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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. Hehe! thanks I wanted to make my score like your Sig Haggis: 6 Bears out of 7 as well. Stefkov: 5 and a Half Bears out of 7.
  2. I Love it 6 BEARS OUT OF 7!!!
  3. Woo!!!! So glad you enjoyed it to the max. Having watched twice i'm not sure wether i now prefer it to Death Note. Both are equally as awesome in different ways :awesome: I'm listening to the soundtrack from it!
  4. Hehe! As long as no one takes Ellmeister on here! everything will be fine :awesome: He is Mine
  5. Anyone listened to Worms Open Warfare music on the DS? that's definately good music to listen to! It gets you in the mood I have no idea what music i'd listen to as i've never even thought about being in that situation. I don't think i'd listen to music through my own choice though.
  6. I'm a horse!!! I'd rather be born in the year of the monkey
  7. Vote: Dyson
  8. I purchased a much less sexual haircut on Saturday for £12
  9. I think they should have got Bidoof to represent the Pokemon That would be awesome :awesome: I have never been a massive fan of lucario myself! but good to see him in it The F-zero Track looks Great Love it.
  10. You can't be an animal unfortunately! Otherwise i'd have been a Monkey
  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! for yesterday...
  12. Hope all of you have a good day I hadn't thought about what i was going to do on Valentines Day until just now and seeing as i don't have anyone to celebrate it with i was not sure what to do. But i think i'm going to bake a cake and eat it through out the whole day while i go about what i usually do which is just RELAXING!!!
  13. I did snaking before i even knew it was a technique, i just played like that naturally. It hurts my hand after each race. Then i found out it was something that no one enjoyed playing against but i find it hard to stop doing it!
  14. I also started playing AC again the otherday Having not played it for so long my town is completely covered in weeds as well I have got so many four Leaf clovers i don't know what to do with them. I have too much luck now! Also have no idea who the other villagers who live in my town anymore i feel like an outcast But i have loads of money so it's all good I'd love to visit everyones Towns I'm in a really good mood today! (despite my History coursework looming over my head still) I had the tastiest packet of crisps on the way home. :awesome:
  15. Amelie Loved it 6 Bears out of 7!!!
  17. Sorry Mundi I have cleared them now! my weekend has been quite good. I just had a delicious dinner! But this History Coursework is eating away at my fragile soul... My whole weekend has pretty much been that, it's doing my head in!! : peace: Coursework is EVIL!!! Once it is done i will revert back to being overly excited about everything! I will not let the Courswork win!!! Other than that it has been lovely and relaxing and i've watched Juno twice :awesome: "I could so go for like a huge cookie right now, with like, a lamb kebab simultaneously"
  18. ALL HAIL THE SUPREME SPACE PUMPKIN!!! :bowdown: :bowdown:
  19. I know it is... My worst avatar so far. I like yours! who is it? 5 Bears out of 7!
  20. I really like it 6 Bears out of 7
  21. I constantly change my my desktop and don't like to have anything in the way so its really is just the wallpaper. Here are the 3 i have used today already: Haruhi! More Haruhi!! :awesome: even more Haruhi!!! I am using the Windows Classic theme.
  22. I'm probably starting my driving lessons in the summer. I'm not sure whether i want to drive though as it would be dangerous for others on the road if i do pass my driving test!
  24. Juno I Loved It! 6 Bears out of 7! It ended with a chair.
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