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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Well I'm glad I didn't have to have the awkward conversation where I tell you that I'd be lead singer with you on back-up/autotuned. Let's lay all our VS. cards on the table here...I've been likened to a male Cat Power.
  2. It's better if you wait longer in any case. She's obviously pissed cause her boyfriend/customer couldn't finish due to excessive wanking.
  3. Yeah, cause The Spirit doesn't take itself at all seriously, so it's fine. Same with LVK...it's almost intentionally shit? Things like I Know Who Killed Me (personal worst film ever) are the true horrors...the ones that believe they're good.
  4. Play Dead stuns, and is a famous one non-fans will probs have heard, it was a big hit/soundtrack song. It's (effectively) from her first album Debut (it was tagged onto later pressings, a la Rihanna et al). Army of Me is on Post, which is way better than Debut, and every song just has so much to tell. I have a feeling you'll love Enjoy from Post.
  5. I like. For Razz; Not my favourite, but it feels bombastic, and the video's good.
  6. Really? *squints eyes*
  7. I still don't understand. Are we meant to be laughing at his face? Or the whole video? Neither are funny.
  8. Suits and wedding dresses are really just societal norms originating from traditional wear for christian weddings I assume... I think if I got married I'd want it to be fairly traditional/smart, but each to their own.
  9. From Fbook; No no no. Really bad in most places. I smiled/let a chuckle loose at Phil's first bit. That was it though. Didn't work. I'm more intrigued by the idea of Pretty Wu-Man. --- More comments. It just seemed entirely tired and overdone. 300 is over, the memes around it were mildly amusing about 4 years ago, but to overdo it here is silly. And seriously, Nein, Nein, Nein isn't really funny. The hitler thing that's funny is the Downfall video people edit. The Dark Knight bit made me be sick into my mouth, then swallow it again. Didn't get the Facebook of Eli bit AT ALL until you clarified it at the end. Just made no sense to follow/ wasn't sure what it was meant to be telling me. Feels like it's a decent premise executed not very well. Schindler's Cyst went on too long, I got it and was just waiting until it finished. Also, Kanye West is over too. It was too long ago to be funny. And it's a stretch linking it to Kane. I would have preferred you like re-enacted trailers in funny ways? Or something like that.
  10. If it's one of the biggest days of his life, shouldn't be able to wear whatever he wants?
  11. ? Why do people keep respoting that? Is it some sort of joke? It's been posted on N-E at least 4 times now.
  12. M'lord, that's my birthday! Now there's two reasons to celebrate the 24th. Congrats etc.
  13. I've fallen in love with Ke$ha, so I shan't hear a bad word about her. Unless you say you hate half her album. Or if you just say she's awful, cause there isn't really a defence. She is. Related: This is so fake/set up, to promote her "drunk" image, and it's really well filmed which is a giveaway, but still pretty cool.
  14. Your time, your time to shine. Shine, shine, shine, shine, groove, shine. or ^ Literally what I did.
  15. Eevee's fighting-type evolution? I'd be stunned.
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