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Everything posted by old_gregg

  1. Every night i hear the same click, from the Landing it could be a ghost!!!...or maybe just the guy nextdoor turning his light off.
  2. its old, but The Simpsons episode where Maggie turns out to be the one who shot Mr Burns.
  3. Anthony and the Johnsons aint bad, butwhat about The ZUTONS or IDLEWILD
  4. ^^^^^^^^^^^^Sounds good, may I.... Edit: Gender Girl???? Whats that ment to mean?. Your a Female but under age, your man who likes to cross dress as little girls or do you just like little girls :wink: Only pullin ya wonka there old chap (Chip?)
  5. iMP?? in my opinion? got that one
  6. They canceld it yearsago dident they?? ANyway brilliant show!!!
  7. Waht does ROFL mean again???
  8. we are all going to die!!!!....or are we????...heh heh heh
  9. It depends whrether you want a used Game or a new one. If your buying new your best going to GAME optherwise Gamestation are much cheaper.
  10. What you should do is if you want Trade in prices but in cash for your used games is Buy a New Game from GAME and trade your old games in with it. Then after a few days return the game and ask for Cash. Not only do you get cash for trade in prices but get to rent a game for free. :wink:
  11. Sorry about ya freind and all that but do really think Posting on this site so soon after is Wise?
  12. There gonna ruin another perfectly good Film series, just like they did with The Terminator. Whats it gonna be this time anyway, Rocky 6 and the fight against a Bad Back!!! I always thought they went to far with this series any how, you know cos after the Second one supposidly another blow to his eye and he would die. Who's paying that Doctors Wages!!!!
  13. Is that not near the border???...
  14. old_gregg


    Hey. I'm interested in picking one thses up. Anyone know any Shops that sell them, that arent Internet based?
  15. Guy at the back: "Isn't that your Dad?" EDit: Thats in referance to the origional Picture.
  16. Ah, got it now. What are you guys doing!!!!!!!!! Promoting the 360 and PSP on a Nintendo Fan site. I know it might seem old fashsioned to support just one console malker but, still the 360 and PSP?. I hope you got paied well for it!!!!!!
  17. I think threres one called CA Games up in Scotland somewhere? Near the Border me thinks. It was recommended in N64 Magazine years back but I can't say whether it still existis
  18. I don't get this thread????????????
  19. Hey. When I joined there was this help section which answered questions about stuff like how to subscribe to threads and posting them and how to work them. But I can't seem to find it now. Its not in the FAQ section, so where is it?
  20. A wasted Thread all round then
  21. Best way to go? fly into a Black Hole and see if its a portal into another dimension or the Worlds of the Gods. My philosephy is if ya gonna go, Go in Style.
  22. Hey guy it was joke yeah you know as in ha ha funny. Any way 4P!!! What I wouldent do for 4P, why in my day after coming home from the mines we'd be lucky if we got a slap round hear hole and a kick up't ass. I tell you what, kids nowa days don't know there born...
  23. God, there are some rich fuckers who use this web site!!!!! Have you seen the size of those TV's and monitors. And heres me with a shity old pentium three and a 14inch tele which could blow up at any mome.......agrgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  24. Signed, sealed and delivered. Sick F**ks
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