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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. I think she was saying it was a fun play on words. It was.
  2. I just want to go on a Pokemon journey, where people are too open with strangers. I'm so tired of the fact humans judge and complain. I just want to sit *does his hand movement for "sit", slowly waving his hands, palms-downward, up and down*. I wish people were more open to just living for the fact they're alive and there's someone in front of them. Let me be weak. Let me sleep.
  3. It's just word/image association to real life humour or something like that. I don't think many other people do it... Though Phoenix do deserve one's full attention. I listened to their recent album the other day, my hearbeat beat me senselessly.
  4. Yeah. I kinda felt like if I didn't get in anywhere this year (which I feel is going to happen) that I shouldn't be so annoyed/upset by it. I'd sort of treated Uni as trying to "keep up" with people and stuff, yet I'd almost prefer to just go off somewhere and live for 4 months. Like Arizona or something. Just sit in a cave and write a word a day of a 23 page book. I genuinely would love to just go and have nothing be on my mind for a long stretch. Or rather, nothing that conflicts with anything else. Hmm. I listened in such interest when my australian art tutor told me she once lived with an aboriginal commune/commune/group for a month because her car broke down and no one ever passed where they were. The people were just like "Let's have jokes". I just want to take Scarlet's Walk.
  5. I'm pretty sure you'd have complained anyway if I'd written "Stunned". What's the lesser, of two...evils...?
  6. Recently (recent weeks/month) I've been feeling the need to initiate change far more than I ever have in the past. Despite wanting the same things for ages. I'm so tempted to just go and do stuff. Actually get a tatto that I keep meaning to. I considered getting something pierced but at the moment it feels needless since I don't actually want anything pierced. I need new clothes too. I decided I need a job since realistically I'll probably end up destitute/dead if I don't get some real experience soon. Plus I'll need money to live. I'm applying to work part-time at Build-A-Bear Workshop, which stuns, but I'm scared will break me as a person only so tolerant of rude children.
  7. American Beauty My review. Roll me into a ditch so I can finally rest my head. It's so pregnant.
  8. Seed Song is my favourite. Just cause it's the only one I remember.
  9. Looks like that. Though to be fair it was a completely honest post.
  10. Arguably moreso in that one! JOKES. jokes.
  11. Looks a bit like a female Jayseven. Thinks it's the lips. Sorry. Not meant to be an insult.
  12. The first one reminds me of . Lyrically. Sort of.
  13. Done nothing all day, which is how I intended to spend it. Watched and finished Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles and wish they'd had another series instead of Dollhouse. Though while a tantalising ending ripe for another season, It's tied up enough, sort of. Anyway. Lovely roast dinner. Yum.
  14. Yeah. If a film can't hold up without it's twist/climax, it's not really worth much. And Moon I think will.
  15. I just want them to let us have LOADS of Pokemon to capture, rather than make us wait to beat the game with the shits we're allowed THEN give us the Pokeradar to use... Don't have all 67899 in one game fine, but have most available in the main game.
  16. FRAK YOU. I will, but I need to regain momentum.
  17. Strangely I had a "romantic" dream last night/this morning. Which I never have. In which I was a part of a team of operatives who perform generally heroic missions for a S.H.I.E.L.D-like organisation, who wear scarlet armour and fly on great hover bikes. We had finished a mission ro something and were taking time off in a future utopian middle-eastern country of some sort (It looked a bit like Batman Beyond mixed with Blade Runner), and the team went for drinks at a realy huge open plan-yet-fancy cafeteria place. I met this somehow important girl (princess or something), and then somehow (can't remember) we ended up in the toilets about to do something saucy (the toilets were strangely huge and clean, made of wood), and then I was like "Wait, I really need some orange juice", so she went and got some, while I took a shit (?). Then I woke up. But yeah. I just found it interesting cause I never have dreams involving relationships/attraction/love. *leaves*
  18. Probably chair/razz/me. --- Official Remix of Telephone by Passion Pit, for the upcoming single release. Lovely. Merging several musical worlds together I never connected before.
  19. I'd imagine a singles day to be another excuse of an occasion to go out and get completely watsed.
  20. I can't remember if I've ever seen Sophie Okenedo in a film, or if I'd even ever heard of her before looking at the DVD box of it, but the fact she's in Hotel Rwanda makes me want to see it.
  21. This shit is bananas. BeeAyEnnAyEnnAyEss
  22. The Princess & The Frog It felt non-classic, but had some stunning elements. I love the setting, and the way her friend Charlotte was animated. It felt really fluid, or something. I also found the firefly and his little story moving. The music wasn't amazing lyrics wise, but I loved the general "south"ness of it. I liked the use of Voodoo, though Doctor Facilier felt a bit unoriginal. It was fine though. Enjoyable/nice. 6.875/10
  23. It's directed by the guy who did Revolutionary Road too. Which I know you outrageously left the cinema during.
  24. But Luke Cage is a Thunderbolt in the new series...
  25. Sarah Connor Chronicles Season 2, up to Some Must Watch, While Some Must Sleep
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