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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. How do you do fast strums? The bar is too cushioned to hit it down, bring it back to the middle, and bring it back down again with any kind of speed.
  2. Emo is just the latest term to come out that is now incorrectly used for anyone who wears anything remotely black. I get called an emo because I wear a black hoody to school instead of the school jumper. Not even a slogan or anything on it, just a small Nike logo. And that instantly makes me an emo. Same way people were generalised with Goth, Skater, Mosher, whatever in the past.
  3. I thought that only worked for the solo buttons on the RB guitar. Does it work with the GH2/3 guitars without having to strum?
  4. I was put off by the controls. Seemed kinda awkward. I'm sure I'd get used to them but after playing GTA for so long they seemed weird, also I didn't like the shooting/cover parts. Hand to Hand was great though.
  5. Gizmo

    GTA IV

    Don't think you're getting close enough then. He only shoots when its roughly lined up and close. Sounds to me like your not getting there fast enough and he doesn't have time to shoot any more than once.
  6. How can you use the RB guitar? The strum bar is so horrible. I tried it earlier, got half way through in bloom but I couldn't strum it fast enough. I like the feel of it, the buttons are great, the solo buttons are awesome, it's a nice weight. But that strum bar is horrid. Also, what would everyone recommend for DLC; I have 820 points left, having bought El Scorcho, Buddly Holly and My Iron Lung. Is it worth getting the full Boston pack or just More Than A Feeling? Also, is the Harmonix pack worth getting for 240 points? I was thinking with the 820 I could get; The Kill (160) Attack (160) More Than A Feeling (160) I Fought the Law (160) // Harmonix Pack (240) Annoyingly I'm like 60 points short of being able to get both.
  7. No, one cutscene is 90 minutes. Plus god knows how many others.
  8. Gizmo


    I thought that was Marco Fu at first.
  9. Think I'd probably get it on Xbox rather than Wii, if the only difference was the controls, but good news nonetheless. I like the sound of "parallel development" between Wii/Xbox/PS3.
  10. How exactly do you become an expert about something you do not know anything about?
  11. What is it with people and wanting MMO's on consoles? It's a PC concept, always has, probably always will be.
  12. The links on my Firefox toolbar are (in no particular order) Neogaf GameFAQs NEurope Wikipedia Yahoo TV Listings A couple of websites I'm not allowed to mention here, mainly used for "acquiring" music etc. Kotaku Youtube Kongregate
  13. I don't see a 360 MGS4 ever happening. You really think 90minute cutscenes are gonna fit on a DVD?
  15. Grrr. I ordered both on Sunday so it may well be lost indeed. Heads will roll for this.
  16. They managed to ship a huge box full of guitar and drums in 24 hours. Don't see the problem with getting the game here in similar time.
  17. Gizmo

    GTA IV

    Dunno what to say then. It's just something that happens or it doesn't. Theres no trick to it afaik, just try and stay roughly the same height and don't rock about too much.
  18. Frick. Still no game. I got the instruments on Tuesday, yet still no disc. They were bought in the same order but Play obviously like to piss their customers off.
  19. Thats a point. What's everyone called their bands? We went with "Barrs Cola" as it was the fuel for our pedal foot and strum thumbâ„¢. The empty glass bottle is now our mascot.
  20. Gizmo

    GTA IV

    Btw, when the chopper your chasing goes under the bridge, dont bother and turn straight away towards the open water. Keeps you much closer to the target.
  21. Probably so your house doesn't fall on you?
  22. Hahaha, apparently some Eastern European countries want Britains automatic qualification removed because it makes the competition "too biased towards the west."
  23. Play is the best price. There an extra £5 off to be had if you use Quidco.
  24. God damn. The postie just came and no Rock Band. Another 24 hours of staring contest with the drums it is.
  25. I think for once we can all agree on this one. Day 1 purchase.
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