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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Looks both awesome and awful at the same time, I'll wait for a clearer pic. I'm currently reading JSA, the "modern" series from 1999. It's lovely. For some reason Black Canary's costume really annoys my eyes. It's her padded one for when she didn't have her canary cry, so it makes sense she'd focus more on protection and pockets for gadgets and stuff, but the concept of being agile and lithe in that outfit creates a really jarring feeling in my head. ^ That one. Dunno why, but it just gives me this odd feeling. It might be the colour. I don't like it.
  2. Tartan Trews remind me of shit.
  3. It's so annoying with Prince though...I had all his albums under just 'Prince' since that was he is now, and effectively it's all his stuff, regardless of name changes and bands he had at the time. Plus for Last.fm I wanted it all under one roof. Now it's Prince and the N.P.G, Prince and the Revolution, The Artists Formerly Known As Prince etc. Although could add once I let it mull. EDIT: Did you Have One On Me turn into 18 different albums? Effing christ, having to renumber them all.
  4. Curse you Spotify. I knew there was a reason I was so wary of you. I'll kill you for this. (thanks, I'll try it)
  5. How? I turned it on when I let Spotify upload my library, and somehow that's transferred over to iTunes, but the button to activate gracenote on iTunes is unchecked...and I have no idea how to undo it on Spotify. Preferences seems to give me no clue.
  6. ^ lol. Anyway, IIRC, a tuxedo is generally "what you wear" to a ball. And maybe would look better and more in line with what everyone else is wearing. But it's not like a suit would be horrific.
  7. I replied on the comic thread.

  8. Yay for a set that will finally see some decent villains remakes. Thank god for loads of Normans, he's needed a remake for years (and obviously Iron Patriot is needed too). Doc Ock is nice, even if we did just get a new one. PLEASE let there be a new Scorpion, Mysterio etc. (Though I actualy quite like the old Mysterio)
  9. Urgent (sortof) question!? Since getting the new bloody spotify, my iTunes has been "correcting" all my song titles the second I play them. This is terrible, it's renaming songs as completely wrong things by different artists! How can I turn this off! I set it to do this on Spotify for the sake of it, but now it's affected my iTunes? Help? In iTunes preferences the button to allow iTunes to search the net for names and stuff is unchecked.
  11. I assumed that might be it, I know the Avengersx very well, but to be honest, I'm not that excited for the movie...it might be good if they base it on The Ultimates (which was an early 2000's re-imagining of the Avengers team which would translate well to screen, and is generally good), and I think they are, but it's not keeping me up at night. I'm just really worried about things like Thor being rushed out...Thor could be worthy of an epic on an Avatar-scale, visually...and it worries me in that respect. But then I have 0 interest in Thor unless they put Enchantress and Executioner in it.
  12. I agree in sentiment I suppose, I hated the concept of planning it all for a single Avengers film...it would be nicer to have let it evolve naturally. That said, it might never have happened with all the established characters and actors involved if they hadn't decided to link them all together before the actual Avengers film. Because it's already being established and set up there's more chance they'll get all the people from the other films into the single one etc.
  13. Why would it taint it? It's mostly just after-film moments and tiny cameos so far (not seen Iron Man 2 though obviously).
  14. That's amazing. I pretended I was Magneto while watching it.
  15. Angel Season 3 'Forgiving" RE: The end Cordelia, come back so everything can be okay again! I'm so scared. I need someone from Buffy to come and lighten the horrifying mood.
  16. All it's really done for me is make use Spotify more than buying things I don't know if I'll like or not. It seems to fuck up less now with the upgrade, which helps. For example, Kate Nash's new album. I like it. I appreciated the first album for the songs that weren't Foundations, there were some touchingly great ones on Made of Bricks, but there were a few shit ones too. This album seems much more fleshed out. Love whichever one has the long spoken word bit.
  17. Some of those feel needlessly gratuitous though. What is Arbok? That's just silly. I like Electrode/Voltorb.
  18. Went to St.Giles on the Royal Mile to draw. Stunning. Went home, drew some more. Less stunning. Stuck a picture of Hawkman in my sketchbook. Went to college for lecture by an absolute stunner of a painter/photographer. Like Turner wannabe but in the same league of "!!!!!!".
  19. Angel Season 3 "Sleep Tight" Fuck me in a hell dimension. I'm terrified for
  20. Different album, but I love this. I think the version I have is remastered (it's from her best of) and on my headphones it's so good. --- Who else remembers this?
  21. My portfolio is conveniently stored directly outside my room, so that's fine. My iMac is the most valuable/useful thing other than that in my room, but I'd HATE to lose my Cd's and DVD's (Dvd's less so, they're less sentimental and more easy to obtain). Though, yeah, if they did burn up, I wouldn't be losing sleep over it. I have a Spider-Man print signed by Scott Hana, but I have no idea how valuable that is, probably not very.
  22. £1.99 I heart Saint Etienne, though this single is from their 1998 album, which is when they lost the stunning sound they had before. Still nice though.
  23. I want to inhabit the greatness of Alien. Especially that bit ^
  24. Yay Uncanny. Also, can someone give me a brief lowdown on what this War of the Superman/World against Superman thing is? I know Supes is currently on New Krypton, and Mon-El is effectively the current Supes, but I don't know much more than that. Starting reading Young Justice from the start. I loved this comic when I was younger...and it's still very entertaining. I love it's knowing humour, and how it points out how annoying it is when people spraff on about their powers as if no one knew, just like what happens everytime Chris Claremont writes a comic nowadays.
  25. Mine connected instantly to Daft and Razz, presumably they're the only facebook friends of mine that have the updated Spotify?
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