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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. HELL YEAS!!! CHAPTER 433 OF NARUTO GET. I'm all caught up with the Manga now. Epic on so many levels.
  2. What a crazy random Happenstance!
  3. I here of a legend that if a Bard a Flink and a Bear are all present at the same timee the world implodes! Haha, that last part confused me but I had to enter Wale to visit the Uni. I was strangely welcomed by a Belgian Waffle in Little Chef.... Well I did build my house upon the sand. All I'm saying is I'm definately not a brave man. I have to say I liked wales but it took 5 hours to get there 5 HOURS! I'd probably get homesick...
  4. QFT! Even the first episode when Pikachu helps to save Ash from the aggressive (flock?) of Spearows! Oh and the transformation of Squirtle from a tortise with a bad attitude into Ash's friend. *wipes a tear* Then there are just amazing episodes like the island of the giant Pokemon and of course when Ash encounters a Snorlax. Now I'm in the mood to watch Classic episodes again. Last time I got this urge I got to episode 20 or something. :p
  5. I think anime should remain seperate off these kinds of lists as it feels weird that some cartoon is beating some anime that is considered perhaps some of the best that Anime has to offer. Also Pokemon is incredible and should be higher. Anyone who doesn't realise the genius behind the show is a fool! :p Munchlax alone means it should be in the Top 10...
  7. Haha, The Bard and Flinky as Brothers that would be too awesome. I'm you 4 years ago.... or your long lost brother, you may call me Pedro! I also want to go to Wales for Uni maybe I got an offer anywho! THE PIECES ARE STARTING TO FIT!
  8. About the whole fighting for the music at school. It is a constant battle it is impossible to please everyone usually those who want to listen to RnB/HipHop win but occasionally it is put on to something else. Also because it is just the Music channels on the TV we listen to when I get hold of the remote I stick it on Pokemon for fun. solves everything! Yes! I hadn't heard that song of theirs before. I thought it was really good but I prefer their "Walking on a Dream" song, which is the only other song I've heard by them. It is excellent. You know you secretly love it. :p
  9. Seven Pounds A tad predictable but I thought it was Really good. A solid film with very good acting from Will Smith I felt and the rest of the cast. (I didn't realise he was 40! ) It got me thinking and I thought the story was well thought out! It is quite sad as well. Much better than is suggested. One of the best I've seen this far but then I've not really watched any others. :p
  10. Wincakes. GET THEM WATCHED STAT! You've reminded me my Mum loved watching Prison Break. It was great it was our "thing" we got to see the first two seasons on Channel 5 then Sky stole the rest... *shakesfist*
  11. Flinky Season 4 of Prison Break gets even better! keep watching! Awesome! There seems to be a whole new wave of people watching Battlestar Galactica! I'm going to get more watched this weekend! (along with some Buffy.) Okay so recently I've been Watching... The Simpsons Season 20 - Lisa the Drama Queen This episode weirded me out slightly. It was alright, It lacked laughs and the plot was odd... I'm not sure I liked the direction it took. and was there lesbian undertones between Lisa? and her mentally unstable friend? This confused and scared me. Very Bizarre episode! Paris Hilton My British BFF Meh. Worse than the U.S. version, which manages to be trashy and fun. There must be a smaller budget or something as it isn't as crazy or as harsh. Also english people are weak sauce compared to people in the U.S.A. OH THE TEARS! already... I cannot believe the lengths the go to in this show! Still I'm like one of the only people in the world who likes Paris Hilton.
  12. Neopets was awesome. I was so cheap and poor at the game I stole all the rubbish items off the magic tree or whatever! I had no idea what was going on. I created an account called Koonamcampa in the end as I got so frustrated that other more normal stuff was gone. Eventually I forgot about it and forgot my password and Username. As it was essestinally an angry mash of letters. :p
  13. Sarah Bat for Lashes. I love this song.
  14. I thought I'd be voting SR but I'm going to have to go with Postal Service.
  15. Goodman Tellyn. Goodman.
  16. Back in the late 90's I remember going to a website called Pojo.com and printing off an extensive list of Pokemon and there attacks/attributes as well as finding out about the games/show along with Digimon and other things. That is about it for then. Then later on in 2001-2003 I expanded to IGN/Gamespot for game news and Miniclip/Newgrounds and other flash game sites to play random games. Then I started to get into Anime and used websites such as Crunchyroll to watch different shows and such. But I seriously didn't use the internet until 2007 I was afraid of it really! I was made to get an Email and at that point I decided to join here. Before then I used to watch a lot of The Simpsons/Anime and play more videogames! Now I use the internet a lot (perhaps too much. :p) and I've not looked back since. I use it for the latest gaming news/chatting/watching Anime/Youtube/generalness Pretty much everything I did all the way back to 1998 but on a Bigger scale. My most Visited websites are this and Last.fm, I instantly click them without even thinking. So yeah a pretty boring journey.
  17. Wiimote Cufflinks. These are the only ones I've seen before! Here is the first link I clicked on after I typed in Wiimote Cufflinks: http://www.cufflinks.com/wicu.html Okay I checked the price. They look waaaaaaay too expensive to me. @_@
  19. 263! :p Woah @____@ Don't remind me! That is what's put me off in the past! I'll get more done tomorrow at school, during my free! unless I get blocked...
  20. Okay I've watched a fair amount of things since I finished my exams. Battlestar Galatica Mini Series Epic. vastly greater than even Daft hyped it up to be! Not what I was expecting at all. I cannot believe before I wasn't even considering watching it! Paris Hilton's: My BFF: Episode 3, Sayonera. Trashy, but what I love most about this show is the great lengths these people will go to to become her best friend. It is fun fluff! I like her stupidity. My Name is Earl Season 4 episode 2 Hilarious, I think it is a very funny underated show, I like all the characters and the story this week was good. Though last weeks had Earl singing eye of the tiger behind his Dad as he went up to punch the living day lights out of the man who slept with his wife! I also randomly decided to watch: Dr. Horrible Brilliant. perhaps the sixth time I've watched this now and I'm still noticing new things! It gets better each time! The songs are ace and of course... Neil Patrick Harris. My love for this man reminded me that How I Met Your Mother - 3 Days of Snow had been on so I watched the lastest episode. This brought happy tears to my eyes for some strange reason. I just loved the whole ending with Marshall and Lily and the marching band and of course BINGO! :awesome: This then reminded me of how awesome Alyson Hannigan is so I decided to start watching... Buffy the Vampire Slayer Episodes 1 and 2 Good stuff. It has some great dialogue and Alyson is pure win in it! I was almost tempted to buy it yesterday!
  21. Haha, yeah! I have never tried to even get a girlfriend. I would not have a clue how to do so. :p Most of the girls in my year. (of which there are few!) would not even look at me! let alone say hello. ^___^ I would not know what to ay if they did anyway... Noooooooo! of course you are my one true love!
  22. Pinky and the Brain at 47 and Family Guy at 7!!? Well something is wrong... (I like The Simpsons at number one though! :p)
  23. Lets do it! Monica: "Now all we need is something old!" Chandler: I've got a used condom in my wallet from when I was younger!" Monica: That'll work! Chandler: I don't think so... Something like that. :p It may not seem like it but I'm straight! Unfortunately, unlike Calvin Harris I don't get all the girls. Which results in me flirting with Haggis.
  24. OKAY! So today I made a vain attempt at catching up on the Naruto Manga! I was going great guns getting from chapter 243 to 251 in a matter of no time. Then I got easily distracted the rest of the day! Currently I'm up to 262 but I will get more read tomorrow. I want to get to the epicness.
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