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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Ok. You came across as as being upset by it, as others have on here.
  2. Mm, but should I have to do so exclusively?
  3. Oh. Army of Me-xes is a charity album, for Unicef. A whole tonne of independant (mostly unknown) artists did their interpretation of Army Of Me, and put it on am album whose proceeds went to the charity. In fact, the only one I've heard of is Patrick Wolf (love), but his is just a remix I think.
  4. I've listened to Gling-Go before, but only really love Ruby Baby.
  5. Glee Episodes 1-3 Pretty enjoyable. Kinda hate how the music/songs aren't totally in sync with what you see on screen, yet are meant to be. There'll be random clapping that none of the group are making, or obviously more voices in the group than are present etc. But I'm just picking apart the illusion. Some funny dialogue though, especially from Mr. Schu (Shoe?)'s wife. "This is where our daughter or gay son will sleep..." and - "We can't afford this..you'll to choose between having the sun nook or the grand foyer, honey." - " It's my very own Sophie's Choice..." I was cringing/loll'ing when they changed the routine for the assembly, as well.
  6. I have to agree, considering the pound is good against the dollar, I've been to the US loads of times, and I love music, I've bought like..3 albums there total. Mainly cause i'm hesitant to spend £12 on an album in shops here, let alone overseas where it should be cheaper. I did spend $16 on a really hard to find album there though. I searched all the record stores in Tampa, before finding it in the Virgin Megastore in Disney. But that was an exception. --- I'd rarely buy albums brand new for £12+. If I really want it, I will. Like an artist I love's new album or something. But often I'll look for the cheapest price I can, sometimes getting it digitally because of a marked price difference between formats. (Even though I prefer the physical object)
  7. Not bothered to get Stick Around..., after not really enjoying Here Today, Tomorrow Next Week! Only given Stick Around a cursory listen years ago. Their best is their first, Life's Too Good. So solid from start to finish. One of my faves from Life's Too Good.
  8. Fair enough, but I only say "I know what I'm saying :p" when I find it really hard to express my feelings, and that was such a situation. So now you don't care that we're a "clique"? Or you'd prefer that we were a "clique" but didn't reference things/in-jokes no one else knows about? I'm already over it all, I get that you and others hate the fact chair and I reference things only we know about, when everyone feels they should be in the joke, as though I was talking directly to someone, then chair appeared and I started talking in extinct tongues to him, leaving the sole other person out. I wish we could all just deal. Can't we all just sit, without nitpicking at SHIT things?
  9. I get it. People feel left out, but I was trying to point out that it's not like a thread where Chair and I make obscure references to each other, and everyone has to watch, not conributing to the thread at all. It's a place where everyone can contribute to a topic, ignoring whatever/whoever they want. Not everything posted is aimed at every single member of N-Europe. My example was a double-edged sword, but I know what I was trying to say. I just don't see how it can be as alienating as you make it out to be. Just ignore me/ban me if you feel you can't function with the few in-references Chair and I have (which is unacceptable, being friends outwith this place...).
  10. I'll never understand why people treat this forum as though it were an actual, running conversation between two people, and not a...forum. Although I like the *can't think of the word* "homliness", of it, people get pointlessly annoyed by shit that doesn't even affect them. I'm obviously blind/incapable of understanding how it can hurt so many people's feelings.
  11. I feel ill today so I didn't go to art college. I'm dealing. It's only printing, and I've done it before, so I'll catch-up tomorrow.
  12. I'm possibly lying, but in the summer when I went on a walking tour of Berlin, the guide I think mentioned that there were loads of other people in the bunker at the time of Hitler's suicide/death. He killed himself, a few others might've as well.
  13. True. I meant the other movie poster though.
  14. I know, I should have just said that it doesn't sound right. "The" stoic would have sounded better, but made less sense, as it would suggest that all stoic people squirm.
  15. Did you do anything? (Like phone the police?) Not for Nancy Drew, now short of her life savings, with 3 kids to feed. You miserable.
  16. It didn't really work. Almost, but not quite, since it's only ever used in the the *insert correct terminolgy* sense, like in the song "Make the stoic squirm". It does make grammatical sense *sortof*, but I don't truly believe the lie.
  17. I didn't say most films were ruined by having trailers. I said they could be ruined. But trailers in all cases alters viewer perception of what they're about to see/seeing. Unless the trailer isn't a stream of clips from the film, and instead a specially made extra thing. However, those are usually just teasers. But yeah. I can't let people look at the back of DVD's that they intend on taking seriously. I sometimes look at the back of shit-looking comedies (y'know, those ones with red writing and white background, with a airbrushed jessica simpson looking gormless, and some random guy shrugging. Those films.) to see if it sounds shit or not. But I hardly EVER watch comedy films. I find them vastly inferior to comedy TV series. So it's kinda an exception to my "rule".
  18. Of course. It's not possible for them to not exist, and still have a film industry. But it's a fact that films (most-all) aren't meant to be seen with the audience knowing a shred of what is about to happen. It alters viewer perception, and in the cae of Rosemary's Baby (for example, there's loads more films), and really ruin a film on first viewing. I'm just saying, in an ideal world, everyone would be open to seeing films blindly, for the experience of the art in it's intended form. [/art critic voice]
  19. I drove properly around in my car for the first time, in the filthy orange, dusty desert bit in front of Ocean Terminal, just near my house/college. Was easier than I expected (had already practiced the actual starting the car, but hadn't "driven around"). What was my figure of 8 doing around the various poles? Being great. Although, I hate the looking back whilst reversing, as it hurts my eyes/back, so I just didn't bother, and hoped for the best.
  20. Exactly. So why did you say before "leave us with our descriptions" etc,? Descriptions/trailers/DVD BLURBS can ruin films. Fact.
  21. Hardly! That's so much more stunning than just having the movie poster. Actually a good DVD cover. Really unspoilerific, just a face and the title screaming at you.
  22. I also have no idea what the plot of Citizen Kane is. Which is good. One day I'll see it unspoiled.
  23. But downloading it means you can play it on mp3 players, burn it to disc etc. You can do that if you pay for it, or by Dl'ing it illegally. So by not paying for it, you are not giving them the money they could have for doing those acts. Youtube streams (effectively) videos. They aren't in your possession to share.
  24. I know. When I present (and win) the case to legally force publishers to reveal as little spoilers as posible, this film and the DVD case will be my evidence. Films ideally should be watched having never seen the trailer, read anything about it, not knowing the genre, etc. Even the name gives away too much. Technically, even being told "it's good!" puts perceptions into your head that aren't your own. I want to go to a cinema where you just choose between seeing a newly released film, or a "classic"/old film, in 2 different screens, no name, no warning, nothing. An undiluted experience.
  25. Lisa Hannigan is really good. Most famous for being the female voice in that famous Damien Rice song. She was nominated for the Mercury this year, which leads to my next point... Here's The Tender Coming by The Unthanks (formerly Rachel Unthank & The Winterset, nominated for the Mercury in 2008) could very well be one of the best albums of the year. It's some of the most beautiful, atmospheric, emotive music I've ever heard, and while this record is less bleak than the last, there's still a god deal of death, injustice and a few suicides. However, there's one clunker of a track that references Freddie Mercury, and so ruins the feel of the album (most of their stuff is adapted from traditional songs from a century plus ago). A wonderful kind of "folk" (horrible label to give it, sounds almost twee and crap), from Newcastle and around there, sung and played amazingly. (from their previous album, The Bairns)
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