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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Gizmo


  2. Yeah a half bottle I'd consider fairly standard pre-drinks. I've managed a full 70cl myself in less than one full night on more than one occasion, its not THAT much.
  3. Well we know for a fact that at least once we've been in the same night club on the same night. Though it was an end of term 10hr union night, so massively busy and very very drunk. Also, the union is huge, so even if someone you knew was at the same thing as you theres no guarantee you'd bump into each other in the course of a night.
  4. Just had the worst exam ever. It was nothing like the 5 past papers that I'd done yesterday, where I was averaging ~80-90%. The weighting of the marks was completely different, a couple of sections were missed entirely, and the parts that did come up that had done so before came up in ways more complex than before. Fortunately everyone is complaining about it which hopefully means the pass mark will be reduced accordingly...
  5. Probably not, hence why I added Charlie on Facebook, which lead to the entire discovery :p
  6. Jokes though. I hate Kushion... I have an invite to a night at Jellybaby on Thursday, but I'm probably going to be suffering from Wednesday / preparing for Friday so unlikely I'll be going.
  7. Somehow I've managed to not be around whenever he's been here. Tends to be weekends I guess when I'm generally away.
  8. Me and Charlie just had a weird moment where we realised we know alot of the same people in the real world, most notably being that my current flatmate used to live across the road from him... Not sure if this should be in good stuff or bad stuff really, we need a "creepy shit" thread.
  9. Except "come to mine for a film?" is a universal euphemism for "touch my penis?" I'm definitely in the camp of meeting up for a drink as being the right first date. Dinner/movie combo second, flat for a film 3rd
  10. Fuck that. I don't particularly remember prices going up last year but I might not have been out in the city centre around this time due to exams. The mistake you made was going to rubbish clubs like Kushion and Bamboo :p
  11. Haha I was very nearly at OCouture on Wednesday...damn. We decided to go to Viper instead, and I was the main proponent of the switch. How annoying! Mind you, OCouture is that awkward to find people anyway that bumping into someone you've never met and would only recognise from a pic might be difficult. That sounds promising to me re:your girl, keep us up to date on how it goes man. Yeah I'm heading there, Wednesday is my last exam so thats all day at the Beer Bar (then probs Viper again) and then Friday for the big one! My flatmate is on a GUU committee so I think he's able to get me into some perks like private bar and stuff, the main problem with DF is the queues so that should make it a pretty excellent night. Aye the Beach party was good, I was at that, but from getting out the taxi - getting a drink at the bar took me 2 hours - fucking queues!
  12. Where'd you head out to? (I'm sure I asked this last year aswell, but are you doing D*** F*****?) Also whats the chat with this girl? If you've posted about it already I must've missed it.
  13. Had a weekend of drinking / trampolining in Manchester and had a casual little cry on Friday night to a couple of friends about my situation. To be fair I had spent £40 on alcohol at "2 doubles for £5" Didn't realise it had upset me quite as much as it has until then. Frustrating that I can't do anything about it!
  14. Its not an "ask her out" situation. We were together, but only for a month or so before she moved to Reading for a job (I'm in Glasgow). So, given that we were so busy and would never be able to see each other, we decided to call it an "open relationship" thing. She now has a new boyfriend down in Reading, but clearly still has feelings for me. But we still will never see each other, so it's still pointless...
  15. Yep. Clearly we both want to be together but the universe conspires against us...
  16. Just gonna have another wee rant here... So last weekend I saw the girl I was with who moved to Reading for about half an hour. We were both in Birmingham to see the Trampoline World Championships and about half an hour before the end she spotted the big group of us on the other side of the arena and came over to say hi. That half hour was spent entirely with me just chatting, barely paying attention to what was happening on the arena floor. Even though we were in a big group it was a case of immediately abandoning everyone else and just talking the two of us. It was great. This weekend there is a trampoline event in Glasgow which I'm going to and which she was going to if she could. But I just got this text: "Hope you have fun tonight Im sorry to be missing it, but it might be for the best because Im still trying to get our brief meeting *last* weekend out of my head! :P Would also like to inform you that Scotland is blimming cold, haha. Hope you're fully recovered from Birmingham xx" How the fuck do I reply to that? What am I meant to say? How am I meant to take that?
  17. I'm sure we'll still be friends. We were totally amicable and grown up about the distance thing and both totally knew exactly what it was going to be. The thing that gets me is that I feel like in the reverse situation I would have texted her saying that I've met someone and so our thing was going to have to be over, we'll still totally be friends, we knew what it was, blablabla. But instead I got totally blindsided by it. Like I say, it's not like its unexpected or heart breaking or anything, I'll be fine, its just a bit of a weird one.
  18. Well this post became a bit excessive. Update on my "open relationship", if anyone cares. Just needed a place to vent I guess. Spoiler tags to save you guys from the wall of text.
  19. I am disappoint. I was rooting for the "its proof of higher dimensions" theory. Source for heroic's post: http://sanfrancisco.ibtimes.com/articles/232658/20111017/faster-than-light-neutrino-puzzle-was-einstein-right-or-wrong-special-relativity.htm
  20. For anyone unfamiliar: http://www.shiteshirts.com/
  21. Clearly my grandmother should have died at a more convenient time for me. Or else, if the post-mortem hadn't been delayed by 5 days and we could have had this all sorted days ago.
  22. My Grandmothers funeral is this saturday, which completely screws with the fact that my long distance "open relationship" girlfriend is coming up to see me this weekend. And since it's the only weekend I'll be able to see her until after Christmas, thats a bit of a pain in the ass. At least I was able to use the funeral excuse to get out of my course I was meant to be doing on Sunday, but its still even less time with her and I'm gonna be in a shit mood all of Saturday :/
  23. The idea was to experiment with the text only stuff, just for funsies
  24. Had a 3 hour lab which only lasted 10 minutes today. Win. having said that I instead need to be doing work at home, which includes becoming accustomed to using Linux. So as an experiment I am currently posting this from my VM, viewing N-E from a text-only web browser. It's kinda difficult to use this place without a mouse, it seems to be nothing but links everywhere :p
  25. First thing that comes to mind is this one... King_V losing his V
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