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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Your friend is lying. I don't think it was the worst though. But the Nein thing should go, it wasn't funny when it made sense, less so now.
  2. What if it is you, not them?
  3. My friends flatmates are in love with it too...he can't bear it, he hates on of the flatmates, but the other is one of his best friends, and apparently he becomes a different person on it (which is always). But that's just a personal reaction to it I guess. But yeah, they spend loads on it.
  4. Monster Girl best be there or I'll...I'll...
  5. He's the first original member revealed so far right?
  6. Listen to YS quickly, my heart is heavy as an oil drum. Her influences are really only present on HOOM.
  7. ^ I sortof like that. I wasn't completely taken with the bits I heard from their new one. I'm enjoying Goldfrapp's new album. Huge lack of depth, but it's so shiny (and warm). Makes you want to shimmy.
  8. It's just pointing out a difference as far as I can tell. But then the first one is from the first official batch of watercolour-y drawings for the original 151, before the TV show dictated how everything should look.
  9. I didn't expect
  10. It's a mainly american thing as far as I know. You hear it all the time on Tv shows and films from there.
  11. I need to be driving in my own car again (after a good while of not doing so on my instructor's recommendation - he now says I should again) but my dad hasn't got the insurance done yet. I just hate how affecting my performance in each lesson can be. Last time I was really bad, like just forgetting what I was doing (not lack of focus as far as I could tell, I just was going insane and doing things wrong), whereas both times before last I was pretty good. And so I'd rather do anything else than my lesson tomorrow. I just feel like I can't imagine myself driving properly once passed anymore, despite feeling like I could, a few months ago.
  12. The totally nonsensical twisting of "Couldn't care less" into "Could care less", without the meaning changing with it. It's unacceptable.
  13. Nice little ditties. What program do you use to make the beats/non-piano bits? Just cause I realised that although I feel such a calling to make music, I can't. And so I could just make loads of shite pop songs for my own consumption/enjoyment of shite lyrics, but I dunno how to make the beats except for what looks like a very rigid way in Garageband (i.e they've done it already).
  14. Lots of posts got deleted in the server thing the other day.
  15. I know nothing about Scott Pilgrim, but that looks potentially...fun. Michael Cera = usual complaints. I wish George Michael Bluth would just stay in Arrested Development and he play someone different. Plus his hair is ridiculously annoying to look at.
  16. Yeah it's really quite brilliant. I'm scared that more people aren't listening to her.
  17. I know there's accents that put me off, but none in particular that I find really attractive. Sometimes voices are realy hypnotic though, not in a sexual way. There was some invigilator for an exam once who was from the north of Scotland/the islands, and she had that kinda high voice thing. I wanted her to speak to me forever. (I've heard the accent loads, dunno why it was just this random old woman who stunned me.)
  18. £2 I hate how the interior art isn't at all as great as the cover art (my cover is different to that one, but same thing applies.) But felt like an essential purchase for the price. Vinyl LP £2 I love the cover, and that's what I'm basing my vinyl purchases on atm, as I'm sans player.
  19. It was clearly God's will. "Scraping The Bottom Of The Pot For Gold Until My Fingers Are But Bloody Stubs" Starring Molly Ringwald, Eliza Dushku and Michael Caine. All playing you throughout various times in your life. Like that Bob Dylan film.
  20. I just got an e-mail telling me I've got a place on the BA Filmmaking course at Kingston. I've been wrapped.
  21. Monday is considered the first day generally, but based on the old religious view or something Sunday is. It's just two differents ways of looking at it.
  22. It is. Ashley's trying to fool us again, like the filthy fox he is.
  23. Aren't all the days named after Norse deities/beings? Thor-sday, Freya-day etc.
  24. Yeah colours too, but then everything we think about has colours/settings to some degree. Usually based on associations of some sort. Let me think about what the colours might be for me... Monday - Kinda..warm, rusty, but a bit yellow. Not quite orange, not quite yellow. Tuesday - I'm thinking pale blue or grey or similar. Wednesday - Blue, turquoise, a bit greeny, but definitely blue of some sort. Thursday - Quite a "regal" day in my head, maybe a darker rusty colour from Monday, but not yellow. Or a bit purpley. Friday - A bit "flimsy". A cold, thin blue or green. Saturday and Sunday are both either red or see-through (presumably because of the fact they're "days off"). That said, those colours are really subtle when I think about them, it's not like I see a massvie red square with SUNDAY written on it.
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