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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Why would she release that song? I don't understand. Video was really "..." too. (Except she looked great as she always does) I don't know who Rafa Nadal is. I recognise his second name so I'll hazard a guess at some kinda of sports person? --- A lovely Bon Iver remix. Electronic/pulsey yet fitting the feel of his music. That whole blog is really good for some interesting new stuff/remixes.
  2. Went for my driving lesson early, felt relaxed during it which was good. Also meant I was better. I'm excited cause my friend's (and chair's former) band have asked me to due premilinary arty/designey things for them, and they already liked the logo I made (not very arty, but still) and some of the imagery.
  3. It sounds a bit like if ABBA were still making albums. And a bit like the music from a musical. Really bombastic and intentionally angular to get her point across. If that makes any sense.
  4. Eenuh..are you... are you..naked...in that gameboy picture? *worried*
  5. As I have the worst hair I've ever come across, It looks different every day. It has the feel of dolls hair, and if I don't straighten it (and even if I do), it's just this formless, medusa-like mass on my head, often ending up looking like some old woman's bouffant hairstyle-thing. It's depressing. It looks worse short, so there's a reason I keep it relatively "long".
  6. Yeah, It's CLEARLY Zoo-Ee Deshannel.
  8. A great country. Why are you going/are you going to Berlin?
  9. It was, and I assumed the same thing when he mentioned "sea hag" too.
  10. I keep coming back to this, just admiring it as a sculpt. It's so elegant and just beautiful relative to most heroclix figures, which sacrifice reality for dynamism on a small scale...but this has both. It's great. It looks like a little statue.
  11. Moar Buffy Season 3 I broke all my fingers due to my lack of understanding of Faith. Now there's una loba en el armario. I loved the "psychic" episode, just the lunchlady's dialogue, clearly from the film I'll write/direct in the future. EDIT: Now finished Season 3. I think it's my favourite of the 3 I've seen...frequently funny writing and some interesting stories. Thoughts:
  12. Violently Happy is my personal fave. There's More To Life Than This is essential in it's own way. P.S I prefer it to their first album, and the third one is more "mainstream" (about as much as they get) so I don't really count it. I love how the music within actually fits the cover.
  13. I assumed you'd known it's greatness for some time. It's as you say, so simple, yet has some strange emotional weight to it.
  14. I like good Jazz in moderation, I just pointed out how shite that free thing you linked was.
  15. I hoped that'd be good. So processed/shite. Give me live jazz any day.
  16. Just put it away Danny.
  17. Paj!

    My work

    Jareth Cutestory? [/don't worry if you don't get it] If you did all those dragons yourself, that's pretty neat. Not really my kind of subject matter (bit wishy-washy internet/deviantart/digital art cliche, but they're nicely done regardless.
  18. Stop lying. Tori knows how to deal with the likes of you.
  19. I've NEVER heard her compared/likened/in the same sentence with Leona Lewis. This is a new low... :wink: But yeah, I can't think of any warbling Leona-style in any Tori songs.
  20. It's fine as a kinda "Look, she isn't scary (But here's Juarez about death and all distorted OOH!" mix, but it's missing a key "emotional" one. You question where the likes of an Icicle/Crucify/Jupiter-esque song is. Also I would only say she warbled (warbled isn't really the right term) on her last few albums in any case.
  21. Although I haven't read it, I love the fact Mera and Scarecrow are so great. Also ReZ, I'll be slightly hurt If I don't receive some sort of gift from you like Chair did. And by hurt, I mean, not really care at all. But it would be coolie. I'd send something back in return. A tinderbox.
  22. 10/10 still, but I'm biased. I love how the quotes change every so often without you actively noticing. And then when you do, you're stunned. And FAIL FAN alert: It's "Off with Superfly, sniffing a sharpie pen." *shakes head*
  23. My view as well. For example Chair, did you see some randomers photos Dickie was tagged in on Facebook? I want THAT camera. Same story as Joanna's.
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