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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. I thought Hawkeye and Spider-Woman were already revealed as "pure" Avengers? FUCK THIS
  2. Roisin Murphy's latest single, with production by The Crookers. She is continuing her new thing of releasing lots of singles without an album, at least this year. All 3 have been pretty awesome so far, so I say carry on. ALSO: Hole's new single ("Skinny Little Bitch" - lol) free, today only, on their website. Sounds like Courtney's got her shite together...much more Hole sounding than her solo record ( I know that sound obvious, but yeah...).
  3. Maybe New Avengers will be the similar/same roster as before, all the kinda "Marvel Knights" -esque ones, while Avengers has the "actual" avengers.
  4. My day was made so much better by the fact I discovered that Jonsi from Sigur Ros officially remixed Madonna's version of American Pie. Quite stunning to hear./ just better than her normal one. Also my tutotr came round and told me my film piece was really nice. YAY. Now off to get blank DVD's and pray it copies/burns right. *has horrible memories of times past*
  5. It's way more satisfying buying stuff in person, too. Why I never pre-order CD's or DVD's. I'd rather run to HMV/wherever to get it on release day. ------ 3 x tickets to see £73 (Crying, but the point is for other people coming to give me the money)
  6. There's a laserquest in Edinburgh...if only you English folk weren't so selfish and actually considered Scotland as a meet area...
  7. I know Kingston mildly. Well. If knowing means I've been there several times. Yes. I hope so.
  8. ^ you know that J.Lo video is an homage to Flashdance?
  9. Yeah I'm crying at not being able to see bands. :p Well, famous ones. Except P!nk. For some reason she tours Aberdeen. Yeah, I like the idea of like wafting around London, like "Hey! What the fuck am I going to do today..?" wearing joke clothes. I'd also smoke and write songs on the harpsicord. But then realistically. But yeah...I'll talk to Shit-face McKenzie (my tutor) tomorrow (he's coming around..don't ask) and maybe go in tomorrow afternoon for a better chat/do that on Thursday when my personal tutor is actually in. Also; I'm really up for leaving home, that's why I was literally indifferent to being rejected by Edinburgh. I didn't even want to stay here anyway. I love Edinburgh, but I'd rather come here from living somewhere else. I want to actually live my life somewhere else for once. The thing I'm most looking foward to is packing to leave. Finally leaving my room of mess and starting afresh.
  10. Feel It In My Bones is better in full dance mode, but it's nice to hear it acoustic. Though you can tell they were like "This is an obvious B-Side, lets give it to Tiesto".
  11. Well I haven't applied for a foundation year, which I should have really but didn't really think about before. (I was abit confused as to what Jay said, if they'd still offer student accom or not applying straight into the 3 year course or not, but anyway) Also, a friend of mine is doing film in London some place (the fact he's doing film is irrelevant) and he says it's hugely alienating...all his course-mates are dotted all over london (he's in a flat with his brother) and he just feels a bit lost in the city etc, the people on his course aren't all friends or whatever. So i'd be in a flat in london and it's just a bit "...". And money. I hate the spending of. EDIT: Also my aunt went to Uni there for a bit (I know this was like the 80's) but she said it was such a hassle to get anywhere and she had to leave things early just to get home etc. I'm so bored of hassle.
  12. Gemma Arterton's voice in that trailer is so annoying in it's monotony. Like a robot. Or a satnav.
  13. *sigh* I think it might just come down to "Realistically I don't want to go study in London". However, I'll talk to my tutor/s. Rereading the info from Kingston it says this; Which does make it seem like they aren't expecting tonnes of amazing filmwork. Or rather you don't have to have done it.
  14. How dare you? ReZ has just realised the potential for stunning to become a "thing".
  15. Could be... ...stunning? I've never considered a meet-up cause the clash of reality and forums would be too great. I'd dissapoint everyone, and have images of others shattered forever. However my new thing is taking life by the hair and tugging till it bleeds. If Chair goes along I might come. Though I'll have to show up in style. Rolling along the street in a seemingly-sealed barrel.
  16. I've barely ever listened to it, but I was aware that it did try to be a bit more "edgy" than other stations and actually play some up-and-coming or more obscure stuff.
  17. O.N.E is my favourite. It's the only one I ever remember on the new album (apart from Ambling Alp) after a run through.
  18. Yeah, her eyes are stunning. Isn't it a lot more fun making fun of them/telling them to get lost?
  19. Feel so horrible...have a cold/flu-y thing (no one else seems to) and just have a heavy head and sniffly nose and shit. My tutor is coming round to my house tomorrow morning to look at what I'm doing because for some unknown reason I can't play my final cut project on the final cut at college. No clear reasons, files of the same type play fine, my one just says "No". Better tidy up/do more work.
  20. You learn to get used to it after a while, as I say, I have to do it every time. For any and all Cd's. Ellie Goulding and Marina were in the charts and I had to do them manually etc.
  21. I'd rather do something well than have loads of utter shite made it 2 weeks. Which is what it would be. Bearing in mind I'd need storyboards and loads of sketchbook stuff for each project or whatever. I'm doing a foundation year at the moment at a private/independant art school. Also, Scottish art colleges automatically "attach" a foundation year, rather than it being considered really seperate from a specialised (3 year) course. Plus, I haven't applied for a foundation course, it was just straight film making. Yeah, it's just "art" is now a zillion times more competitive with the application change from Route B to Route A (how all non-art applicants apply), and...I know I haven't got what they want. It's not like I'm overreacting or panicing or anything, like "FUCK! I'M SHIT!", it's just that I clearly don't. And I hear such horror stories from going to uni in London. And I just...don't want to go... (that should really make it obvious, but then I worry about whether I should do what I want or try anyway. It's just that it'd be the most embarassing thing I've ever done, and not in a "OMG I CAN'T DO THIS LOL" way, just in a I haven't got anything they want, why am I here? way. And I can't bullshit my way through things either). I'll talk to my UCAS lady of the lamp at college. I didn't apply to Glasgow. At the time I had reasons that I can't remember now. Feels a bit pointless now, not doing it. I was adamant I didn't want to go, but I can't remember why and I had a whole extra space I could have used. *sigh* EDIT: and yeah, of course I'll let them know.
  22. Wait, so is it confirmed that there's gonna be "Avengers" , "New Avengers" and 'Secret Avengers"? I wish they'd retitle "new". They were new 7 years ago.
  23. What do you mean? Like the titles and ordering and stuff? That's all easily available online to find out. EDIT: Wait, you have the CD, so that isn't needed. Gracenote hasn't worked for me/my itunes in months, I have to add everything manually.
  24. I found this hilarious. The fact she clearly has no idea what's going on./ how to play.
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