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Everything posted by old_gregg

  1. ^^^^Oh no don't get me wrong Ash, the Caps in that last post were purely accidental i assure you. Any way the probs been fixed now. I think it had something to do with the lag time between the 'Last user posted' and the actual last user posting. What i mean is that sometimes when you submit a post your username won't always appear on the Last Post bit, but when you click on that name e.g. Old Gregg, you will be taken to the last poster whose name hasent appeared there yet e.g. Wes. I apologise for the frequent posting and serioosly my hand did slip onto that Caps button before, depspite it being right at the beginning of a word. So i understand your annoyed at me, but hey no need to hold grudges now is there
  2. A boy and his Dog??? Do you mean Chewy...Han was hardly a boy...Doyou mean R2D2...IT WAS Aan android...and that cat in the coner of the room won't stop...oh nO..plaese don't...NO I WASN'T THE CHILD OF WESTCONSTENTINE...ARGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
  3. Which women?...huh. WATCH OUT FOR THA...a deer a female deer. And that is the lesson for today.
  4. Put simply. First three great (4,5,6) Last three Shit (1,2,3) Except episode two was good as it 'reveals' a lot of the secreats of episode four. Hayend Christianson and that little one in episode on e were mis cast. e.g. "are you an angel" line makes me feel sick.
  5. T aint got this one but i recenlty bought civ 3 after plsying civ 1 and 2 to death. Did you think the difficulty levels on these games was a bit odd. I did as on Cheiften and Warlord the games were a picece of piss. But put it on Prince and the computer can suddenly build wonders at an unparelled rate. The Civ 1 game was easy thogh as all you had to do was stick the game on Empoerer and Right from the word go get Maths as soon as and build cataputls. You then just Bliztcreig the rest of the opponents and you end up with a score well over 100%, i think mine was 120% or sometthing and i was in the 4 posistion i think. Does anyone here know WHAT THE TOP RANKING ON THESE GAMES ARE? I heard that it was GOD but I'm not sure. Any way Civ 4 should be good is it very different to CIV 3?
  6. Yeah sure its workin finenow but i posted taht question three or four days ago. Why does no one check thses on a REGULAR BASIS E.G. EVERY DAY ??
  7. Okay I guess no one really cloceked on to the fact that the title is a Pun on the Green Day tune Jesus of Suburbia. Ant awy it was only ment as a piss take anyhow so i don't mind if you lock it. Oh and one of you guys said this was scaping the barrel of thread topics? You just wait until my next thread...heh...heh...ha ha hah haha......
  8. Only Nine! Come on surely you guys can do better than that. I mean we've barely got enough for meal. Think of the students won't someone please think of the Students. Remeber what Blair said: Education, education, edu...oh whatever...
  9. How did you Post that quickly I had barely pressed the Submit button?????
  10. No, its not another religouis thread. I wanna know what is your favoirate shrub, and then we can all hail the Jesus of Shruburbia!
  11. Okay something werid is goin on with your Forums. Whenever i click on a Username in the most recent posted box next to a thread, which will usually take you to that persons Profile. But instead it takes you to some other persons profile. Forexample i was trying to click my username ealrier and it took me to WES's Profile. And when I clicked on DAWNS username it took me to MIKEZIM's profile???? So my question is this: WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?
  12. !!'My Cat Is An Android from the Planet Neptune!!!'...That phrase is just as random as this thread. 'mmmmmmmmmm smell the bananna, smell the flowers and lick your ass its tuesday morning'...Another example of how random this thread is. Need I Say More?
  13. Thats the type of thing i'm looking for. So come on guys lets here the rest of your tastey ideas, so we can all enjoy the yummy goodness
  14. Those are some pis easy subjects man. ICT is just a soft form of Computing, Phtography is Taking pictures, and to get an A in MediaStudies you only have spell your name correctly on the Test. It depends which Uni you go to but if you wanna go a decent Uni studin a Science or Computer subject you'll end up having to do a Foundation year or different subject. Having not done a Science myself thats the stituation i'm in, so take it from me DO A SCIENCE SUBJECT to A2 standard or you'll limit your options after College.
  15. . Hey, i've been thinkin of doin that for a while but havent got a clue where to start. How would you go about doing that and does it create any Problems. I run Windows XP Home at the moment if thats any use.
  16. Okay let me explain how this thread works. Put simply this thread is designed for mal-nurished University Students. I know a lot of you go to Uni on this site so i hope you will contribute to this thred. We all know that finnace university education can be hard and most people come out with huge levels of debt. But people, I have a dream. I believe that Food is the best way to keep living costs down and i want every one here to help bring the cost of living down. So post your Recipie ideas here, they don't have to be Delia Smith complex, in fact thats the opposite of what i expect. The basic aim is to have a list of cheap recipie ideas that people can cut and paste and use in future. The recipies will ideally: Use cheap ingridents Be tastety tastey taste taste. and be nutrienlially balanced. I'll get things started with this little dish I cooked up last night. Take two eggs and scramble them. Whilst doing that pop some bacon under the grill and bread in the toaster. put on second pan on the stove filled with some Smart Price Beans. Once cooked layer the ingridents in a toast sandwich and enjoy. So come on down and share your ideas.
  17. Cubechris...erm...5/10. Only because you ripped apart a few of my most precious threads. (..Don't worry precious we will kill those Hobbites...yes we'll ring their necks) EDIT: Or crap i completey miss read the posting orders. Oh well Jonst 9/10 cos your just you. :wink:
  18. Anyone here like Warhammer 40k.. i sure do
  19. Worst Band ever. FACT!
  20. Hey1 Fox your thread dyin off man, why instead of waiting for Zatichoi to do the next round why don't you do it yourself. I mean hes had long enough. Hasent he?
  21. You can get Freeview on-line. No idea how but i think your PC has to have a T.V tuner.
  22. What do you think? was he the savoiur of mankind as the bible says or was he scrounger just going around preaching "i'm the son of god heres two loafs of bread pass them around and it will feed everyone" before running away with all the bread and fish for himself.
  23. My theory is that this was done by George Bush and Blair to allow the Two nations declare their 'War on terror' which allowed them to invade oil rich countries such as afghanistan and Iraq, and maintain ther place as world leaders. Don't forget that thses to Nations are the former and current World powers and are facing a big threat over world dominance from countries such as China. They have to do something to counter this threat and what could be easier than invading and taking over small shity countreis with miltary that pales incomparision but at the same time have lots of essential resoureces such as oil. Its the same thing with the London Bombings. That was mearly a cover up and was designed as an excuse for us still being in Iraq. And don't give me all that bull-shit about innoocent pepole being killed, because do you really beleive Blair, or any other POlitician or world leader, gives a flying fuck about the us the "peasents" of society. As long as they are in power and at the top of the world "tree" thats all that they care aboutand everyone else is just a means to an end to get them and to keep them there.
  24. Could you stop that dam Trace memory AD coming up every time you go back to the Home sectiomn???????
  25. Who was that Lance guy again? Was he called Tad or somethink.
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