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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Bit late but ah well. Spent last weekend in Belfast and Derry with friends from school and teachers, who I got on with surprisingly well (talking about the teachers of course :p) Did the typical learning about the history of the places etc. and other stuff too I want to go back again! Also got my picture taken when I fell asleep, which is the norm. I was just glad I still had my eyebrows.
  2. Saw that on the news today. Pretty interesting. I've also heard them saying that the bombing was to show South Korea/ the world the power of North Korea. Also something related to how the leader of Korea's son is taking over soon. I'm intrigued as to what this will lead to. From what I've heard the US and Russia are fairly worried.
  3. Frank


    Any reason why your asking? I'd like to speak Spanish but it wouldn't exactly be at the top of my list. I'm able to speak French and Irish though I'm so looking forward to next year, I'm planning on doing Applied Languages, yes I know it sounds very pish-posh :p, in college. So I'll hopefully be fluent in French and Spanish/German and know some Japanese for good measure. But I would love to learn Italian and/or Russian. Beautiful languages
  4. You look strikingly similar to that person in your avatar Just without the chin.
  5. I'm the only one to really dislike Jackman? Seriously Just one of those people who annoys me for no apparent reason
  6. I like this thread. I'm a bit too lazy to draw a brand new Zelda/Pikachu but I did find a drawing that I did of Zelda when I was 12 years old...if that counts? :p
  7. Shit! Forgot to mention Mars Attacks! One of my favourite movies and also sticks out in my head from my childhood. Absolutely loved it I won't even spoil anything about it...just watch it.
  8. Huzah! Btw, nice outfit Danny. Looks quite old-fashioned in a sense, which is a compliment in my books. Very British too...which matches well with you're accent :p
  9. Oh! I honestly never knew he directed that Batman movie. I've seen it twice and loved it Michelle Pfeffer(?) is amazing in it, a much better catwoman than Halle Berry. I've never followed him much so I don't have much expectations for his movies. Therefor, I think I enjoy them more. I've always enjoyed his stuff anyway One of the main reasons? Helena Boham Carter. A goddess amongst mankind. I find her pretty sexy...in a strange way...I want to be just like her when I grow up...
  10. I prefer choosing songs from this year, just for this thread. Already bending the rules slightly but it was #1 in 2010 (first #1 the decade :p) It's bad romance - lady gaga I'm on my iPod though, so no video. If I was choose just songs on repeat this year...a lot of Freddie Mercury/Queen, Beyoncé, John Lennon and Edith Piaf
  11. hrm...think I'm sober again. Got to a really nice tipsy stage Right now, drinking horrible coffee while everyone else is...puking on themselves...literally Good night, danced with these 2 girls until 2 am. So happy I could die
  12. Oh my God! First time being drunk...ever. How strange, it is!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH! SO MUCH FUN1 SUCH A laugh Who knew I was a danver?!?!! BTW, jst 2 cans of bud, some henikein and some vodca mixed with fruit juice. yum
  13. What!? I thought you looked a lot better in this picture, you're hair's a lot nicer in this too. Well, that's just what I think but...yeah... More "natural", I guess. Plus, I prefer longer hair
  14. I can't help but feel most of these comments are blinded with nostalgia. Nearly everything looks/sounds great when we view the past. I love the 90's but...come on :p It was very flawed.
  15. Got to spend the day with 2 good friends in art museums in Dublin today Loved it and it was very interesting. I live practically on the other side of the country though so we had a lovely 6 hour bus journey. *yawn* Our art teacher came with us too, she's an absolute legend though Nice finish with a cup of tea.
  16. Ah! Just remembered...hehe... My cousin's grandmother (who I would still almost consider my grand-parent) loves to tell us all about her love life back when she was young. One story involved her rushing around town trying to go out with 2 fellas, at the same time, while simultaneously making sure they didn't bump into each other :p Though I won't go into details, another story involved her being proposed to, by her now dead husband, they were happy blah blah blah then he had to move a little further away (just about an hour) so she had an affair, called off the marriage, got bored, decided to call back on the wedding :p I love slutty old people, heh
  17. Frank


    Argh!! I'm trying to think in French for an oral that I have tomorrow, instead all I can think about is "I WHIP MA HUR BACK AN' FORTH....I WHIP MA HUR BACK AN' FORTH" Curse you all.
  18. My god, what's wrong with you people!? Talking/listening to old people is just brilliant. I love talking to them Well, most of them :p Especially the loopy ones who ramble. Don't tell me I'm the only one here? About a month ago, I think, I remember getting the train to Dublin and I was sitting in one of those train seats for 4. I was by myself and I was sitting beside 2 very elderly women and a middle-aged man. I had a great laugh talking to them and they were telling me all these interesting things and kept offering me sweets. I saw them again in the train station and they wished me well Also remember a friend and I having a conversation with an elderly French women in France(surprise, surprise!). Lovely women who got awfully embarrassed when she asked if we were English, apparently most French think every Irish person hates all the English :p You're missing out, I tells ye! Or maybe, as I've been told, I'm actually an 80 year old trapped in a teenage body.
  19. Shh...winter is ace. I understand every season has its downsides but winter is still amazing. I instantly get memories or huddling with 6 other friends as we wait for the bus. I love ice and snow too. Makes coffee taste that bit nicer I find I'm happier during the winter months for some reason. I'm not a huge fan of the cold but it's easy to avoid, wear some damn clothes! That reminds me, love it when it's like 2-3 degrees and you see travellers walking in belly tops and hot pants Btw, Diego, don't you mean you love the summer or hate the winter? :p
  20. *ahem* ... Actually, I didn't think it was too bad to be honest. I'd never wear it :p but I've seen much worse. Plus, I like Betty's fashion style if that's anything P.S. Was that a Mary J. Blige quote Paj?!
  21. Hmm...where do I start? :p I've got a fairly good, open relationship with my parents and I'm usually "well-behaved" so I could do some strange things, no questions asked, and get away with it. It's a horrible trait but I can also be a good liar
  22. Found out results of 2 exams today. 2 A's in English and Irish, score! Let's hope this isn't false security and end up getting a bunch of...not so good results :p
  23. Large Popcorn and a Coke/Sprite for me whenever I go to the cinema. It's horribly annoying though when I ask for popcorn and then about 20mins into the film I find out they sneaked a bunch of nachos into the popcorn. Horrible things and they smell nasty! CURSE THOSE EMPLOYEES!
  24. There's so many I could have used in response to that comment...but I won't :p I quite liked how they all fitted in perfectly, was well pleased with myself! ...blasphemy... Hmm...from the thanks you got, it seems you're not the only one. whoops :p Maybe I did get a little out of hand
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