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Everything posted by YenRug

  1. And already covered in another thread.
  2. Hmmmmmm, I'd like to see a sequel to Beyond Good & Evil, seeing that Michael Ancel is rather keen on the controller it would be appropriate.
  3. Good catch, though if you look closely you can see "a" next to the "Y" button: Can only assume that they used the earlier prototype in the actual photoshoot then digitally superimposed the current look over the top.
  4. I think it stands for: The Cows Have Been Owned With the Cows being Sony fans, i.e. herd mentality, only heard it being used for the first time the other day.
  5. The thing I forgot to mention about Dave Perry's piece, as well, he basically wants everything on the wand. Has he tried using anything more than his thumb and forefinger at the same time as holding something? It is possible, but the buttons would have to be all over the controller and your co-ordination would need to be immense.
  6. Holy crap, that article puts Nintendo's actions into a wholly new and different light. For everyone that complains that Nintendo doesn't compete in established game types, read this, you'll most likely still complain but you'll at least understand why the Big N aren't listening to you!
  7. Notice how it's the technical director that has a problem, whilst the two designers from the same company love the concept? Anyway, before I had a Gamecube I had a Playstation and I could never quite find a comfortable pad for it, I tried plenty of them including some more unusual 3rd party designs. I've got slightly larger hands and ended up trying larger pads if I could find them, so when I saw the smaller GC pad I was a tad worried. Then I tried it, huge surprise I was able to use it with no trouble at all. I read that and thought, "What a prat! Did you not see that port in the bottom that allows you to plug-in other controllers, the one Iwata said they were exploring what they could do with it?" Anyone else think the same?
  8. If you watch the keynote speech, Iwata states that there will be a standard controller shell which the freehand controller will slot into, as well.
  9. I think, out of the box, you should get the wand, the analogue nunchuk and the standard controller shell. When it comes to buying extra controllers it should be the wand and analogue as one package and the shell as a separate item, that way you buy those parts that you need and not forced to pay more than you are willing.
  10. Let me guess, Xbox/360 and PS2/3 games have suddenly jumped up the table?
  11. Hellfire's point is that in the comic they're showing things, like having to pay for the analogue nunchuk, which have already been confirmed as being otherwise.
  12. Suggestions/problems: 1. Would it not make more sense to have the "News" threads in the relevant forums, i.e. Revolution stories in the Revolution forum? At the moment it seems to be that most people end up discussing news related topics in the forums related to the particular system, just seems to make more sense that way. I don't know if it's automated at the moment, if it is you'd need to add a category to each news piece, though I'd still recommend leaving the "News:" tag at the start. 2. I'm not sure if the reputation is running correctly at the moment, I was just looking in my profile settings and noticed two people seem to have given me postive feedback but there's no change in my score. Is it broken, or do you have to exceed the initial 10 that you seem to get by default?
  13. I realised that, just didn't seem like something that needed saying, though. Don't forget though, whilst it might seem like loads of space now, you can be sure there will be plenty of people who can fill that up with no trouble; PC's are a perfect example, despite having an 80 and a 60GB HDD inside mine I've still ended up buying a 500GB external drive to store all the files I download.
  14. *Pssst, you do know that it's a good idea to read everything that someone wrote before starting to rant, don't you? Stops you from accusing someone of saying something that they said the exact opposite of, which means you don't go putting yourself in their bad books.*
  15. That's partly why Sony have been so successful, though, by creating a brand image that appeals to the weak-minded masses. Nintendo's advertising has never managed to truly achieve market penetration, at least long-term, it's something they really need to work on. No, I'm not suggesting that Nintendo try to be come an image concious trend-setter, however, they do need to break away from the image that their competitors have been allowed to impress on them.
  16. The Revolution has been stated as having a 1/2 GB flash memory built-in, for your downloads/saved games, SD cards will only be needed if you wish to increase storage space and/or back-up your downloads to a PC.
  17. What you need is an easy URL to put on posters, on that page you have the trailer video embedded in it, most likely in Quicktime. That will be people's first exposure to the concept, below which you have links to the main website page where you post the images of the controller and explain what it's all about. A good idea would be to have the posters you advertise the site with available as downloadable PDF's (which I could convert for you, if you want, at work), so if other people want to spread the word they can. BTW http://www.rev-video.co.uk is available to regsiter.
  18. LOL, have you guys not been on airliners in recent years? That's pretty much one of the in-seat entertainment controllers from a Virgin Atlantic aircraft, though they've started changing them to a newer design now. Sorry, you've been hoaxed.
  19. A 3D display system would make sense, you've now got a 3D positioning system, what better than that to exploit a visibly 3D world.
  20. It comes down to this: since the Playstation came onto the scene we have been simulating 3D worlds, but our interfaces have been capable of only expressing 2D movement and translating that into 3D movement through expressing more than one axis at the same time, i.e. one stick controls planar movement whilst the other expresses the facing. Nintendo have simply taken the step to interact with a 3D world with 3D movement.
  21. "We are the Nintendo, resistance is futile."
  22. Well, we know the positional sensor is placed around/beside/infront of the TV set and is separate from the Revolution base unit, just read the articles over on IGn and it talks about it. In fact, it states amongst all the articles that it hasn't been shown yet because the design is still in early prototype, nothing like a finished product which a company would be willing to show unlike the almost complete controller.
  23. Well, Iwata said the WiFi presentation would be coming early October, so only a few weeks for that. Not sure what we could see that would be a big surprise, but after Friday it's anyone's guess.
  24. YenRug


    Take a closer look at the bottom of the controller, there's only 4 channels for controllers, at present that's as many as you'll be able to support.
  25. Dare I ask what you had envisaged for the spare hand??? :unsure:
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