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Everything posted by The3rdChildren

  1. Ocarina has taken quite a lead. Perhaps it should have had the rose-tint voting bar and not Zelda 1. I kid, fantastic game and truly deserving. So long as Twilight Princess beats Wind Waker I'll be happ- Oh my God, Solitanze has taken over my account.
  2. Because unlike Sonic X, Death Note seems to have a budget that can afford decent animation, writers and... well I was going to say music, but after listening to the newest intro I'm going to say -some- decent music. I do like the Sonic X intro mind. Same guy who did the DragonBall Z ones with some semblance of the classic Sonic theme thrown in alongside random English makes for a very pleasing piece of music.
  3. I seriously think the mods need to consider deleting a few accounts and perhaps a few pages of this thread. What a complete and utter mess it has become.
  4. The Wii doesn't get a lot of playtime at the moment. It will do once some new Nintendo games make an appearance. Not really liking how the controls seem to impede certain games more than enhance them. Monkey Ball a prime example of FUCKING HELL WHY CAN'T I JUST USE A REGULAR PAD sydrome.. or as it should be known, Wiindrome.
  5. Sure, why not? It's not like your points are invalid ones. Everyone has their own opinion afterall, and for the record I'm finding myself slowly coming around to agreeing with some of the stuff you say.
  6. Death Note has gotten to the point where it needs a new intro, though. Misa has become prominent enough to warrent more than a brief cameo and Rem has come into the story now as well who, to my knowledge, features barely in the current opening if at all? --- ... yeah, I just listened to that opening. Very... heavy, isn't it.
  7. I agree. Ganondorf, Motion and I have had our disagreements but at least his posts are worth reading and arguments against the game on-topic. You're just chucking out whatever you can grasp onto in the heat of the argument like that Portugese remark, which was totally uncalled for. If you can't argue ABOUT THE GAME maturely, then maybe you shouldn't be posting in here at all.
  8. Try not to panic if all your presents don't arrive today, mate. Happy birthday.
  9. I apparently have the ability to sound sarcastic no matter what. Yeah, that is honestly all I've got for you all.
  10. I'm in no rush to update. A trusted friend of mine at PC World tried installing Vista on one of their machines and it completely fucked it up. It'll be more stable after a few updates anyway.
  11. Yeah, it does seem a lot of stuff went missing from earlier builds of the game.
  12. It was hard to make out all the details, but it's clear who the two figures are with a little tracing:
  13. For me that's part of the appeal. I am stuck in the past. Can't really bring myself to embrace all this new CGI-filled anime they're throwing out every week. Well, not until the new Eva movies at least.
  14. Yeah, the Tales linear-motion battle system is way better than turn based ones in my opinion. Some people prefer the strategy... I prefer the button mashing.
  15. I don't think opinion has ever been so divided on a Zelda game before. Insane. Twilight Princess is still better than Wind Waker. As rushed as Twilight seems at the end, that's glorious compared to Wind Waker's shoddy end quarter.
  16. CAD is okay, but Winter-een-mas is stupid. Nothing more than another shitty storyline in the comic for me, really.
  17. Interesting how it's Young Link and not Adult Link, perhaps hinting that it was Young Link who returned to warn the king of Ganon's intentions and that this game doesn't take place in the same timeline as Wind Waker. But then the Wind Waker shield just suggests it's all in there for the hell of it.
  18. By two votes. That's a margin, not majority. I picked Ocarina too by the way, I couldn't not pick it. Too much nostagia at work. Lack of depth compared to what? Ocarina of Time? Oh, come on.
  19. By like one vote. I knew that poll was just to justify your anti-TP stance. --- Also, Kakariko's size and population are counter-balanced by the fact that a lot of storytelling goes on there with the Ordon kids. For me, that evened it out, plus seeing it envisioned that way was actually sort of cool.
  20. That Simpsons trailer was funny. Seeing such fluid movement and dynamic animation angles is going to be strange though.
  21. We become spirits in the afterlife and if we were remarkable people during life may get to keep our bodies to train and stuff.
  22. Oh yeah, Trigun has an awesome opening too. Put me down rooting for H.T. Rockin' opening to a great series. And I guess, whilst I'm bored here are some more great ones: -Sonic X Opening -
  24. Ganon ruled Hyrule after SEVEN YEARS. Ganon in Twilight Princess was barely out of the Twilight for seven days, so I don't really see what he could have done. Zant did a fair bit, though, under Ganon's instructions.
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