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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. THREAD NECROMANCY *the drums from Jumanji are heard* --- So yeah, I'm applying for art courses this year, and so it's a much more "UGH" procress of portfolio preparing/making and carrying to interview to show. I applied this year to Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Dundee and Kingston in London. Edinburgh and Glasgow decided to make all applicants do a "mini digital folio" of a select amount of photos sent with your application. This would decide if you got through to interview stage or not (this chane in process was due to art applications through ucas know being like all other subjects, rather than preferance based). HOWEVER, I applied to film for Edinburgh, but 1st year (as far as i could tell, it was a sorta thing where you applied to the subject, and did the general year first). Film applicants had to answer questions instead of do this folio, which I did. Anyway, got a swift reply saying I was unsuccessful because my answers were unsatsifactory, which pissed me off, as now I think I should have done like pages for each questions rather than half a page or whatever. BUT ANYWAY I didn't really wanna stay here so I'm phased by not getting in. I got an invitation to interview for Film in Kingston today. For the life of me IDK why I applied there, since I want to have a first year in halls and stuff (this is the pure 3 year course without a first year). The info sheet they sent made me realise I do not have anywhere near enough film work to show them...I only just started (about to finish) my first film project. My portfolio would be this short (not exactly thrilling) film project on DVd, a few horrible storyboard things and then just full of paintings and drawings. The fact I don't want to go to London or miss out on a first year, combined with the fact it would just be embarassing to go along with what I have, I'm seriously considering just not going for interview. However, that means all my eggs are in 2 baskets, Dundee and Aberdeen. But then the eggs I'd put in the Kingston basket would be rotten. I'm not sure If I should go and try or just realise that it's just laughable to do so and stick to applying confidently to places I actually want to go to? Sorry this is so long and rambling.
  2. I have it on iTunes. So much love.
  3. My sister has a book of his and I hear his name mentioned every so often. I'm not really that interested in our dog (), let alone how we're "meant to train him".
  4. Semi tried, IIRC. Or myabe I just wrote up a thread without posting..? I do that sometimes. I like the idea, but then...albums need a lot of time to sink in etc. But then I guess first and second impressions would be interesting in themselves.
  5. Yay. Glad you didn't die/explode/dissolve into a pool of empty skin.
  6. I don't hate I Am Not A Robot, despite having it for effectively the same time as Chair...it's not as great as it once was, but then instantly awesome pop songs rarely keep their sheen. My favourite album tracks of hers from The Family Jewels are definitely Shampain and Oh No! If you are not very careful your possesions will possess you
  7. All the pain was worth it, I know that you deserve it! (sheikah!)
  8. If it sounds anything like her Alice In Wonderland song... *doesn't know how to finish sentence, but hopes the general feelings of horror/disgust are evident regardless* --- P.S Joanna Newsom's new album is sublime, serence and just...amazing. Everything I wanted. She's truly progressing as an artist, you can hear it. Just...wow.
  9. I'm aroused. I wonder what's coming up in th X-verse...I like their current situation. But isn't that copyright shittyness or something?
  10. 42986! *looks at Shino's score*
  11. It is ridiculous and as a design choice makes him look silly rather than fear-mongering.
  12. But managed 4+ seasons of One Tree Hill?
  13. I did! I knew a few of the answers, I was pleased. Like the Cleoptra one (obvious, tbf) and the one about Brian Cox, among others.
  14. I think it's actually really good. Exceeded my expectations, every track is a catchy stand-alone song in it's own right, and I love her voice (which has drawn comparisons to Bjork, but onyl due to similar vocal inflections, nothing to do with the "sound" per se). I had Wish I Stayed (Acoustic) for ages, and thought that was her style...I loved it. Then I heard the full album demo and hated it. They've made it a lovely soundscape with loads of layers for the album version, and it definitely works. The Writer is lovely too. The last few still need to sink in (Except Salt Skin), but overall it's much more solid than efforts from last years equivalent people, like Little Boots.
  15. I know...I needed to sneeze and felt like crying instead. My highest score is 30,000 something. I reached the farthest I'd ever got and was like "Yes! Not Dying Toda-FUUUUUUUUUUCK". Anyone else realise you can control the jump really well? i.e hold it down and the unicorn floats a little bit etc. Of course this is false sense of security cause if you hold it down you have less control if you're about smack into a rock.
  16. Luke Cage is a Thunderbolt AND a "New" Avenger? Maybe it's just me, but I completely nothing Luke Cage. From what I've read he's been written decently, but it might be because he's so uninteresting "superhero"-wise I've never been interested. No costume/uniform, boring power etc. But then I keep hearing he's so popular. EDIT: Dan; I read issue 1 of Irredeemable. Seems like a cool premise/I've seen it before, but I get the feeling this'll be good.
  17. I bet Battlestar Galactica Season 1 is better than both.
  18. I'm just back to re-iterate; the unicorn game is in my top ten things I've ever seen on the internet. Such a powerful experience. Fuck Avatar for immersion in amazing, visual worlds. I actually cried out "Yes! I can fly!" in genuine joy when it was going almost too fast.
  19. Black Eyed Peas technically very impressive epic 10 minute new video. I assume/think it's a mash-up of 2 of their songs, I don't have the album so I'm not sure. They're both pretty crap. But it's worth a watch.
  20. Will go into college just to be like "Hey. I'm alive. Here's my camcorder with stuff on it to prove I am working when I go home instead of working in the building" (my film project takes place in my house). It's a bit pointless...all the footage is being severely edited and changed in Final Cut at the moment, so it's not like they'll be seeing my progress properly (and I'm working on a desktop MAc so can't bring what I've done in easily). BUT assuming they'll just send me home mid-morning again, I'll swing past HMV in Ocean Terminal to get Joanna Newsom's new album (FUUFUFUFUFck), and if that HMV doesn't have it (it's quite shite) I'll just go into town and deal with the fact.
  21. I've seen ALL of the last season! I got into Buffy while the last season was airing, and just watched it for the sake of it. I only really remember bits of the last one, and the fact Nathan Fillion is the villain, but I can't remember any plot points or anything. So yeah. It's kinda annoying cause I know lots of things that happen like
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