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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. You can't ask that if you put your work up for judgement/critique. If someone is "bashing" for no reason, fair enough, but you can't ask for just positive comments. In any case, there's nothing to say negatively, there's some nice digital work there. I like the composition of "Fading Fast". A lot.
  2. Went to a shoppin centre I used to go to all the time as a babe, but haven't in years. Was less weird than I expected. Generally just followed family. Went to put M7S shopping in the car boot while everyone was fucking about, did so, then went to put the trolley away, when I suddenly realised both front-side windows were rolled down half-way. I sudden;y thought "oh shit, robbery!" but nothing had been taking, the car was still locked, and the onyl way to open the front two windows is to put the key in to activate the electrics (the back window are rollers, the front two aren't). Checked everything, no one had been in. There were new packs of cigarettes, CD's etc in the car, not touched. Nothing of great value in the car in any case, but I genuinely dont think it was anything to do with peope. Must be some weird mechanical fault.
  3. Yeah Julia Roberts and man I don't know but probably is famous' bit was the best. Just cause the endings of both were great and unexpected. I did love "Don't make Katya come down there off her horse.." from Anne Hathaway, though.
  4. How old is she now? I saw her most recent video/single and she looked pretty good. (Auf der Maur I mean)
  5. It's out on DVD already.
  6. Cause I need more arty magazines to take images from and cause I enjoyed the cover; £5 (Crying) Except issue 15. I miss getting the UK editions of Marvel comics. The back issues of them I have over the past 12 years are all I read before I go to bed most nights. Stopped a while ago for no reason other than forgetfulness. I want to subscribe to Avengers and maybe Spider-Man again.
  7. He didn't do anything though. He had no role in the film. He added nothing. I just thought Swift was more entertaining. My sister pointed out that if they got married they'd both be Taylor Lautner. :p
  8. Oh okay. It better not be aimed at children or whatever.
  9. What's that? ^ I hate it.
  10. I'd be afraid I'd catch the permanent cold she has that makes her voice so horrible and look like she's about to drip snot everywhere. I saw the opening titles once (probs a link from you) and was stunned. It's on my list. I've now finished Terminator, still doing HIMYM, obviously...what else? Oh, Twin Peaks season 2 is finalyl coming out soon. :p But yeah. I will get on it soon.
  11. Valentine's Day They played Hunter by Bjork before the trailers started, making this cinemagoing experience So Much Betta. But yeah. More enjoyable than I thought. I had a smile painted across my face multiple times. I loved Anne Hathaway. I never really imagined Jessica Biel could talk. I'd seen her in magazines before looking all amazonian, but she was funny/fun in this. Both Taylors felt needless, but at least Swift was funny. Hmm. Yeah. It put me in a good mood, but isn't really a good film. Just lots of little scenes all tied together designed to stroke our audiencegenitalia in the right places to incur joy and sadness.
  12. I wouldn't laugh if anyone did it. I wouldn't actively be annoyed at the person, but I wouldn't laugh. EDIT: Not that I found it "mean" or whatever. I think Chair is thinking same as me, it just came across as contrived/not a truly effective joke. A different face would have worked better etc.
  13. Well he was american in BSG, so it's not like he can't. But yeah, I imagined someone more like whatshisname. Ryan something. Looks just like Rick in the comic. Or is it Edward Norton I'm thinking of? Someone who looks like Edward Norton but is called Ryan. EDIT: Ryan Gosling!
  14. Yeah, he's better than I expected (which was...nothing) but apart from being a good conversation piece (I chatted to my hairdresser about Paolo Nutini's album that was playing, then leading into the fact Alex supported him last year etc), I foresee me having nothing to do with his music.
  15. £7 Apparently this is one of the greatest films ever, visually. Meant to see it at the local independant cinema but I was a month too late. £10 Based purely on the recommendation written by a staff member in Fopp. I best be stunned. I'd never heard anything by her/them before.
  16. Brothers and Sisters latest ep. Nothing much as usual, just lovely people living lovely lives in lovely L.A suburbs dealing with their problems. I'm terrified for Holly. The midnight society (reference for Chair) just outwitted her and hit her for 4.
  17. Here's a picture of Saint Etienne to represent the fact I bought the 12" You're In A Bad Way Vinyl Single. £4.99
  18. I think the fly was Cajun, not Cuban! :p
  19. I realised since I've started getting more money, I've bought less music, as though my vital funds would be depleted. So I need to just BUY more, since there's so much out/coming out soon. Currently in my Amazon basket is Joanna, Marina and Ellie's upcomings (so pre-orders) and Vampire Weekends new one which I never bothered to get, scared of spending 7 pounds. I also realised I've only got one gig lined up this year, which terrifies me, didn't see much in the latter half of last year. Thing is, my arty friends are so much more disparate than my schooly friends, so there's no telling who will come and what else they're doing with their lives. I could just buy 3 tickets to Ellie Goulding and then see who else wants to go. If no one just sell them or something. Going by myself, feeling blue.
  20. You'll never gain weight From a doughnut hole.
  21. I always meant to listen to Nerina Pallot's albums, I loved Everybody's Going To War years back. But she looks disturbingly like my step-cousin (?)'s maddened son on that album cover above. ---- Let's just take time out from the world and do this: While listening to this: Possibly the most essential thing I've ever posted in this thread.
  22. Allthough genuinely the first stunning song that came on shuffle, so...
  23. I don't want to be infracted, I Think That I Would Die. You inciteful bAStard!
  24. I know, but by sit I really mean I want to sit on a nice patch of grass, from which I'll stand up from and see greatness before me. As opposed to seeing shit everywhere.
  25. She's a slut and she knows it.
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