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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Speaking of Halloween, it's a crime that Hocus Pocus (the film) hasn't been on this year. At least not as far as I can tell. Such an amazing film. Bette Midler is just brilliant!
  2. Ah, I see now. I thought it was only if a person put a gun to your head that you'd have to choose. In that case, my parents wanted to call me either Gavin(which is my name) or David so I'm not too fussed really. Both nice enough names. If I was a girl, they'd have called me Ashley...not that Ashley's a girl name :p I love names that can go with either gender like Sam.
  3. Isn't that your name though
  4. The one day I don't have to get up early, just my luck! Guess this means I have an extra hour of studying, woo! :p Wished they'd just stay the same though. It gets dark pretty early already
  5. Hope that didn't come across in a mocking way, I didn't mean it to be. There's always a silver lining...though I'm not sure if that's right in this case...let's just say it is :p
  6. If you're a real fan of video games you shouldn't need to ask anything :p Can't say it's the same in Limerick, Ireland. The staff in GAME are lovely and seem to know their stuff. It's the same people I see whenever I go in there so it's like a little family...and I'm some sort of stalker watching them :p But yeah, maybe it's just where I live?
  7. Speaking of messed up Japanese films...didn't you show me some messed-up video, Diego, about bubble vagina's. .... No, I haven't seen it, and I don't plan to :p Forth wall?! *note to self* DO NOT WATCH RINGO! I agree with the silence thing, but sometimes it can work well though I can't think of any examples now. If you like suspense, buy some Alfred Hitchcock movies. "Master of Suspense"
  8. ReZ, you better have seen the original Psycho first. Otherwise, I'll never forgive you. As for horror movies, I guess I've been really getting into them this year. There all extremely old though and a lot less 'jumpy scary'. Basically there's less 'cheap' scares. It's fair to admit that some of them wouldn't even be considered horror, but rather thrillers instead. Anyway, actual recent movies that have just messed me up...all I can think of is the Grudge. Bloody TERRIFIED for weeks. Horrible. The Japanese are too good at making horror movies. I haven't seen much recent horror movies unfortunately. Apart from Saw and a few other silly ones that I can't remember. The original Psycho actually had me a little scared at times, surprisingly. Btw Daft....that video really creeped me out I turned it off when she came out of the TV *shiver*
  9. Ah yes I remember that. Bit hard to forget the thread you made where you said you nearly died because of some pizza
  10. I've only had Domino's pizza once, and was pretty delicious Pepperoni it was. I think I ate like 4 slices and was stuffed, I don't know how anyone eats a full pizza unless it's thin sliced :p Like EVILMURRAY though, I usually go to our local pizza shop in the heart of my lovely homely village. It's nice though recently, it starting to taste a little... plastic-y? I dunno. Nothing beats Milano's pizza though. It's amazing, like a tastegasm. Not sure if it's in England but hopefully the Irish fella's/lassies will know what restaurant I'm talking about
  11. AACK! My browser doesn't like to load this page. My favorites, short and sweet. Most things over a minute just seem too long for me... Both amazing!
  12. Am, what instantly comes to mind are wrestling toys, I had like all of them! Some power ranger stuff, buzz lightyear , cheap pokémon merchandise and I think I had an obsession with an Ariel doll when I was younger :p
  13. Frank


    Can't really think of anything important... I think my phone was robbed/found by someone before. I rang them, explained but they just told me to leave them alone... I didn't bother calling back as the phone wasn't that great anyway and I don't really use my phone that often. *waits for someone to say they've had something silly robbed, like their virginity...*
  14. Has someone been playing too much Phoenix Wright :p Like your girl names btw, it's really strange though as all 3 of them are in my class in school so I was like "Woah, talk about a coincidence..."
  15. Just thought I'd share another video with Ellen. Michelle Obama is in it as well. It's a nice video and so true. http://ellen.warnerbros.com/2010/10/first_lady_michelle_obama_talks_about_bullying_1028.php
  16. Aren't most things indoctrinated on us? Good and bad? I wouldn't go as far as to say it's a crime. When abused for worse it's obviously not a good result but technically as a kid I was 'indoctrinated' to always look both sides while crossing the road, always say please etc. I won't continue as I feel I'm nit-picking and just being whiny...
  17. How old is it? Did it come out before or after Paranormal Activity?
  18. Stroke of genius! :p As for PA, never seen either of them. Wouldn't mind though as I've never actually seen a horror movie in a cinema. From what some of my friends tell me, it's either terribly shit or the scariest movie they've ever seen and they're still traumatized by the movie.
  19. BLASPHEMY!! I know there's an 'e' instead of an 'a' but it's pronounced the same :p As for myself, I've always liked the name Alice(like mentioned previously)/Alison for a girl (or I could name her after the awesome Stefani Joanne Angelina :p Don't know her, then google ). Not exactly sure for a boy... Of course, I see the likelihood of myself becoming a parent as pretty slim, mostly because I have no desire to have them.
  20. If it wasn't for people constantly posting "Aw, if I didn't run out of thanks I'd thank you!", I wouldn't even know you could run out. I think it's fine without this. It makes getting a thanks that more special and 'feel-good'.
  21. As I didn't want to spam the other thread, I thought I'd post 2 more pictures here
  22. Pretty cool. If those pictures had words I can just imagine you saying "how you doin'?"
  23. Ah, I see. Not as awkward as I thought. Though I've never been through it myself, I've had friends who've gone through it and simply refuse to talk to one of their parents or both. It can be pretty rough. Hope it goes well
  24. I hope that's not an overload of pics/videos :p
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