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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. It just really doesn't move me in any way. I kinda hate the actual music, it's like a cycle of taking-you-nowhere-but-isnt-stunning-enough-not-to. And I don't find her vocals affectations enough to make it interesting. I much prefer her own songs.
  2. Went to college. There'd been a small fire in the painting class's room (it was shut off, and the door was all charred - stunning) on Monday night, and so the painting class were all in our main studio, with us bunched into the sculpture court. Felt really rude, considering our course is actually meant to be so we get better/have better chances of getting in places, they're just doing an advanced kinda "spare time" thing. Rude cunts. In any case, I went home to take photos. Haven't done that yet, just been arathoning Buffy Season 5, and the airline thankfuly dropped off my portfolio they abandoned in London. Listening to the free CD that came with Mojo, "Dream Pop". It's blowing me.
  3. I'm actually quite indifferent to Santigold's song on Here Lies Love. It might make more sense in context of the album when that finally comes out, but it just come across as a bit formless and meandering.
  4. RE: Dannyboy Pick up the receivah I'll make you a believah
  5. I was gonna say. -- I don't think I've ever celebrated St. Patrick's day in any way or form. Nothing irish in our family. Though my mum says she wishes she was.
  6. Carnage stuns in some regards, bastard!
  7. Adds. Just the end when the 2 are great together. The guy is a bit annoying, but you deal.
  8. In my dream last night/this morning I remember one point where I had to sing Beyonce's part of Telephone. Also thankfully, British Airways phoned to say my folio will be on the 9.40 flight into Edinburgh.
  9. I wrote a really long and meandering thing about how Baby Birch by Joanna Newsom is one of the most emotive and brilliant pieces of song-writing I've ever heard. But I didn't post it.
  10. All the pain was worth it, you know that you deserve it.
  11. It got a good review from Q. They also reviewed the live gig (Miike Snow and I Blame CoCo) Alex Gardner supported. Said he was good, but lacked a killer single. *shrugs* Feels strange, the fame, the fame, doing it for the.
  12. I defy until I clutch the CD in my clammy clasps.
  13. FLEW DOWN TO LONDON FOR KINGSTON FILMMAKING INTERVIEW And it was great. The woman was great, and my interview was so casual and flowing. She added at the end "Well yeah, realistically I'd love to give you a place, and you'll probably get one". I bounded outta there like a spring. Kingston stunned with memories of previous times spent there. FLEW HOME. Guess what? THEY LEFT MY VITAL, LIFES-WORK PORTFOLIO IN GATWICK. It hadn't been checked for the plane, so I know it's still there, not mysteriously missing. But seriously, if that cunting outsized luggage man has lost it, I'll kill him with cheesewire then feed his globby remains to his children. My day was so improved by the Joann Newsom review in MOJO magazine. Come one 5 stars, being rated an "Instant Classic", and getting your own joke illustration of how it made the reviewer feel.
  14. Even though I shout in this thread, I'm away ALL of tomorrow until late night (I'll do it then don't worry), so just hold your horses for me where I would normally let them loose on others.
  15. I assumed you all knew. It terrified me, but I didn't leave.
  16. That's famous and so CLEARLY true...they just swapped the designs around at the last minute, it looks like. I'm so ready to believe.
  17. I was just interested. I do think family albums are a bit "...". I'd rather the photos of the events be candid, and someone to take photos in the wake of devastatingf news, just for the sake. Basically that quote you posted. That said I (obviously) like a lot of art and fashion photography. But then there's stuff that crosses the barriers, like Diane Arbus.
  20. Chris Cooper and Meryl Streep weigh my pockets down with candy.
  21. Only love can break your heart. Try to be sure right from the start.
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