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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. I thought the visuals were really uninteresting. Technically good, cgi etc. But the cgi animals still looked like cgi animals. In things like Avatar, the gap between "cgi animal" and human being was much less and that's why that worked visually (for me). The costumes were good. And like Triforce said, I'd much rather have seen a Wonderland of the past, or more like the Red Queen's castle/garden. Plus it was all grey and foggy and horrible. While "part of the story" it just reminded me of every Tim Burton film of the 2000's and why I hate them. I think 3-D actually may have detracted, I find it really hard to remember the film vividly, it was a bit too distracting.
  2. I hate him.
  3. I'm not up for a needlessly long coach journey there. I'll just look at Ryanair...but I just picked Heathrow to land at cause apparently that's closest to Kingston?
  4. I want to bleach and then dye my hair now. Not sure if I should wait until after my Kingston interview though. Might do. Just cause it might look shit and I'll have no time to change it if push came to shove. Flights to Heathrow are £200 + (return obv.). Smelly cat, smelly cat.
  5. Didn't know who he was, as far as I know I've never seen him in anything. Oh well.
  6. I imagine just off to the left is where Milais' Ophelia is set. Among the reeds/rushes.
  7. He runs like the fire does, just picking up daises. With ribbons undone.
  8. Here.
  10. Pretend I added a smiley. You love it.
  11. Dear Ashley Love Lenne (Especially considering today was the first of the culling...change in art applicaiton system means loads less people getting in/interviews...general blood and mud and worse caking my classmates as they, and I, find out our futures)
  12. This whole Avengers Academy thing feels so 90's and uninteresting. Though I don't know much behind the concept, I'd prefer they used existing heroes that would need training in order to become Avengers in the future...
  13. They said "superhero", I assume he meant Batman doesn't exist in the film, not "no one else has powers". How did you even come to that conclusion?
  14. All your bones are dolorous with vines.
  15. Shorty was joking. I think.
  16. Angel Season 1 Episode 1 (most of it, fuck you webz) Seems intriguing and I already prefer him here than on Buffy. Plus Cordelia. Yes. I never saw the very end but I assume all ends well. Buffy Season 5 Episode 1 Really "..." for a season opener. Just bizarre and felt like a straight to video thing (probs becuase the tradition of "VS Dracula!" things to be so), but yeah. Just felt really strange and not good. The ending was also "...". I knew she'd appear at some point, but I never knew how she was introduced. Obviously this is a "WTF!?" inducing bit, but yeah. I'm not screaming. I just want Anya to do more with her life. She feels the most underused.
  17. My heart is heavy as an oil drum.
  18. There's a Titanic joke in that somewhere.
  19. I just assumed it would be referring to; av·a·tar   [av-uh-tahr, av-uh-tahr] –noun 1. Hindu Mythology. the descent of a deity to the earth in an incarnate form or some manifest shape; the incarnation of a god. It technically was (I liked the play on the word Avatar), but I didn't think it would be about mind-swapping bodies etc.
  20. I think there's the standard Avatar "here's what happens!" trailer and the teaser which had the stunning music in the background. EDIT: Even the stunning music one basically gives you everything, though I didn't even know what the main concept for the film (the avatars) was when I walked in, and I'd seen the trailer.
  21. Tempest wannabe.
  22. I don't think they work very well. It seems completely unnecesarry and just fragments the image completely. That probably would have worked better than just on a screen here, to be fair.
  23. Worse is the "OSAKA" ones everyone seems to have. I don't understand. That trend may have passed mostly, but it annoyed me.
  24. Started remixing and revisiting my portfolio today. Crying cause he chose 10 pieces from about 30. He did say that he was just being tough and that those were "the best". But still Headteacher and my tutor really liked my filmy, it got a 7, which I was really happy with (8 is the beat you'e gonna get on a good day, 9 heralds the third coming of Joan d'Arc, and 10 just..doesn't exist. Only been given out 3 times in 20 years.
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