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Everything posted by The3rdChildren

  1. I really enjoyed the water one for some reason. I liked them all, just wish the Twilight one had been longer. It was almost like we went through two END BOSS dungeons and fought two END BOSSES. Annoying.
  2. I like any blatantly dubbed adverts, they're great.
  3. Jetpack - Fly - Eat - Frogger? How about Postman Pat and Duke Nukem?
  4. I haven't seen them. I may actually need to look into them. I assume that:
  5. Wow, this guy makes a shitload of sense! Nice theory, buddy.
  6. I don't always consume junk. In fact, when I can't get my hands on a freshly aborted fetus I like to rustle up a toasted cheese and brown sauce sandwich.
  7. Aside such cruelty I gotta say this is a very cool thread.
  8. It's perverted. Lots of stuff that comes out of Microsoft is perverted now, especially Bungie's Halo 2 map names. Can't wait for Halo 3's JIZZMAGEDDON or whatever they decide to call 'em.
  9. Yeah, I come here a lot. It has cost me countless relationships, my sanity and my health but is worth it to get a snarky comment in every now and again. And now for the snarky comment: "Yeah, this forum has become part of my daily life and so have your constant new threads." ZING-A-DING-DING.
  10. If that's the spoiler I think you're talking about, then yeah. It was still readable, but it was no longer as enjoyable. Big mistake doing that so early on, but the constant reminders are nice.
  11. American Halo 2 kid. Hands down.
  12. I think it'll be fine. They're pretty far into it already at 15 or 16 episodes.
  13. Luigi, yeah. He's a little pussy, but always give respect to the underdog. His stuff in Paper Mario 2 is golden too, especially the music.
  14. My brother absolutely loves this show. It's the way they overdramaticise everything with dubbed sound effects and of course the cheesy commentary.
  15. Ganondorf doesn't need to enter the Sacred Realm to get hold of the Triforce. Link didn't need to go in there to get his piece in Twilight Princess, he was obviously chosen by the Gods and simply had it. Ganondorf recieved his piece in the exact same way - because he was destined to wield it. The Triforce appears on your hand unlit if you possess it. Ganondorf did not possess the Triforce before the sages held him prisoner for execution. It appears just as he's dying and even the sages then say "Yet... by some divine prank he too had been blessed with the chosen power of the gods." Doesn't sound like he did any Triforce stealing to me. It was given to him, just as the Triforce of Courage was given to Link. Why? Nobody knows why the Goddesses did it, but the fact of the matter is they did. Clearly the sages don't know either, as they refer to the gift as a prank. Do you really think someone with that amount of power would have allowed himself to be taken prisoner in the first place? He was only able to escape because of it.
  16. Oh, another of my special talents is I'm consistently bad at video games.
  17. Every time I see that game it looks less and less like the original IN GAME trailer.
  18. Saturday easily. No work, perceived as the most fun day of the week. Saturday wins. If we're going weekdays. Paydays at work are on Thursdays, the weekend draws near, new games if ordered online and I work a smaller shift Thursdays. Awesome. Sundays however, are ALWAYS shit. The only time a Sunday is good is if it's so fun it feels like a Saturday. See? It has to FEEL like another day to even be good. What a load of crap.
  19. I'm just very lazy, truth be told.
  20. That's an excellent point. Never even considered that. I still wonder why the Sages were so "WTF?" when he started going berserk when he was chained to the stone. They mentioned how by some divine prank he had also been blessed by the Power of the Gods indicating they were pretty suprised to discover this. You'd think as Sages they'd know what he was capable of if he'd already nicked himself the Triforce of Power. Didn't anyone check it was missing? --- With regard to the timeline theories, I just stick to anything after Ocarina. Anything before it doesn't seem to have been made with much regard to a larger timeline. Nintendo have probably never gone public with one because they simply didn't consider it outside of the games they say are linked. Like how Link's Awakening is said to take place after A Link to the Past, right? With Ocarina they seem to have started a brand spanking new timeline which to me has now been concluded with Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. Time to start anew, Nintendo. You can't keep on clinging to Ocarina's legacy forever. Basically this (now complete) timeline theory goes: Ocarina of time splits into two at the end. The ending when Ganon is sealed away in the Sacred Realm in a world where Link no longer exists as Zelda has sent him back to being a child so he can grow up. Wind Waker occurs in this Adult timeline, with the SAME Ganondorf eventually escaping and Hyrule being flooded to keep it from him. At the end of the game, Link and Zelda's descendant Tetra (annoying pirate winking bitch) defeat Ganondorf but at the King's spirit's will Hyrule is lost forever. Link and Tetra set out to find a new Hyrule. This concludes the Adult timeline. The Child Timeline sees Link returning as a child to a time before Ganondorf's betrayal. He warns the King of Ganondorf's intentions and the scene of his attempted execution plays out. The Sages assume that Ganondorf, despite having the Triforce of Power is sealed forever and Link leaves to search for Navi. During this search, the three days of Majora's Mask occur and afterwards Link is able to return to Hyrule where some other stuff probably happens, but he is able to live out his life and assumedly dies. Hundreds of years pass and Twilight Princess begins with Ganondorf having found Zant and using him from within the Twilight to engineer a return to Hyrule. He and Zant are defeated and the threat he posed is gone. Midna returns to the Twili to rule them but severs the ties between the worlds of Light and Dark for good. The Child Link timeline is concluded. --- Seems Phantom Hourglass will give the Adult timeline it's second game as a sequel to Wind Waker. Should be interesting what story developments arise from this title. Hopefully it won't have Ganondorf in it though, or that will mess everything up.
  21. This is my theory. I've posted it before and it contains spoilers so read at your own caution. After Link and Zelda exposed Ganondorf's plot he was obviously being punished for his evil intentions by the sages in the Mirror Chamber by means of execution. But the Triforce piece he was always destined to obtain one way or another awoke inside of him at the very moment of his impalement through a sheer lust for power. He had then become a genuine threat and was expelled to the Twilight for all eternity, or so they thought. Well, what happened next we all know about. He spent a while milling about in the Twilight until he found Zant, whom he began to use to engineer his return to Hyrule. There's some stuff about him being weak and using the suffering of the Twili as his nourishment to grow strong again and other Ganonbabble. Ironically the power that had saved him from death after impalement on a legendary blade failed to do so a second time. So overwhelmed was Ganondorf after his battle with Link that his precious Power of the Gods abandoned him along with his ability to remain alive after such an injury and he fell still, dead. Zant, who Ganon had resurrected with his Power after Midna killed him, also died at this point. The power sustaining their lives gone. Pretty symbollic ending, really. --- Hardly concrete, but for me it makes enough sense to be worth posting.
  22. I'd get both. But in terms of great games at the moment, the Wii's best game can be bought on the GameCube, so shoot for 360 points.
  23. Apparently the theme inside her little hut is the Spirit Temple theme from Ocarina. After reading all those eastereggs that are floating around I'm surprised so many little touches were put into the game. Should have spent the time on side quests and explaining certain holes in the story though, not decoring areas of the game with Nintendo nostalgia.
  24. Neither do I. It is shit.
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