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Everything posted by YenRug

  1. How about "The FreeWave"?
  2. From what I've read elsewhere, cube-mapping is purely surrounding a game map/world with all round background, i.e. the sky, horizon and so on. The more interesting patent, already discussed on here, is one that details a way of bump-mapping in a single rendering pass, rather than the two or more of existing systems, meaning a very efficient graphics system without needing overly powerful processors.
  3. Someone mentioned something about this the other day, the only problem is that it is very limited in what it's able to detect, for starters it won't be 3D positioning without being able to use two camera at the same time to create a sterescopic view.
  4. Yep, this is the fourth thread that someone's made about it. Lockdown.
  5. Definitely a good suggestion; my suggestion is that you all read my post, too, as I know the author of the editorial.
  6. I found out the hard way, I think you'll find Schpickles is a programmer/developer.
  7. Oh good grief, this is the same analyst report predicting a hard-drive fitted PSP come the middle of 2006, without any proof to back it up. Sony relies on people having to buy their memory sticks as a necessity, fitting a hard-drive would kill that extra revenue stream whilst requiring a redesign of the hardware to fit a HD internally. To see this same report containing those predicted sales figures just makes it even more laughable.
  8. I have only one question, after reading this article earlier today: what sort of name is "Tancred Dyke-Wells"???
  9. Xino, simple request, really. If you intend to maintain a presence on here beyond the next week, if you're lucky at this rate, try to be constructive in what you post rather than argumentative. At the moment you seem to be coming in to a thread and posting your opinion with nothing to back up why you made your statement; at that point if anyone dares to post something, which contradicts your opinion, you then simply respond by shouting them down stating that what they have said is not a fact. In this instance: Capcom have announced that Resident Evil 5 is in development for Xbox360 and PS3, they have confirmed that it may be considered for other platforms as time goes on and they have so far not ruled out any. This does not mean that RE5 will not be coming to the Revolution, nor does it mean that it will, it simply means that there is still the possibility. Admittedly, Capcom have been demonstrating that RE5 will be running in HD format and they have stated that it will be optimised for that; it does not mean, however, that you will only be able to play it on a HDTV set. One fact does not automatically imply that the opposite is untrue, which seems to be the basis for your stance in this argument, others have tried to point this out and you have then proceeded to shout them down and proclaim them as "owned". You do not "own" someone by declaring it so; you "own" someone by proving them wrong, try to do so and you might find some people will actually bother to treat your opinion with respect.
  10. Well, in my case it's that posts I haven't read are being marked as read, simply because I've been sat on one page for too long. Kind of gets annoying, especially as I have no idea of how long the specific time out is, my best guess is it's in the 15-20 minute range. To be honest that's nowhere near long enough, I'd prefer for the the timeout to be disabled completely, but if that isn't possible then it really needs to be at least an hour.
  11. OK, guys, what's with all the grief? So what if the link wasn't pant-wettingly funny? What one person finds funny doesn't always work for others, that's no reason to start telling someone to leave the forum and not come back. Either be constructive or don't say anything, it leaves a much more pleasant atmosphere for everyone else.
  12. Well, I never said they buy shelf-space, they're not that blatant. What you do get are deals being made, i.e. preferential stock supply, better unit prices or buying larger quantities of stock, "staff training courses" about the latest game or system and so on. Money may not directly change hands, but the shelf space is still "bought" in its own way.
  13. I'm not actually all that bothered about it, to be honest. I'm happy enough with the sound coming out of the TV speakers.
  14. No basic info of what it's about? Kind of helps people decide whether to bother listening to it, or not...
  15. I know someone who's worked in GAME, they made it very clear that there are "incentives" by the various manufacturers to control how much shelf space their consoles have in-store. It's not just about what sells well, I'm afraid.
  16. Is there are way to stop the "time-out" refresh on read/unread threads on VBulletin? I can go away from the forum with unread threads and they are usually showing as unread when I return; however, if I sit on any page for too long, i.e. reading a particularly long series of posts or I leave the computer for a while, when I go back to the thread list it's marked everything as read, unless threads have new posts in the meantime. The old XSOrbit forums didn't do this, which was one of the few good things about it, is this "hard-wired" in the VBulletin code or can it be lengthened (considerably)/disabled?
  17. The full quote:
  18. If there are any more major surprises to come out, I would say it would most likely be this 3D display technology that's been rumoured. Apparently it should work with any TV set and be relatively inexpensive, it also doesn't require headsets nor these shuttered glasses that are usually required, either. In a way it does make sense as they have introduced a 3D control system, this would just be a natural extension of that.
  19. I posted this in the old forums, just been to dig it out to clear things up, for both of you:
  20. Comic? Not seeing one on that page, nor any obvious links to one.
  21. Not a bad write-up, though a few clarifications/possibilities: 1. I'm pretty certain it's been said that the Rev discs can be dual-layered if the extra storage capacity is required for a game, with the ability to play DVD movies this capability is almost certainly physically present. 2. Why should you have a plug-in microphone? The controller apparently uses Bluetooth so an adapted bluetooth headset, like for mobile phones, could be easily produced. The only possible problem is lack of channels (with the Rev being restricted to 4 controllers/channels), though if you were playing online and using the headset how likely would it be that you had multiple players on a single console. 3. I'm pretty sure the only memory cards mentioned, so far, have been SD Cards as Nintendo seem to be in partnership with Panasonic (the creator of SD Cards). As to homebrew games, I hope Nintendo are open to this possibility. With the system being online they could easily allow people to make their products freely available (for those trying to build up a portfolio/reputation), they could even go so far as selling those with a higher production value.
  22. You're comparing clock speeds on the Rev Vs Xbox 360, though, but the quoted performance is higher for the Rev despite having the slower clock speed. It's been obvious for a while that comparing clock speeds directly is no longer a reliable comparison for performance, i.e. see Intel Vs AMD CPU's.
  23. Do you need to be a regular reader of Penny Arcade to have any clue as to what that robot thing is? As it stands, other than doing the "Revolution rising" thing, I can't make any sense of it.
  24. Well, a lot of technical analysts and developers have stated that the multiple cores are causing a lot of problems and it will likely be several years before they can be exploited properly. If the Rev CPU can run on a single core, and yet produce greater processing power, then it's at a distinct advantage from the off. Also, the Physics Processing Unit, that Han_Solo has mooted previously, will take a huge load off the CPU too, which means there will be processing capacity to spare.
  25. No worries: http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=7439&postcount=28
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