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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. Led Zeppelin
  3. Friends I've been watching it each Night on E4 recently and I'm now addicted to it again I had not watched it for ages. What always amazes me is how many phrases from the show I actually use. I'm easily influenced.... I think this and The Simpsons are my most watched TV Shows ever. I could just keep on watching eternally! Hannah Montana Season 2 Wow. So much better than Season 1 (except maybe the Moose bit!) It is fun and when I want to relax I will stick this on as it makes me laugh and I love Miley. Bring on Season 3 (and the Movie :p) which thus far looks even better! How I Met Your Mother - Benfits Great episode! I love emotional Barney.
  4. MY FACE IS BURNING!!! I just put some TCP on to help clear some pesky spots and it burns. @___@ My day was good because I got to go home at 3 and I had an exam which means some work got done for once. :p(though the exam itself went averagely )
  6. Thanks for the suggestions. : peace: I'm going to add them to my list. This sounds perfect! I think I'll make this my next film to watch. My Pixar Film Order: Toy Story Toy Story 2 Wall-e Those are the definate top 3 for me then the list gets tricky. At the moment it is: Finding Nemo Monsters Inc Incredibles Ratatouille Bugs Life and I have yet to see Cars! :p
  7. I keep forgetting your 17! GOOD LUCK IN YOUR EXAM! I have my english resit tomorrow... Heart of Darkness and Robert Browning. Eeep! :X I'm off to bed for a goodnights sleep then wake up early and revise a bit before I have the exam at 9. Also GO RAINING.
  8. TED MOSBY: ARCHITECT! : peace: http://tedmosbyisajerk.com/ __________ I PURCHASED 3 SLICES OF TOAST.... It was a rip off but I was hungry!!!
  9. Eagles of Death Metal!
  10. Omg! That is an excellent choice sir. *adds it to the list* Though I'm not sure I could even sit through that....
  11. Kanye West's new album is excellent in my eyes. Cool, I don't think I've ever listened to Nickleback really! I was just wondering what kind of music you might be into! If you've got a complaint.. Lykke Li got me through the day today! I've been using Spotify recently which isn't half bad. It's like a music player but you can search for music on it then listen and it scrobbles. So yeah I've been using it recently. I think it makes its money and the artists/record companies from having 1 Advert every few hours for about 20 seconds before continuing with the next song. It doesn't have everyone but the majority of songs it does have!
  12. Yes! I like the name FingleMitts! I called mine MittMitts today and was ridiculed! :p
  13. BAD MOVIE SUNDAY FILM TWO: BRATZ To continue my new tradition of watching terrible movies on a Sunday I decided to this week go with a movie that got a rating of 2.7 on the IMDB scale. I was suprised as the story was better than I thought it would be though still extremely obvious. The film bashed you in the head with an anvil about how friendship was important. Meridith the evil girl in this was pretty good as the Villain but there wasn't many villainous things she actually did. Ooh she had all your secrets on a USB. The film attempted to create peril but fell flat on its face everytime it tried to bring in an issue such as stealing or divorce. The relationships in this felt extremely forced and the acting was not good, which is what I was hoping for. Bear Rating: 2 Bears out of 7. It gets an extra point for having some catchy tunes because I'm a slave for rubbish pop. :p However I feel there is an imbalance now so I'm going to watch good movies on a Saturday! So Next week I'm unsure what Bad Movie to watch. Any reccomendations?
  14. At the moment it is Grizzly Bears - Little Brother. It sends chills down me for some reason!
  15. It may not work for you as it's a little different but I've turned my notes into stories as I remember stories/plots better than just facts and so it sticks in my head better! and also it makes it more fun as I love writing stories. I used to use your method! It is the only way I could get any information to stay in my brain but it is dull and drains the life out of me!
  16. Win. Your glove put mine to shame! I'd gladly take your snow! If it meant I didn't have to go to school tomorrow! I agree snow can get pretty boring. Maybe because I have no one to build a snowman with... *cue tears* True we are busy people! (well at least you are) But yes I've been serious about my exams. I need to do well this year! I'm sure will catch up soon!
  17. You guys are forgetting Mokong has the sexiest voice in the world! :awesome: (except maybe Shadows) So therefore he wins the debate! :p
  18. This confused me so much! At first I thought you had changed the title of Rate the Last Film you saw but then I saw the posts had been transfered. okay I'm just confused, Lovely is a good word I guess. It's all about combinging words though like: MOLEHAT! ...yeah!
  19. Definately! : peace: What are they like? Wow that is cold. I wish I had snow though, I love how it looks in the morning all unspoilt but by the end of the day I hate all that slush! Also Hey Ine! *Waves* Long time no Chat. It's getting lonely in the apple cave. :p Yes! Great Work Molly! Also I think when you finally join will makes you President. Right guys? Also I think we need pictures of us in the gloves for evidence! :awesome:
  20. Them Shadow Bears have not been Uniting aye? :p Hmm I liked that power who wouldn't want black blood pouring from their eyes killing everyone around them? I'm looking forward to Fugitives, I feel great things will happen.
  21. Well they are certainly colourful! But I think Rummy could work that look!
  22. Earlier today I ate a whole tape of Hubba Bubba and then spun round on a chair. Not my wisest of ideas. Afterwards I did not feel so good! :p My quest for the 2008 shield was over. My mum had the 50p to complete this pointless adventure and then she spent it. Madness! Anywho today was more revision which I've made more fun and exciting with my Crazy new revision technique (warning new revison technique may not actually be crazy!) It sticks in my mind better and isn't so mind numbingly dull.
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