are lined with pages from old Ms. Marvel comics. Everytime I go in, I clap. We stayed there from...4.30 till 11.30, loving life. Also basically started the ball rolling on telling the whole world about my friend and a girl on the course (stunning beyond belief, classy, french, brill and a good friend of mine) getting sexy right now/last week (sexy referring to getting with each other while drunk). Although, he told me that he felt like a dick cause he got with her, which he never imagined would happen (no one did tbf), he totally lost attraction to her, and "turned her down". But then last night I think I got them to make it official, though the guy confessed to me he still felt a strange lack of attraction once the horniness wears off. So yeah. I dunno if I should encourage this relationship or not. They're two of my besties, so it's nice to see them hapy for now. ANYWAY I was gonna say something else but now can't remember. I'm gonna go back to my old school to see if the rumors of them harboring my sketchbooks is true, and to see if I can pilfer some scrap wood from the design tech dept.
  16. I have never though "Fuck off! Ghosts aren't real!!!!", despite being a cynic of things like religion/God. But I assume it's just because any hope that we remain after death makes me infinitely more hopeful for the future/my life. I don't know how the idea of not existing doesn't keep other people awake at night... (But yeah, I don't "believe" in ghosts. I'm just ambivalent.)
  17. The only decent thing about HSM (1,2 and 3) is how satisfying all the songs sound, they're crystal-clearly produced so your ears feel massaged aurally. But only by the good songs. I liked the one by Sharpay in the third one. I watched the second one on mute the whole time though, so not sure what that's like. First was rubbish.
  18. I instantly gravitate toward the idea of being a currant bun. I love the concept of Horses, very majestic and synonymous with fantasy and strange lands etc. When other people, write, sing or draw things about Horses, I love it, but the idea of associating myself with the concept of a horse as I see it seems completely wrong.
  19. It's a modern remake, of course it's going to be shit. Go and watch the original.. (then stop)
  20. I'd dislike it more if they just did another akbum in the exact same style as The Con. I really like the melody of the "I know you feel it TOO" bits. I agree it's more "obvious" than their last singles, but we haven't heard the album yet.
  21. I'm in Aberdeen, loving life. Up to see the art college open day, was fine, but hardly scream-worthy. They do have courses I'm interested in though. Mainly up to see my friend who recently started uni up here (a.k.a the third member of the Paj and Chair crew), hilarity has already ensued. Met his new friends, heard the drama, had too much Subway-sandwich related fun already. Need to make sure I catch the train back home tonight...college only gave me the single day off.
  22. FUCK! You instantly reminded me of it, but now I can't place it at all. I want to say Mummies Alive! but I don't think that's right at all.
  23. As long there are still sparks when they get knocked over by whatever the villain fires at them. I love the sparks.
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