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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. I'm up for this exclusive club! : peace: Imma find you a pair of these gloves even if it kills me dagnammit!!! *starts searching* So far it's just me and you in the Club! Our first act as Club Presidents is to find Rummy a pair of these gloves!!!
  2. I like that name! Another question: Is Maya at the show now? she was getting boring in Season 3 and a bit pointless which is a shame as she has an awesome power!
  3. I've had many attempts at saying your name. :p I find your surname harder to pronounce... Anyway it is one of the greatest names.
  4. Haha, yes that is a joke. From the very first moment West was on screen I got annoyed... he creeped me out. So are you an alien or a robot? *shudders* I forget what happened to him? Okay Thanks Shadow/Retro Link. I liked that Irish Girl I thought she would have been good. Stupid writers strike!
  5. Aces! (who says that...? It's the bane of my life..) What do you think of the second half of her album? At first I didn't enjoy it that much but now I cannot stop listening to Boys, Boys, Boys and I like it Rough.
  6. THEY'RE COMING TO GET YOU, BARBARA! What about that Irish Girl? Is she pretty much gone? and West? bring back West. :p I liked Monica however she was good and I'm just a general fan of closer for characters no matter how big or small they are! I like Ali Larter's characters... just the stories never go anywhere.
  7. *high fives back* : peace: So what else you been listening to recently? Sorry! A mash up would be great though. Yep in these past 2 days I've listened to her over 400 times!!! Previous to that it took me from August until December to get 400 plays. I think I'm addicted! :p She is now my fourth most played singer on Last.Fm....
  8. I Downloaded all the free stuff yesterday! Thanks for the links! I had a brief listen and me thinks I will like. Okay so yesterday I got completely addicted to Lady Gaga! Now I have a mash up of all her different songs whirling around in my head!
  9. It was quite cold when I went out yesterday but I put on my amazing coat which keeps me so warm! Combine that with my paraguian blood and I didn't really feel the cold. Ooh and also this excellent gloves which can transform from mittens INTO fingerless gloves. Though when in doors I'm pretty much under my Duvet :p (or wearing my new fleece.) I saw stay indoors and wrap up in many layers!
  10. I try each week! but to no avail... I never learn.
  11. I started reading FMA manga yesterday! Thanks to DOM! ^____^ I also need to pace myself Ell so I've not read any today so far. I will get some read this evening. I'm on 25. On another note I watched Akikan... A can of Soda transforms into a girl... What a weird concept for a show.... But Exploding melon balls is something every anime needs. :awesome: No? :p
  12. I'm afraid I don't have any imformation. I'm also very confused!
  13. Even though you warned it me it was different I was not expecting that. I really enjoyed it, not so much to begin with but then it gets good. ^___^ Ooh I wanted If U Seek Amy to be (or Mmm..Papi) Any love for My Baby of her album. As I was listening to it the other day without realising and I thought it was one of her old songs and was shocked to find it was off Circus! Also Tegan and Sara are perfect revision music! The Con brought musical excellence to my ears and powered me through the day! Also Animal Collective sound nothing what I thought they would sound like they sound SO much better. win. Yet another Album I immediately need to buy!!! Firstly I need to gather some cash up from somewhere.... :/
  14. Bear McReary The gnome song scared me...
  15. Lemon jelly.
  16. I thought I was going to vote Maximo Park but Anamanaguchi gets my vote loved it.
  17. How awesome are Pyjama's? I just got a new pair today as the other ones I got did not suit me. The man on the box suggested I'd look manly....it was in fact the complete opposite.... I had the "Girlfriend wearing her boy friends boxers" kinda thing going on! These new ones are just comfy and I might just spend the rest of the evening in them as I could fall asleep in about a minute but must stay awake for FOOOOOOOOOD! My first day back at school was okay. Spent the time revising and freezing myself outside as I only have one glove. I shall only keep my superior Left hand warm as I need that for the exam tomorrow! Also Swivel chairs are fun and distracting which is probably why we are not allowed to sit on them in class! Wheeeeeeeeeeee!
  18. Of course! That would be most welcome. By the time I write a book I reckon we'd be able to do that. : peace: Haha, I'd be up for it but then I'd forget I'd signed up for it like most things I have already signed up for. I'm sure I'm on Jayseven's black list. (if he has made it yet :p) well I will be on there! I forgot to have a banana. I knew I went downstairs for something.
  19. Crackdown! and I'm proud of my achievement! :p
  20. ONIONS!!! :awesome: 6 OF THEM.
  21. Yes! :p and when she is angry,(rarely to never.) She uses my full name: "COOLNESS "NICHOLAS" BEARS GET DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!" Now I'm painting a weird picture of my mother... : peace: Thank you!
  22. Seriously? SAUCE! as that would be ...yeah... Aren't they making Oldboy with Will Smith in it? That is bad enough. I like the guy but the original movie should be left alone.
  23. I dare you to jump in! :p HOW COLD WOULD THAT BE!? I'm getting chilly (word of the day) just thinking about it. Brr!
  24. Really? That is awesome as my main and one ambition in life and has been since I was 5 is to get a book published. (or at least written) I have so many ideas whirling around in my unorganised head I just need a few more years so I am able to form a good sentence on a page then I'll get some serious writing done. I don't think there is anything better than seeing someone randomly reading my book. I think that would be great. ^___^
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