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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Booked my flight away to Venice / Verona for 15 days with my pseudo-wife. I'm yearning, let's all be weird for pay.
  2. Ah, my movie-obsessed friend told me that Tarantino originally planned it to be just a single movie but due to the length etc. it was split ~ so I just see it as one movie. Should've said I watched both, they were equal in greatness. Asiantastic too. I love films with chapters. I recall Breaking The Waves had chapters too. Si bon.
  3. Just watched KILL BILL. It was..my god ~ perfect. Tarantino is such a genius. It's how I wish most things were -- the perfect balance of, "this is serious shit" and "lol, let's joke". The camera work is just genius. *groan* Too iconic. Lucy Liu ... lurve.
  4. Having remained in my Korean embryonic fluid, i present such a cute / aegyo song. The 2 singing are absolutely gorgeous too. I can leave this on repeat for hours. Heartbreaking, makes me cry every time I hear it. People should listen / google his story. *gasps for air*
  5. Currently in need of a sedater if I am to afford my getaway carriage to the banks of Italy. Keep me away from the high street.
  6. Frank

    Dia duit freisin!

  7. This thread is unbearably cute. It's heart-warming seeing all the support offered. @Iun & @Slaggis -- I know you'll be able to endure, at the very least. Like others, I shouldn't be I'm the position to offer advice given my experience. Nevertheless, it probably feels like a wooden stake to the heart and taking it out will leave splinters -- but try to endure. It's what life is, isn't it? Make sure to sleep well, be healthy in life & try smile:)
  8. Found me these treasures a little while back : A book that teaches you French through Korean. It's so adorable & I love to scan through it whenever I can. Great to learn a thing or two. Been addicted to this as of late. I think it's milk-flavored soda. Or something. All I know is I love it & it's invariably difficult to find.
  9. I've got the momentum for a possible substantial romance in the works. Let's say...I'm happy. I'm feeling very much in control and independent of this -- something I need. We've just done some typical beginning stuff; went to a Korean restaurant that had the most beautiful food, watched movies etc. He'll be leaving for Singapore the 19th (of course) but luckily this time he is actually coming back in August. Awkward timing but I am feeling something could work. ..................
  10. While spending a day with my new romance, I got the opportunity to watch Prometheus. [possible spoilers ahead!] It began pretty slow. Honestly, I dazed out a couple of times. Once the ancient holograms kicked in, however, it was hook-line-caught. I got really surprisingly into this film. I'm not a big sci-fi fan. I usually am rarely impressed with films relating to epic (space) battles, aliens etc. While this film isn't necessarily one of those -- it's really impressed me. I just adored how they displayed the themes of life (the womb / pregnancy) & death. Also with religion&spirituality. It just flowed really well for me. I fell in love with Shaw too. The characters were done quite quite well. Not a fan of the open ending (or the death of the blonde leader T__T ) but it was so worth going to see. ~~~ I've been watching so many Studio Ghibli movies in the past few months with friends. I've never explored them before so I feel just like a child again. They've been all so good & original so far! I think "My Neighbour Totoro" is one of the standouts so far. ~~~ Gonna watch "The Last Song" next to commemorate Miley, as a lol. Then the "Alien" films. I was shamefully unaware "Prometheus" was made as a prequel...
  11. Wish I got here earlier -- I'm sure you enjoyed yourself! Happy late late late birthday, you crazy Dane. Stay classy.
  12. Gaaah! I need 3 days accommodation in Dublin and can't find anywhere. I always leave things stupidly to the last minute =__=" The beach might be comfortable.
  13. My results came out yesterday and everything was passed! I've to work this weekend but I've got plans for next week. Fun ones. Perhaps involving whiskey & Asians. Now, gotta plan some summer vacations over a glass of champagne.
  14. I became an adventurer of sorts & went exploring. All in the company of some friends, cake and my trusted flask of Irish Coffee. I met a lot of interesting / new people too!
  15. Everyone should give this a listen! It's Korean (of course) but not exactly pop. It's more R&B / rap. I'm just so blown away by E.via's (the girl's) rap in this song. She just destroys everyone. The guy also is worth listening to. I like how his chorus sounds somewhat creepy but sexually charged all the same. The video is visually very beautiful / interesting too.
  16. Happiest birthdays to the both of you! Make the most of your day!
  17. I found out last night that one of my favorite idols, Tippy Hedron, was in Dublin. She's the main star of Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" and "Marnie". FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU I remember being obsessed with her for months... This is awful. She was doing a meet and greet last Saturday too. Of course I only find out yesterday. I feel like entering a coma =__="
  18. Sorry for bumping but I just haven't had a chance to comment all week. Thank you all for the lovely wishes! And thanks, Eddie, for this thread! I love it! I had a wonderful birthday [week]. Definitely tired after it all. Pretty interesting. Simply showing the PG13 images.
  19. I feel like I need to watch all the Super-Hero movies relating to this before re-watching. I was ridiculously unaware of the hype behind this film and the fact it had all those films leading up to this. I enjoyed it. I think a large chunk of the film completely went over my head though -- I've such a lack of any knowledge on every one of the films main characters (didn't even know 3 of their names until I saw it). Visually it was amazing / it distracted me a lot from the dialogue :p The humour felt way too slapstick & stupid. I wish it had been done well but felt tacked on & a little cheap. I sound really critical but I enjoyed the film as a whole. I loved Black Widow and Thor!
  20. Someone's crushing a bit! ;D
  21. And just another few shots -- to secure our Forum Pair '12! --- Here's some extra shots of that really beautiful day!
  22. I think so, we've got some minor plans and possible chances to meet up. I'm looking at flights etc. but it's pretty expensive. Guess we're sorta in the same boat :p
  23. It's just so unfair that the one guy I've fallen for has to move across the world. As I mentioned before about meeting a guy -- we just *clicked*. It was easy, exciting and fast-paced. It was clear the feeling was perfectly mutual too. Of course, he's on his way to Hong Kong where, most likely, he won't come back unless there's a job etc. Bleurgh. I'm happy but sad. Happy because I had an amazing two weeks. Sad because it's over and he has to leave. I rarely, probably never, met someone who I've clicked with so well, had interesting conversations with and been extremely attracted to, I'm glad I experienced that. 무르겠습니다 아바 아바 아바
  24. I've got one exam left until I'm finished 1st year of college. I'm terrified but excited. I'm finished on Tuesday! This year was just ridiculously fast, but in that good way full of memorable stuff. Also meeting the guy I'm seeing after my exam! So close.
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