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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Found out Azelia Banks is playing in Dublin next week but her concert is sold out : (
  2. I think blaming the Mother is wrong. From the article given to us it appears she genuinely has her child's best intentions at heart. I don't think it works, though. Of course, the clothes are hand-me-downs so on one hand it feels wrong to criticize the 'why does she dress him in these girly clothes!' but the fact she's banning a certain group of masculine clothes is a bit '...' It's good this is being discussed publicly. It will help people become more aware of the complications of gender. This should have a ball effect & hopefully we'll see more and more parents telling us their story of parenting "non-gendered" kids. [is 'gendered' a word?]. We need to make people who don't recognise themselves as not their given gender less underground. I'd also like to mention that I don't think she's a bad parent, from what we're given. She seems to really be parenting her child. She isn't ignoring him / only paying attention when he does bad. I just hope the child can understand what is happening & this sort of lifestyle doesn't leave him open to tramatic, possibly homophobic bullying in the future.
  3. I became tired of many things and decided it was time. At 12:00am I heard the knock telling me it was about to begin. My friend came over and by 3:00 we decided to act on impulse and go far away. So now I spend my free-time in Paris. I'm a gypsy -- we haven't booked any hotel or hostel but it's alright. It's a wonderful city. I think we'll stay for a short while.
  4. Well, that's a bit of an assumption to make. Especially when not given much information on the entire affair. Of course the typical thing would be to assume that the boyfriend has feelings for the other. Or that he was just being a slut. However, people often do things they normally wouldn't do under the influence of, say, alcohol or drugs for example. Most of us have been with someone at a club, for example, under the influence of alcohol who we'd never look at twice normally.
  5. Frank


    I've made another serious / silly post about myself, stupid ego. It is all innocent but reveals a little insecurity I have. I'd like to share. http://gavihaze.tumblr.com/post/16210136266/epicentre
  6. Don't worry -- we'll win forum pair next year! Thanks for those who voted for me, by the way. I was humbled. Congrats to the winners, I pretty much agree with the majority of the list.
  7. .....my attention span is not strong enough.........ugh
  8. Something which terrifies me so much. It's weird. I don't know whether or not it'll happen to me. Both my grandfathers have / had a great head of hair. Thick enough too. However all my uncles (and I have about 12+) are all completely bald and my dad too. I have thick hair now. I hope it stays with me. I take good care of it! I swear.
  9. The 2nd & 3rd line just slayed me. I mean...how adorable is that? How often do people find love like that? I hope you're doing OK. Keep your spirit in place, sorry I couldn't get to meet up with ye and meet your boyfriend! *virtual hug*
  10. Shits going down. With Coolness & Jayseven -- conversations of drugs & philosophical matters. Diageo & Magnus have been overshadowed : o
  11. Frank


    I approach Tumblr in the same sense as Twitter. As a continuous, not necessarily continuous, stream of consciousness. But in a visual sense, moreso. I like to reblog a lot -- particularly because before I got a Tumblr my favourite person on the site would post a ridiculous amount each day (still does) and I love her even more for doing so.
  12. I love these covers. It just looks aesthetically pleasing. It adds so much to what was before. Glad I switched.
  13. A very, very happy birthday to you. To who? To you.
  14. Frank


    Seems Ashley beat me to it! Apologies, I'm strange when become tired. Plus I'm used to nudity, it didn't even hit me. I prefer Ashley's image anyway :p
  15. Really looking forward to going back to university next week. I've not left the house for days & 'm growing restless. Several trips to LOL places've been planned already with my cracker friend. It's OK. I enjoy the buzz of it. Plus, our lonely building will now host to many new faces in Semester 2. It's really strange to imagine going back and not seeing the same faces (apart from the Irish faces, who're remaining of course) in our Uni accommodation. [i forget that N-E doesn't know everything and I really should explain] -- most of the foreign students of last semester in college have returned home to finish their college degree/ I'm looking forward to meeting the new people, however. Not sure how much of an effort I'll put in. We'll all bond over some cheap wine, I'm sure. Some night. ANYWAY. I feel like one of those venders on a street corner shouting at people so I'll stop. It's much too late. I need to become more real. More concise..but that'd be predictable, wouldn't it. [/skips away and plays Zelda on mute for another 10 hours opting to listen to Alannis Morisette.] Wut? No. Zelda music is formidable.
  16. Frank


    ......................I promise - - - I kinda love / hate how Tumblr doesn't allow others to see who you're following / who's following you. It feels nice, but in a bad way. I'm nosey. In my quest to gain an audience at the moment. For some feedback. I'm liking Paj's tumblr -- very direct & concise whereas I post, generally, anything that I like. It seems you put a lot of thought into what you post. Daft's is great too, he posts some things which genuinely make me LOL. We've such a connection now. Trololol
  17. Frank


    Going through a moment of gathering an audience, so to speak. Hello, my name is Frank / @Gavihaze. And I want -- The Fame. I can be good unless you wanna be bad. .............FOLLOW ME YOU LOAD OF HOOOKAAAS! ........................... https://twitter.com/#!/GaviHaze Be free.
  18. I love the presence of the Gaelic Games. It's a wonderful thing to have there. Plus it further differentiates us as our own country. I'm patriotic in that way. Although I'm more into the historical significance of it as well as the social aspects of it. Such as bringing communities together and giving the Irish some sort of...hope..you could say during the fight for independence. It was such an Irish thing that people clung onto it. From a personal standpoint, though, I didn't like it growing up. My Dad would insist on me and my brother practising hurling in our local pitch. [i was shit]. My grandparents would always be shocked when I told them (more than once) that I didn't play football or hurling which was rather annoying. Being a boy I was expected to play all of these sports - and well - which is ridiculous. I was a small, tiny-framed young boy who didn't have much strength to begin with and pressure was put on me to play the fastest and one of the most physical sports in the world. Uhr, no thanks. I'm also biased in the sense of school's preference for sport players. Hurlers were in *that* sort of school clique -- they were big, strong, intimidating, loud and aggressively hetero / against anyone who didn't fit the mould of a typical "male". .....................................................So much else can be said. As I've grown up though I have appreciated it a lot.
  19. Frank


    .............It's about time -- we waited too long. ................................*BLOWS AIR-KISS*
  20. Frank


    Oh My. Time to wreck Havoc on this. *Puts on sunglasses* *Laces up boots*
  21. ..............................Happy Birthday ...................................................Mein Freund
  22. Frank


    Y U NO Post the link to your Tumblr?
  23. It's not showing up for me
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