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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Yeah it would be cool to have an event like the old -fashioned ones, all united against a big threat. Infinity Gauntlet or whatever it was called. Or I think you mentioned Galactus. Though they'd have to think of an original way to do him.
  2. She adds mystery/intirgue and a unique powerset, I guess. Ms. Marvel is cool, but unnecessary with Iron Man and Thor there too.
  3. Wow, I watched all of Angel Season 4 in about 4 days. I guess it's one long story so I kept powering through.
  4. Looks like she's got a snake's lower body. Her pose actually makes no sense, especially in regards to how all the rest are standing. Odd perspective. I love how concise the team is though, without the chaff (Spidey and Wolvey).
  5. I think I have a heightened resistance to cold. Or at least, it doesn't bother me. I hate being too warm, rather than too cold. And rain only adds. It's not that much colder here (Edinburgh)...it's worse way up north (obviously).
  6. I only wear shorts at home, I can't imagine wearing trousers and it being comfortable. They just disturb my legs. I only wear flip-flops spring/summer. I wear shorts more than trousers outside though, like to college. Though all winter I wore trousers.
  7. I suppose within Marvel and DC, and with the big superheroes, there's always the knowledge that there is an existing status quo that will always come back eventually. Whereas in seperate/Image stuff, but within the genre (so Invincivle for example), there's much more freedom to do whatever. If someone is writing Justice League for example, they know that they have this alloted time in which they're allowed to write, before the reins are given to someone else. And people won't always agree, leading to horrible retcons. Like when Morrison's Magneto was retconned to being...someone who was neither Magneto or Xorn. (I actually don't mind that on a story level, but the fact of the retcon is kinda iffy)
  8. You reminded me to update my "Seen Live" list, and then highlight the ones I'd rank "up there". No one will care, but anyway.. In chronological order (afap - bolded for exceptionality);
  9. Stayed off college, had a bit of a headache, would be working at home anyway, didn't want to show what I'd done this weekend to anyone cause It was utter shyt. Watched Angel throughout, mixed with drawing/painting (unsatisfactory).
  10. I know. / the last time. I thought that as I was typing, but then kept it because it's true. There's a bizarre increase in quality each time. Although seeing Laura Marling and seeing Hole are two totally different experiences, I still hold them up as among the best.
  11. I'm just astounded it's never come to my attention. I assumed trainer socks were the minority thing here...never owned a pair. I had to walk around in bare feet and flip-flops today because I felt so ashamed. Though tbf shorts and flip-flops (at night too) are my famous thing.
  12. I was gonna say...Invincible is a success in the fact that it is (from my perspective) one long story, rather than "THE ADVENTURES OF!". Though it's obviously broken up and bits branch out here and there, I liked how they did Nolan's progression. It's not the best thing ever, though I do really like the art (it's very suited), and it's well written. It feels a bit more "edgy"...in that, I'm always...on..edge? I dunno what I'm trying to say. ---- Something I've been thinking about a lot recently; I'm not sure if it's a precedent now or whatever, but since reading a lot of 90's comics recently, I've come to hate the 'Claremont'-writing, even the obligatory bits where they recap what's happened previously to help readers who missed it. I know X-Men (various titles within) have done a seperate "Previously.." page right at the start for years, as have the ultimate comics, but why isn't this standard? It kinda ruins the feel when characters really randomly spraff on about events. Even just in thought boxes/bubbles it's the same thing. No one wants to hear it, put it all in a seperate page. Maybe it's commonplace now, not sure. I know Thunderbolts does it.
  13. Looking it up it seems like something thing that everyone else knew except me. Socks + Sandals I knew about (as an example of a similar thing). I don't REALLY see what's so wrong with it though.
  14. Oh my god, that's desperate. Wasn't the only decent one the frontman? And he's in Fightstar now anyway.
  15. Yeah it was awful. Except for the Scare Claire with the gun, because that was the only thing close to my humour/something that I might one day smile at.
  16. I prefer Heroclix because the source material means something to me, and it feels like a semi-accurate translation of big superhero battles into miniature form. Cards don't really do that. (for me) Obviously some TCG's can be great games in their own right...they just don't appeal to me that much.
  17. I acquired it the other day so I could learn the new songs before the gig tonight, but I ordered it on CD just now. £8.95
  18. Yeah, Chair and I were Heroclixers (Which is far more niche, strangely. Considering the actual source material is likely to appeal to more people.) , and still play when possible, even if we can't afford to buy them anymore. Never touched a MtG card in my life. Have no intention.
  19. JUST BACK FROM HOLE GIG IN GLASGOW ONE OF THE BEST GIGS I'VE EVER BEEN TO To be honest, I expected it to be "fine", nice to hear songs I've loved for years etc, but this was outstanding. A real genuine rock show...the chat wasn't "CHAT" inverted commas, it was all genuine and they played little experiments they'd just made last week, and did an extra-long set because the crowd was so good (over 2 hours! Considering some of the US shows had under an hour..). She the band to play Boys On The Radio despite them having not learnt it, so the crowd sang most of it. All the Celebrity Skin/Live Through This songs were transcendant live, everyone jumping the hell about singing every line. Gained new love for Malibu, which I liked, but never loved. The "Light radiates" bit was stunning. All the lights turned on, just the crowd singing. She played a few covers (Gold Dust Woman, Thirteen), and a little "doodle" they'd invented, and only the title track from Pretty On The Inside. Though that's the only essential. It just felt like what a gig should be. Not a "presentation" as such, just a band playing music naturally and captivatingly. And I believed her when she went on about how "This is a fucking amazing show!" etc. During Someone Else's Bed she took off her dress and just played in her bustier/underwear thing. She went on to reveal in the wake of the "news" she dated Gavin Rossdale (Singer, Gwen Stefani's husband), that Awful was about him. OH it was awesome. Just a refreshingly REAL gig by people who actively want to be on stage playing music and trying stuff out. A girl kept insisting on piggybacks/dancing. We semi-pulled, but it was just "...". I wouldn't put her on my shoulders, and that was the end of that. The situation both added and took away, since it was really hard to focus due to be choked. For Northern Star she got 4 people out of the crowd to see if they could sing it well enough. It was jokes, she actually pushed them away if they weren't "good enough". The band finished on Never Go Hungry, solo by Courtney, was brilliant. :bouncy::bouncy:
  20. Whoa. Hold the fuck up (REWIND) What is this rule about "normal socks" and shorts? Considering all I wear in shorts unless it's night/formal.
  21. Angel - Calvary I'm going to be sick. I literally started drooling/water came out of my mouth at the end whilst casting out a silent shout.
  22. Oh. Joke. Really appropriate too. Just finished Awakening,
  23. Woke up. I feel like I did something of import after waking up, but I can't remember. Went into town with family for lunch. Talked briefly for the first time about how my parents are iffy about me going to Kingston, and some of the reasons are so shit (obviously there are legitimate ones too). Anyway. Walked from there back down to where I used to live, which was strange, and then through to the cemetary to take photos for my artings. Went to the one my gran is in, but it's annoying cause the neighbouring one is PERFECT for what I need, i,e towering statues of angels and mausoleums etc, but it's always closed. Dunno why. Then walked around the corner to the art gallery to see the Diane Arbus exhibition I was desperate to go to. She's bloody amazing. I get so bored of photography when it tells me nothing, her work is the antithesis of that.
  24. The original pic is a million times better. Offer them the new one though.
  25. The first meeting between Tony and Hulk in that sounds overtly sexual if you close your eyes.
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