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Chris the great

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Everything posted by Chris the great

  1. back of the net! gotta say, the blue thing looks like some type of butt device, though i guess it could be some sort of cock ring, fingering aid or possibly some sort of in the hand wanking aid. side topic here, we all love vibrators, and girls using them dont get much of a lable, but is ant one else freaked out at the idea of a guy using a flesh light or somthing like that?
  2. kinda missing the jrpgs myself, also, nothing zelday right now, which makes me sad. i would like a game then gently reassured me and gave me regular hugs, but thats probely more down to my lack of self essteme that any real gap in the sony market.
  3. i'll just get my pipe then. nah, seriosuly, sounds like hes just a jerk, im sure that whe you get a chance to defend yourself it'l, all turn out millhouse.
  4. puny mortals, kneel before the great TES-CO!
  5. whats the nature of his complaint? also, would you like me to hit him with a lead pipe? people tend to be more open to you if you hit thier enemys with lead pipes i find.
  6. any one else hear about gamewipe mento to be coming out?
  7. contact lenses take time, keep at it! i never thought id manage it, but after woning them a week, i was much better, after 2 weeks i could do em no bother.
  8. Title: She's done it again! action adventure in which britney spears has a secret double life as a governmet assassin, sort of like hannah montana but without the fact you wanna do her. britney must track down menbers of al quida, all the way up to the big cheese him self, osama bin laden! as she tracks down each of the generals, she takes them on in over the top action climaxing in a brutal finnisher and quips "oops i did it again!" before begining the whole song and dance routine. empire calls it "the child neglect film of the decade!" nuts magazine gives it two muffs the great washing macine mystery
  9. well, im back from palcement, "how was it?" i hear you cry, well i'll tell you. After a belt related mishap, i still found myself at the place 30 mins early, so had a short walk, got back with 10 mins to go, so waited. and waited. they were late oepning by alomst 10 mins, which sucked. i was then told i wasnt going to be on the bar. id asked for bar work. i was shown into a cavern of salmonela known as the kitchen, and told id be doing my stuff here today. i dont like kitchens. i spent about 30-40 mins doiing dishes, then cut some roasties, then got back to more dishes, helping the guys whos only job it is to clean dishes. i like him, though its awkward to look him in the eye, they both go in different directions, and im not sure which ones his gooden. i tend to focus on his cheeks instead. placement lasted 3 hours, then i got released. my smart shoes hurt my feet, i then had to sprint 100meters for the bus, who kindly waited. so shit, but could of been shittier. last night a girl i talk to was telling me shes body shy. i spent about an hour telling her she was one of the most beuatiful girls i know, and shes gota great figure, and she should certainly not be shy of her body. frankly im way to nice to her, i mean, she knows i fancy her and has said she dosent feel the same. its almost like im an ego inflator.
  10. i have a level sat almost finsihed with a western theam, ive got a couple of fairly good moments in it, including a shoot out ontop of a train, which an illusion of movement. im also panning somthing a little different, not so much a story driven level as i tend to make, but a simple message about how important it is to share, to express and most of all, to give respect. bassicly im hoping to use the little big plannet comunity to exoress my belife that all cultures can share and respect each outher, and that all people should have an equal voice. it may be a bit preachy, but i really do feel that little big plannet is the perfect medium to express a message of tolerence and acceptence. edit afte that, i wanna make a prince of persia theme level! im guessing alot of swinging and grab triggered pistons will be the order of the day.
  11. most fabrics are pretty easy to breath through. id imagine thats what they do.
  12. for me, the best old skool scene is the wedding singer its sko unexpected.
  13. i shal try that then. just the clicking feels un natural, ina real car, im great with it, i just automaticaly slow when i see a problem could arise, i dont think, i act. i blaim computers conspiring against me.
  14. i loved it! it was so hectic, trying to hold enough water, prevent earth quakes and have a place for bombs to fall! the duckys multiplying your score, the horror of seeing a bombing wave incoming. it was a great game. id like to see an update actualy, diealy on the wii or ps3, use the motion controles to detect the angle, so youd need to avoid tipping it over.
  15. id disserpointed that i failed my theory test, and that in like 20 mins when my mam gets home shes gonna have a go about it.
  16. failed my theory, screwed up the hazard perception, i asked the guy to explain but he didnt really help at all. 49/50 (43 to pass) on the questions, 38/75 for hazrd perception (46 to pass). oh well. job course was ok today, did a "soft skills" sesion, which bassicly involved having a debate on various cloudy moral/political issues. unbelivably it went rather well. there was a wide selection of people there, and every one respected outher points of view, which i wasnt expecting. one girl just sat not getting involved. to be honest, id not employ her, she had a shit attitude, totaly self focused, wont do anything unless she has to. the outher people there, they just made me feel sad, all decent sorts, hard working but having fallen on bad times. what struck me was every one really wanted to work, but none of them belived they would.
  17. yes, my life has left me rather disserpointed latly also, learning that "ghost buster" would not be an acceptable job goal at the dole and learning that all the dinosaurs were dead
  18. my day, was meh. got a placement from that job course, and applied for some jobs, but then my mam had a huge go at me for not knowing what i want to do in life, told me i was taking luxuries i didnt have. i lost my temper, asked her what precisly about my life was luxurious? told her i had no idea what i wanted, that i needed a foot on the ladder before i could climb, that anouther degree didnt sound good to me. she apparently knew better and i was wrong to disagree. honestly, shes so controling, i just wanna punch her in the mouth.
  19. shoulda broken her legs and saved the money.
  20. at first, i wasnt sure about lbp, but once you get creating, man it comes alive. you start to see how the world works, get ideas of your own, its truly beautiful.
  21. its nice to see im not the only one who isnt obsessed with megan fox. shes hot, but not THAT hot. its like angelina jolie, again, hot, but hardly worthy of the praise she gets. in megan's defence, she looks like she appreciates a good cheese board, which is always appreciated in women.
  22. on the ps3. im playing dark athenia now, enjoying just being badass. love the level of violence. its just right.
  23. chronicles of riddick: escape from butcher bay or why i now want a shiv really bloody good actualy! the combat is brutal, the voice acting is very good, the play mechanics are decent, all in all, its a really fun game. 8/10
  24. work place discrimination video i was made to watch by the dole ok, so i don't get why i had to watch it, its not like im going to be employing anyone any time soon is it? any way, the basic plot of the movie was corperate dick head dosent care much about the disabled equality act, wants to keep costs down. goes home, gets drunk on whisky while talking to his online girlfriend. sleeping on a laptop transports him to an alternate reality, were every one is dissabled, and hes seen as the freak. he has a job interview which dosent go well as taxis wont pick him up, dissabled people start patronising him, he goes for a date with said girlfriend, turns up at the restraunt and is treated like a child, meets lady, shes hot and in a wheelchair. they hit a club, which in fairness was one of the best done clubs ive seen on tv. he has a bit more shit from people, then every one starts dancing. i had to hide my laughter at this moment, i mean, it was surreal as fuck. he shags the woman, wakes up and is pleased, then really wakes up from the alternate reality and the screen fades black with big white letters saying "actions speak louder then words" why did i have to watch this?/10
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