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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Pretty sure I've posted this on here before but meh. Just found it to show my flatmates the other day and just noticed this thread, so figured I would at least pretend to have at least a little talent. First half is me, second half is my sister. Video is from 2005 or something. This was probably one of the last competitions I did. If not the last, just by coincidence. Now that I'm at uni I've taken it up again, but I haven't done it even once for those 5 years and therefore I'm a bit shit these days!
  2. Sorry about not being around for the last week, I've moved to uni so freshers week = much sleeping, drinking and not alot else. The mafia could easily have won this if we had played properly, there was a missed opportunity to get another townie lynched, and for some unknown reason Tellyn was picked as a kill target even though his double vote and my force vote meant the majority we needed was only 1 kill away at one point. Yeah having only one description per character makes it far too easy to track who did what each night.
  3. To be fair I probably shouldn't have signed up for this. Just haven't had the time the whole game. Usually I have a huge word document to jog my memory of all the things that are said / discovered, but I haven't done that this time so I'm struggling to contribute much.
  4. im a smart man! nobdy cares a out gizmo being drunk! fuck ayou all then im going to watch telly
  5. I dont get it.
  6. Yess! I foud the rigth thread! awesikjem! I am moving to university tomorrow guys holy shit!! The enitre rest of my life will be decided by the next week, ,24 hours even! I t doesnt realyl sink in even wehn i say that,,, its bizarre! ebeen waiting 2 years for this shit guysm it doesnt feel real, i dont realise what it means" whant out for drinks tonight as a sort of "leaving do" haha and man, im stilldrunk even when i get hom, its crazy,. TOMORROW guyw! it decides everything\222222 fuck man, its crazy i cant wait! ask me anything. just realised ihow bad the typing is, i walsywa thought when i saw drunk postsi t was put on, but now i feel it! hahahahaha, TOMORROW BITCHES YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  7. Wow I missed the entire day phase there. Nice work guys
  8. Wow. So it seems we have like 3 or 4 to choose from. I'm not really sure who the best bet is at the moment so I'll hold off on voting til I've got more time to read the thread over again...
  9. Wow. So you have it back what, 24 hours? And then some arseholes hits you again. At least this time it was a cyclist and not a car I guess but god damn...
  10. My car is called "PeuPeu", because it is a Peugeot and I change my mind about it often. Since there are two ways to pronounce Peugeot, depending on what mood I'm in with it, its name changes between "Poopoo" and "PewPew". Also my guitar is called George and my Ukulele is call Youssef.
  11. Woopsie daisy. I'm a little disappointed that wasn't a bit juicer MadDog. Don't really get much from that :p
  12. lolololololol Scotland.
  13. So proud to be Scottish right now.
  14. Ze Yooniversity of Glesga. Staying in the Murano Student Village.
  15. But then I would have the option of ignoring it without having to trawl through 5 pages of the same old boring shit. And then when Jayseven or Ellmeister or whoever else with similar tastes to me posts a thread, I don't miss it because I couldn't be arsed to trawl through the shit.
  16. That was quite an angsty sounding post, so kittens.
  17. Nobody is "meant" to do anything, nothing is "meant" to happen, it just does, or it doesn't. The world doesn't work like a movie or a fairytale, its just a wet rock spinning round an unremarkable ball of fire.
  18. I've got one of them. heavily used though. Also got the set from the movie and about 4 others. Up in my attic atm, don't think I have any boxes though.
  19. Balls.dwefwef
  20. Another one for Moogles sig right here
  21. The suspense is killing me...
  22. I'm moving to University on Saturday. It will be godlike.
  23. You just set off an alarm bell in my head. So you're neutral?
  24. I have no idea of whether your power is useful to us or not, because I have no idea what your power is. You saying "I'm an investigator!" doesn't make it so.
  25. And my manhood is huge, but claims without any corroborration don't get us anywhere.
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