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Everything posted by Frank

  1. I like how following your twitter account has made such posts as the one you've just made seem completely normal. Like you quietly whispered into our ears your conquests to come. [you're not the only one overdosing on caffeine right now evidently :p]
  2. just student accommodation which could be just as bad :p i've never felt any side-effects though, i feel more or less all good!
  3. can't get enough of the soon meme!
  4. going through a period of melancholia i feel disappointed and lacking in something.
  5. I just did a few checks now and it's not as fast as usual. I got an average of 86 which still isn't healthy though...
  6. I'm always worried about my bpm. Mine is always, like, 100. My heart is strangely fast no matter what I'm doing :s [does no exercise...has ridiculous metabolism...no reason to be in this thread]
  7. Frank

    Sorted out my PM problem!

  8. I'm craving a film to watch. I did see 'The Muppets' today with my sister! It was so lovely :] I just feel nice watching them, they're my definition of pleasant. Ms. Piggy & the pair of old men are clearly the best. I really liked the self-awareness in the film. How they know that the world has moved on, how they're not afraid to show the decay of their own creation. I really enjoyed that. It made me laugh a lot and it seems that's their first goal. So they achieved :]
  9. I like your accent. I've watched only the first one but have planned to watch the rest. I think it takes a lot of practise to learn how to do these well. While you want to just be natural and talk to the camera naturally for however long -- I suggest you edit. Edit it down to 4 mins or less unless you feel it *needs* more time. That's what I think. Knowing 2 Danish people -- I find their accent is pretty charming / sexy. I've no idea why native Danes don't like it!
  10. Currently at the final place! (I presume...it seems obvious) : D : D : D
  11. I can't wait to hose you down, Coolness. Sounds like a fun night.
  12. So. Getting drunk quite often the past week has its consequences. I have to admit defeat as the knowledge is fertilising itself within my brain that of course I'll embarrass myself & piss people off. That's what it's all about though. I spent today feeling prettycrappy but I'm passed all that. If you're strong, you don't need permission. I'm about to make them / him / her sit back down. Filthy Pout. 3 years of Ü
  13. I've only really been listening to Born to Die. I enjoy that one a lot. It's really pleasant to listen to. I should give the album a listen. She seems worth it.
  14. @EddieColeslaw Well, if there's room for 2 people myself and one of my Norweigan friends are looking for a place but not until September of this year. Granted its affordable of course :p she's doing her entire course here so she'll be here for the 4 years. And we both go to UCD : D
  15. If I'm perfectly honest & true to myself I know that I'd prefer (b). I have weird characteristics that sometimes aren't the best. I'd also give evidence. Surely if there's evidence the truth should be revealed. <<I should be ashamed>>
  16. I just changed my smelly bed-sheets last night. It's the best feeling, isn't it? I feel so anew...best night sleep in a while (despite it lasting for 4 hrs)
  17. Madonna's "Gimme All Your Luvin'" came on in the club that I was in last night. It was surprisingly amazing to dance to, it felt great. I didn't think the music was as good as it usually is but looking back -- there were some real hits. Amelia Banks came on..some fast paced Whitney Houston which didn't seem tacky at all (Of course, I did drink a bottle of red wine). Speaking of red wine (cheap perfume & a filthy pout) -- Heavy Metal Lover was played. Euphoria!
  18. I missed out on a night of bowling with a large group and the chance to drink a bottle of wine. Turns out my inner cat took over and I napped in a ball all day. At least that was nice. I'm feeling a little out of touch with the people I'm living with, I need a good night-out. With whiskey, of course. GOOD-THING : I thought I had no sugar for my several cups of coffee for tonight but then I remembered all the packets that @EddieColeslaw got for me in a caf?!
  19. Apologies for getting aggressive, I didn't mean to be. I got a little carried away because it's something I'm passionate about
  20. I had no idea it was so popular either! I just know that my Norweigen and Danish friends are completely in love & addicted to the song. I really like it -- (just heard it for the first time) -- that video posted is great too. Everything feels really essential & I like how all 5 members have that feeling of worth & being characters. Mumbles something about my recent Bon Iver obsession. Btw -- @Paj\! -- get LastFM instead, it's free and I love it.
  21. Give me a pound of sugar and I'm as delirious as a bomb abroad.
  22. I remember playing The Sims years ago and being amazed that you could make your sim romantically involved with any other sim, male or female. Of course I had 2 gay men living together in a ridiculously large manor-styled home. It felt great. That's the only time I can remember there being any fully gay characters who weren't ashamed about it. It felt right and liberating. That's why I'm annoyed at somme's comment about not needing to have a gay character in a game for representation. The way I read it, it felt like you were talking for the entire gay community. Not everyone is / was as lucky as you were. A lot of us need some sort of way, however direct or indirect, to tell us that what we feel is normal. If I had a gay character in a video game when I was younger -- that would have helped me so much. I'm not surprised by the lack of homosexual characters in gaming (gay men to be specific). The gaming world was for so long completely hetero-crazed & isolated. It's the whole "lesbian's are hot" but gay men are "freaks & unnatural". I think since the Wii video games have become very universal and this'll influence the in-game characters. I hope that soon we will have female's who aren't sexualised, openly gay men & women characters etc. etc. This whole debate of "I want to relate to a character" ... "video games are a form of escapism for me" is absolute shit. This issue is much greater than you. And if you can't relate yourself to a gay character ... shut up. I really just can't.
  23. I don't understand people sometimes. It seems everytime my friends are going out I'm never directly told about it. I always have to find out myself. Tonight, for example, myself and some others had a night-out planned but I've just found out they've already left because I never texted them. You'd think they could mention they were leaving. I'm really tired about this. I know it's not because some people secretly hate me or something -- we're close & all like each other. It feels so inconsiderate & rude. Sometimes it feels like people think I'm a pushover and can step all over me. I'm also conscious with my age as my friends are always older than me. I'm baby-ed. I'm so tired of everyone not treating me well. I feel abandoned. Bleurgh.
  24. Very nice, Eddie! Plus, I love the one you did with your friend too. So Asian :3 ;D That haircut suits you, Bard, by the way! 40s Germans were pretty stylish, you know. I was tagged in a picture on FB. I like the ambiance of it. It's very mellow.
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