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Everything posted by old_gregg
You ginger heaed freak! I really could nt give a flying fuck what you or any of your little pussy mates think.
^^^^^^^^^^^^That was below the belt mother fucker. Come on BAN ME.
Time to revive an old favoirate. Theres been plenty of new commers since i last posted this so any one else interested?
OK, Ok i would but every time i post a new thread I get flamed by each and eveyone of you so really if thats gonna happen you can ban me right here right now! You do realise i can just log in under a different user name?
I'll take 25 minutes starting from......NOW.
Yeah my version locks up all the time. Only does it with that game so there must be a bug inherent in them all.
Who do you want as the next Torie leader?
It was november the 11th 2005 and old_gregg was posting some crap when suddenly he thought. "The world is dead! we spend our lives in an eternal struggle with our selves. Spending our days interacting with other collective matter (humans) before sitting at a desk and pressing our selves in to the electronical void that is the Internet." But when did the Earth die. Was it in the 30's when we first got motorised metal shells to carry our groups of insignifficant monkey matter around in? or another time in the vastness of the universre so distant that it can't be thought of through sheer force alone. You have no idea what i am talking about i am sure but you will...One day...
Why not flame someone you don't llike on thsi thread. Eveyone's doin it. its the latest thing like tamagothchis
Wheres Fey the Poodle from Starfox 2???
I don't Know who that as aimed at so if it wasent me then I apologise in advance. I wasent saying that Star Destroyers could take down planets in fact I was saying they Can't take down plannets. My point was that the Death Star alone can only take down plannets and even that cannot take down Stars. It was called the Death star rather than the Death Plannet because the latter sounds like a pile of shit mounted on top of a car with no hub caps and a banna for a steering wheel.
-Ashley. Well I wouldent know about this summer. But at what point do I say I was joking about it. I was trying to raise a proper point and as I have pointed out there was a good adult disscussion going on and no one was joking about anything. Personnally I think the issue has been done so lets just shut the hell up about it, regardless of whethrer it was right or wrong. Oh and as I said before i would appreciate it if anyone still wants to disscuss it with me or just have a general go, please do it by PM's and not this or any other of my threads. I made this before that thread, as i have pointed out previously. So Ash if you want to reply to this post could you PM me and not on this thread which as far as I am concerned is a totally different issue all together. PS. I would like to thank those people who PM'd me in support of said thread, i appreciate your support in the matter. Edit: Again as I have Pointed out to the Admin a threat is somethiing you say you will do to someone and not what I did. In fact you threatend me so if anyone will be taking it further it should be me. But I won't, as I don't hold ridiculaos grudges against people. Edit2: This thread is in no way related or has ever been related to my previous thread(s). So will everybody concentrate on the point of this thread and not any of the other threads. The point of the thread is to give people a chance to say what they are feeling about something that happend to them earlier in the day in the real world and not something that happend on this or any other website.
Personnaly, I see myself as a Badger. Wise, elusive and only come out at night.
And at no point did I say you did. Also I made absoloutey no comment about the naming of x-wings or B-wings etc, I am saying that star destroyers cannnot take down stars which is what you previously stated. The Death star has a weapon a thousand times more powerful than any Star destroyer and even all the Star destroyers in the empire could not take down a Star as the Death star can only take down Planets. I think your point is that if its called the death star it can destroy Stars, well no it would not have been called a Death Plannet now would it? Stop putting words in my mouth.
Again I refer the right honourable gentlemen to the point of the thread. AND THIS IS THE LAST TIME I WILL SAY THIS SO LISTEN UP GOOD. I made this thread in retaliancen to the 'Frindly annoucenment' made by Ashly. Obviously you havent read that so go and do so and then thank me for making a thread which lets you say how your feeling without the Admin gettin on your back for Spaming.
What the fuck are you talking about you insoent little dickhead? I made this thread long before the Child Porn thread. Oh and having had a chance to go back overr that thread it seemed to me that people were actually talking about and having a good discussion. If you really feel storngly about that subject then PM me about it, just don't go polluting other threads with your chidess shit.
Never mind people who are dead. I just found out this morning that Mohammed Ali was still alive!!!!!!! No seriously I thought he died years back.
...best describes you?. Are you a sly Fox, a ferocious Lion or something else.
It seems you guys are not on the same wavelenghth. I mean from the Admin we get told to stop posting irrelvent threads. Then when we post a new thread about a new topic, cos all the other topics have been covered, we get told by the Moderaters to stop posting werid threads. Then the normal posters complain cos people are posting werid threads and posting the same ones. Make your minds up people do you want a lot of threads about everything or a few regular threads covering the basic topics???
^^^^^^^^^^^^Thats the point Its just that the MAN said we can't post threads about specific emotions hence this thread. If you got a problem with it go take it up with Admin not me. It seems you guys (not you in perticular) are not on the same wavelenghth. I mean from the Admin we get told to stop posting irrelvent threads. Then when we post a new thread about a new topic, cos all the other topics have been covered, we get told by the Moderaters to stop posting werid threads. Then the normal posters complain cos people are posting werid threads and posting the same ones. Make your minds up people do you want a lot of threads about everything or a few regular threads covering the basic topics.
Its different in the comics. You only need to lok at the third star wars 'Rouge squaderan' game. They draw on tuff from the films and comics. If your talking about the films why would you say that sveral star destroyers can bring down the sun? that appears no where in the film and is just something you think. Of course your entitled to your opinion, just let me have mine,.
Well arent you a Feisty one. I know its a bit controversial but that doesent make it any less of a relevent thread then say...welll take your pick. Ban Me, go ahead if you really feel that strongly about it but at the end of the day you've got a problem talking about soething that is really happening, i was asking for your views on it not me and if you think that by posting this thread it makes me bad, well i'm sorry but that is just idioctic cos at the end of the day at least I had the balls to talk about it where as if it was up to you we would just brush it under the already full social carpet and that would be more wrong then any amount of talking about it could ever be. Edit: Thanks Mike-zim, i was actually writeing this thread whislt you posted yours so i apologise for some of the similar wording.
Speaking of dead people is that bicth Anne Robinson dead yet? No oh well...
No, no, no. If you had read the Post you would know that I wasent refering to you guys just what I had heard on the Bus. You see it is hardley a topic you bring up in real life conversation so i had never really heard anyone elses views (other than the media's) on it until then so as most of you on this site are of the same age i just wanted to know whether or not it was just me who found this sick. Well i blame myself for picking such a controversial topic and thread name