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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Assassins Creed and Mario Galaxy on the same day. Holy ****.
  2. Yeah, I missed a page I think. Oh well.
  3. Another random guess, going by the fact that it sounds to me like an action-ish game, probably GC. Ikaruga?
  4. Gizmo


    Why did I know that Gamespot were gonna "low" score it compared to everyone else? I mean I know 9 isn't "low" normally, but when the average is something like 98%, it is.
  5. What was the quote, it was said by a Halo 3 developer I believe, but it is still relevant. "But nothing will ever be good enough for the pople in this building...We always joke that at some point someone will have to come alomnh and prise the code out of our hands because we will tweak and tune right up till the final second." You can tweak, finetune and polish as much as you want. But no matter how good a game you want to make eventually the game has to be released and money made.
  6. I would be so tempted to get a 120gb hard drive if it wasn't for having to be on live so much. My connection can be really temperamental and I don't want to locked out of playing my arcade games when it's not working. If you mean for playing generally rather than just for getting the achievements, add me, I'd be up for a bit of multiplayer Aegis Wing. My friends are too stupid to get american accounts and it isn't the same playing with randoms.
  7. I hated Samus missle spam even more. My friend had an annoying habit of that.
  8. I love this thread.
  9. I'd expect it to be a suit rather than just a hold item, and firing it simply sends a fireball straight ahead of the direction Mario is facing.
  10. I'm one of those people baffled by the fact that people didn't get the fishing. I never even thought about it when I played, then when I finished and actually read the threads on it I was amazed to see people who were stuck for several hours over it. Weird.
  11. European show means I want European release dates. Galaxy, Brawl, MK, BWii will be an adequate result of this conference.
  12. Mudkip for victory.
  13. Omfg, that was genius! :D
  14. Never watched a Bluray or a HDDVD yet, and unless I buy a PS3, I won't for a while. I'm not jumping on board one side, just purely because the law of sod will bite me in the arse.
  15. Woo, finally got round to completing this, my first time! Loved every minute of it, theres never any areas which are frustrating hard, but it doesn't feel too easy either. Final boss was fun if a bit easy. Now I have until Bioshock gets here on friday to do the extras, then sometime next year I can come back and play through pro mode! The game was just pure awesome. How long are the Seperate Ways and Assignment Ada parts, and which should I do first?
  16. Fire Flower 3D! Thats the bloody stuff
  17. 7 gives me an RPG vibe, and having never played it I'll have a random guess at Tales of Symphonia?
  18. Didn't know about skate, and isn't Rock Band Wii going to be coming out later than the other two? I'm talking about in terms of the remainder of this year.
  19. 20gb is enough, it's just you dont actually get 20gb. You get like 13, with the rest taken up by back catalog update stuff. But if I have no intention of playing any back catalog games, can I not get the option to delete it, please?
  20. :yay:
  21. Does that mean it comes at no extra cost to the regular version, as long as I preorder?
  22. Why do you "hope the PS3 is left warming shelves"? Don't you want a competitive market to drive the industry forwards? And I don't think the rest of this year will particularly be dominated by any console. Wii has Galaxy, Brawl, MP3, BWii, Paper Mario. 360 has Halo, Bioshock, Mass Effect, PGR4, Eternal Sonata and Orange Box. PS3 has Heavenly Sword, Lair, Haze, Warhawk and UT3. And thats not including multiplatform games like Assassins Creed, COD4, Rock Band, Skate. If anything, I would say the Wii has the weakest of all lineups this year, especially due to missing out on these multiplatform games (with the exception of GH3). That doesnt mean to say its weak - I mean, those are some damn nice games. But Brawl isn't even going to be out in Europe, though if Ninty rumblings are to be believed maybe we will get MK instead, which is still strong. I know this is a Nintendo forum and all that, but sometimes people, you have to look at the bigger picture. Just because you haven't researched a console out of hatred for the company doesn't mean it has no good games on the way. For clarification, I have owned a Wii since launch and a 360 for about 4 months.
  23. Seems to me that its pretty much one dimensional...perhaps I'm ignorant, because I haven't seen anything on it other than the demo, but it seems like the sort of thing you could just play the demo a few times and the gimmick of the bullet time stuff would wear thin.
  24. Hmm, I can't really help beyond checking if its in range...Xbox.com should have something to help you out, compatibility details and such.
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